The plane that launched the cruise missile as it climbs away?

Lots of websites out there on how the Twin Towers couldn’t possibly have been brought down the officially described way, but not as much attention is paid to the Pentagon attack on 9/11. This website has more photos than written stuff, so quicker to get a rundown on this theory. Have to say that if the video which replays the impact over and over is unretouched or otherwise tampered with, it doesn’t look like a a plane going in. The last item on the page about the wall symbol is a bit much, however.

So, on this 4th of July weekend when we celebrate what this nation is supposed to be, time to get your conspiracy tin foil hat on and discuss what it’s become!

  1. rwest says:

    So all the names at the Pentagon memorial, that list the names and ages of the passengers on the plane as just made up? Yea, right.

  2. Dallas says:

    So who’s running for President that needs some hairball theory for a starter loon following?

  3. fr0mundacheese says:

    Uncle Dave Said: ” So, on this 4th of July weekend when we celebrate what this nation is supposed to be, time to get your conspiracy tin foil hat on and discuss what it’s become!”

    Regardless of what/who/how happened that day, don’t think for a moment that you have any independence remaining to celebrate. July 4th is truly now about BBQ’s, Beer and proudly waiving the flag of the same corrupt organization that oppresses them today.

  4. MeMongo says:

    This has been around for a while. Watch the “9/11 in Plane Site” documentary where they look at all of the footage that was available and could find no pieces of jet engines, or any other part of a commercial airliner that you ALwAYS see at crash sights.

    That being said, the aerial footage of the impact in the video from the above article is a little suspect to me. The explosion seems to be artificially overlaid onto other footage because for a couple of frames, it moves independently of its surroundings. This could easily be caused by a small aperture, low quality footage, and a high digital zoom, all of which are present.

  5. So what says:

    UUmmm if it was a “cruise missile” the plane would not need to do a fly by as the missile could have been released much further away. If the tin foil crowd said a bomb maybe. However, flying that close to the impact could lead to the aircraft being hit by debris from the explosion. If the plane was hit and crashed it would be hard to maintain the tango theory with a military aircraft laying alongside. While the leadership is known to do some dumb things, military pilots not so much, at least not while flying.

  6. MikeN says:

    So they flew into 3 buildings with planes, and for the 4th they used a missile? What happened to the plane?

    The real missile attack was against TWA 800 15 years ago. The New York Times reported on that early on, then the FBI comes in shows them a bogus video, and suddenly no mention of a missile, despite many eyewitnesses.

  7. Sue says:

    #2. Heres a hairbrained theory, an inexperienced Saudi terrorist, with only Cessna flying hours under his belt, was able to maneuver a commercial airliner for quite a distance, approx. 8ft? off the ground to hit the target. Experineced airline pilots say they could never pull it off. But this guy did.

    Yes, yes. I can certainly believe that.


  8. Derek says:

    The stupidity of this astounds me. It would FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR easier to remote control an airliner to crash into the pentagon than it EVER would be to cover up a missile attack in the middle of the day. I enjoy the occasional conspiracy theory, but this one loses all touch with logic and reality.

  9. Mikey Likes it says:

    So easy to clear up. Many cameras caught this event, yet we are shown nothing. The sheep are told what to believe, and they fall in line.

    What good reason would they have to confiscate the videos from the surrounding areas. Show the videos if you want this to end. Otherwise, their covering up the truth. It really is that simple.

    Go ahead sheep, say tin foil hat 10 times, use the term nutball, and then it will all be better. When mommy can’t protect you, it’s easier just to pull the covers over your head, and it will all go away.

  10. deowll says:

    Got to go with #8. They did hit a recently renovated section but they still killed a lot of people and the Bush admin was not happy about any of it so get over it.

    #2 Obama This guy has got enough video of him saying two or more different things to sink a super tanker. He’s made some staggering # of promises he’s broken from closing Gitmo to getting out of Afghanistan. He’s on video saying we’d be through with Libya in days not weeks then he’s on video denying he said it. Under his leader ship the Dems doubled the national debt in one year. If I were the Repubs I’d spend a fair amount of money running that video.

    According to what they were claiming when they passed the jobs bill we’d have been better off to have done nothing.

    Then they didn’t even pass a budget and ran on continuing resolutions and more or less left it up to the Repubs to get pass sort of budget while they screamed the universe will end if we slow down on the deficit spending. Meanwhile some money managers are saying we are in worse shape than Greece!

    The last budget Obama sent to the hill was treated like toxic waste by his own party. It had to get the least votes of any budget ever sent to Congress by any President because it got no votes.

    Nancy P. keeps saying that she’s always considered balancing the budget to be her #1 issue when she’s been Speaker of the House for many years and never done it and so does Reed only if that was them trying to balance a budget while doubling the national dept in one year and then not even bothering with a budget they need to be locked up as mentally incompetent.

  11. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #7, Sue,

    … an inexperienced Saudi terrorist, with only Cessna flying hours under his belt, was able to maneuver a commercial airliner for quite a distance, approx. 8ft? off the ground to hit the target.

    Once the plane is in flight there is extremely little the pilots do.

    Compare it to driving an 18 wheeler. To hook it up and maneuver around the yard takes some skill. Driving it down the interstate though is relatively easy once it is in gear.

    If you need to fly the plane into a building with no fear of having an accident, it isn’t hard. If you have no worry about passenger comfort or stress on the plane / engines there is little to stop you.

    BTW, none of the planes were flown 8ft off the ground. For any distance. But don’t let facts get in your way.

  12. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:


    Geeze you’re an asshole. Now you’re suggesting somehow Obama is mixed up with 9-11.

    Don’t let any facts or being on topic get in your way.

  13. Rick says:

    I saw pictures of shredded airplane piled up near the site, and there were pictures of one of the jet engines which punched its way through most of the rings of the pentagon complex.
    There were also eyewitnesses nearby that saw a plane fly over the pentagon, slowly turn around and then slam into the side.

    The outside of the pentagon didn’t look very damaged because it was hardened against attack (that side was one of the renovated parts), and the windows are 4 inches thick so they do not shatter even when a jet liner hits them.

    The REAL questions are here:

    1) Why did the USAF chase planes never go supersonic?
    2) Why did the permanent no fly zone area result in immediate deployment of the pentagon staff tasked with using the manned shoulder fire missiles?
    3) The Pentagon was the last plane to hit anything, why was the plane not shot down?

  14. Steiner says:

    I like the video showing the cruise missile with the American Airlines logo on the tail, the strips down the airframe, and all the passenger windows. If you look at the straps, you can see the red strip across them. Definitely photoshopped.

    I’m not saying that the Gov’t has done some strange and stupid things, but to pull something like this off without a problem, isn’t likely. Even the team that took out Bin Laden had months to plan an practice, but ended up losing a helicopter because they ran into temperature/altitude combinations that they hadn’t forseen.

  15. Mike Likey says:

    #14. “But hey, at least you got me fired up to hate my country for just a tiny bit.”

    Why in the world would you hate this country? The accusation is that elements in the gov’t. may have done this. You and your neighbors are your country, the gov’t IS NOT your country….get it straight.

    Or, are you one of those, “if your not with us, your with the terrorist” type of moron?

  16. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #7 Sue said, “inexperienced Saudi terrorist, with only Cessna flying hours under his belt, was able to maneuver a commercial airliner for quite a distance, approx. 8ft? off the ground to hit the target. ”

    You can’t believe that but you CAN believe the same pilot could pinpoint the exact course to drop his bomb or missile or whatever, then pull up fast and steep enough to avoid flying through his own blast wave! And, last time I read, Flight 77 wasn’t carrying armaments or certified for aerobatics so, what happened to the airliner and it’s load of passengers? If they didn’t fly #77 into the building, presumably, they landed (or crashed) somewhere else. Roswell, maybe?

    I know we got some pilots around here. The plane in the photo above looks to me to be a passenger airliner. I need a copy of Jane’s Commuter Combat Aircraft to find out what regional aircraft are fully outfitted to drop bombs. After all, they couldn’t hijack an airplane then make a pit stop at some FBO for a few bomb carrier modifications!


  17. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    BTW – I’m working on a poor cell signal and my tablet so I’m a liitle limited in what I can check on. I noticed the YouTube video in the reference article was was mirror image. I accidentally clicked the progress bar on the image an it took me to a Russian photo site.

    Anyone know how to spell Photoshop in Cyrillic?

    Don’t know anything, just sayin’.

  18. Sue says:

    “You can’t believe that but you CAN believe the same pilot could pinpoint the exact course to drop his bomb or missile or whatever, then pull up fast and steep enough to avoid flying through his own blast wave! ”

    Where in the world did you get that? Just because I doubt the official story doesnt mean I believe this one, but even if I did, I couldnt believe it was an inexperienced Saudi (notice I keep bringing up that the terorrists weren’t Iraqi, Afghani, or even Libyan but our good friends from Saudi Arabia, clever eh?).

    But on your theory, I’d like to know also where the bodies went. Since it seems none were recovered. Did they incinerate? I could very well be wrong about this, if someone has real proof…I’ll change my mind.

  19. Sue says:

    Just show a real video and everybody shuts up.

  20. bbjester says:

    Hmm, and all this time I was blaming the Pentagon cafeteria’s “taco day” for the explosion and fire on 09/11/01. Luckily they were having a plane crash drill on the front lawn that day. Otherwise the first responders wouldn’t have already been there to help.

    Seriously, I shouldn’t poke fun, but these conspiracy nut jobs just bring it out of me.

    09/11/01 was a terrible thing and I will never forget where I was that day. Nor will I forget the selfless acts of all of those who rushed in to help. They are the true heroes in this world, and they give me some hope for the future of mankind.

    (Starting to get a little choked up here…)

  21. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Sue–as has been said already==it doesn’t take much skill/experience at all to fly an airplane once it is up in the air and flying. Is 8 hours in a Cessna enough to be able to merely direct a large commercial airliner thru the sky to a point on the ground?

    Isn’t the evidence—yes?

    I would “like” to think I could do such a thing==if I wanted to. I like to think I can do just about anything with the proper introduction and native skill to do so. “You Know” flying a real airplane really isn’t that much different than flying a video game on a computer. 8 hours in a Cessna to acclimate one’s self to the motion of the airplane sounds like all that is needed to me.

    Once in a video game I flew a helicopter over Vietnam and dropped an H bomb on Hanoi. I wonder how many hours in a trainer I would need to make the real drop?

    Maybe YOU couldn’t do it. Thats a different issue altogether.

  22. Sue says:

    There are plenty of links to REAL Commercial Airline pilots with many years of experience who say otherwise. Maybe you are just better than they are. You can do the research, but I’m sure they will be easily dismissed as nutballs because you won’t approve of the sites that quote them. That’s OK.

    So where’s the video evidence bobbo….why suppress it?

  23. Sue says:

    Aw hell…here’s a link anyway. Not like it will do any good.

  24. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Hey thanks Sue. I did read the first pilot statement. All conclusions no facts. I went to the link and I’m just not going to watch a one hour video for what it might have. Its import should be summarized in 2-3 sentences. I assume the black box recovered shows the airplane descending and stopping suddenly? The fact that ntsb reconstruction differs from the 911 reconstruction is not persuasive to any point at all except different people produce different animations. So what? No proof. Not even the allegation of a fact contrary to what we all know/assume.

    Can you state any “facts” from your knowledge of your links? alternative theories?

    What pilot states its “impossible” or even unlikely that a person can’t fly a jet into a building after 8 hours training in a cessna and who knows how many hours on a video game?


  25. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #23–sue==what video evidence are you referring to? The plane is missing. The people on it are missing. I’ve never followed this conspiracy to keep up with the “issues.” Were no bodies at all found at the crash site–or what is the issue there if relevant at all?

    Missing airplane, missing people, explosion at Pentagon, ATC radar reports of sirplane going off course and on track to the Pentagon, what more evidence do you want?

    Again–maybe save your time because I just don’t have the interest in it. i only responded to the narrow issue of what it takes to fly a jet into the building. I’m thinking almost any of us could do it. Maybe the experienced airline pilots just don’t want to admit they amount to excess baggage when the plane is in flight?

    Please provide the direct link to anyone saying its impossible for a low time pilot to merely fly a jet into a building. I’d like to see it.

  26. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    I googled (body recovery pentagon 911). Getting nothing but blog entries, and not really sure what the issue here is. Seems to me if any passenger body was recovered that would be proof enough the plane crashed there? Whether or not it was also hit by a missle at the same time and location?

    Sue–please state as specifically as you wish what the exact alternate theory is and what facts back that theory up?

    My own theory: the plane was hijacked and flown into the Pentagon. How many people are capable of doing that, or how the altimeter was set, or why fighters didn’t go super sonic to shoot it down don’t affect the simple demonstrated facts of that day.

    Prove me wrong, even hypothetically.

  27. Sue says:

    Wow you read one and then you quit. Np need to watch the videos, just use your reading skills, as limited as the well may be. But here is a sampling for the lazy:

    Lt. Col. Jeff Latas, U.S. Air Force -“The things that really got my attention were the amount of descent rate that you had to have at the end of the flight, of Flight 77, that would have made it practically impossible to hit the light poles. [Editor’s note: Destruction of the light poles near the Pentagon by Flight 77 was stated in the 9/11 Commission Report.] Essentially it would have been too high at that point to the point of impact where the main body of the airplane was hitting between the first and second floor of the Pentagon. …”

    #2. Commander Ralph Kolstad, U.S. Navy – “At the Pentagon, the pilot of the Boeing 757 did quite a feat of flying. I have 6,000 hours of flight time in Boeing 757’s and 767’s and could not have flown it the way the flight path was described.

    I was also a Navy fighter pilot and Air Combat Instructor, U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School and have experience flying low altitude, high speed aircraft. I could not have done what these beginners did.

    #3. Capt. Russ Wittenberg, U.S. Air Force – “I flew the two actual aircraft which were involved in 9/11; the Fight number 175 and Flight 93, the 757 that allegedly went down in Shanksville and Flight 175 is the aircraft that’s alleged to have hit the South Tower. I don’t believe it’s possible for, like I said, for a terrorist, a so-called terrorist to train on a [Cessna] 172, then jump in a cockpit of a 757-767 class cockpit, and vertical navigate the aircraft, lateral navigate the aircraft, and fly the airplane at speeds exceeding it’s design limit speed by well over 100 knots, make high-speed high-banked turns, exceeding — pulling probably 5, 6, 7 G’s. And the aircraft would literally fall out of the sky. I couldn’t do it and I’m absolutely positive they couldn’t do it.”

    #4. Commander Muga – “The maneuver at the Pentagon was just a tight spiral coming down out of 7,000 feet. And a commercial aircraft, while they can in fact structurally somewhat handle that maneuver, they are very, very, very difficult. And it would take considerable training. In other words, commercial aircraft are designed for a particular purpose and that is for comfort and for passengers and it’s not for military maneuvers. And while they are structurally capable of doing them, it takes some very, very talented pilots to do that. …”

    And the list of Real Pilots goes on and on and on…..

    Now I know you flew a flight simulator and dropped an atomic weapon on Hanoi..all very impressive. So maybe you should go back to that page and just scroll down the list of pilots who think that you sir, are full of shit.

    That’s all Folks!

  28. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Well Sue–where are the links? As stated, I’d like to read more.

    And I agree, making a tight spiral and pulling 5-6-7 g’s is many times more difficult than simply flying a jet straight into the building.

    If the issue is that some radical altitude changes were required to hit the building, then the difficulty measure goes up. but how else do you explain the FACT THAT IT HAPPENED?

    Lets admit its a difficult thing to imagine–downright impossible even. But it did happen.

    What is your alternative theory? The bodies at the scene? Where they trucked in or what?


  29. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Found this: “Large transport category aircraft have design limits of about 3G symetrical and about 1.5-2G unsymetrical.” /// Point being any pilot claiming 5-6-7 g’s were probably pulled is speaking from a “private context”–most likely a fighter aircraft, not a passenger aircraft. Not that a 737 would crash when pulling 7 g’s–just it would have to be checked very carefully. Length of time in such high g’s would be important too. High G’s and high banked turns are very disorienting to people–you need training to handle it.

    I don’t know how many spirals it would take to lose 7000 feet in a 737. Newbies could lose that much altitude in a level 90 degree turn. ((Thats a joke!!))

    Jibber jabber!

  30. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #19–Sue, and the World of Sues==you say: “Just because I doubt the official story doesnt mean I believe this one, but even if I did, I couldnt believe it was an inexperienced Saudi..” ///

    Yes, the world of incredulity. Sue—-I doubt anyone as stupid as you exists. And yet, you post.

    I still can’t believe it.!<!!<!

    And the god in the gap, rolls over, screaming. My flock, my flock. Oh hell—just plane (sic!)===flock.

    Ha, ha. I crack myself up………rolling over.


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