My job involves shooting and editing video and computer graphics, so I know a little about where I speak. If this guy is trying to emulate the capabilities of 50’s shlock sci-fi, movies, he’s got it down cold. Bravo! If not, get him some real tools and training, then see what he can do because while this looks like crap, he’s got a lot of desire and heart. Or something.

  1. Oscar Castillo says:

    Wow! Final Cut Pro X really is as bad as they say.

  2. Mr Fog says:

    Too painful to watch. My 12 year old nephew does better on his laptop.

    I assume Mr Gamal is currently gainfully employed … at McDonalds.

  3. ray says:

    I can’t tell whether Uncle Dave is genuinely praising the video or being incredibly sarcastic.

  4. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    The heading may be a “clue”:

    Either the best or the worst…….kinda a tip off.

  5. ibookery says:

    The symbolism. The reflection of our self-destructive nature. It’s so deep.
    The Tripod aliens so ably represent modern society’s greed. Greed that will immolate civilization as we know it.

  6. chuck says:

    I fell asleep during the opening credits. Did anything happen after that?

    (The same thing happened when I saw Transformers 2.)

  7. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Like Republican tax policy, intergalactic war is a zero sum game.

  8. deowll says:

    Some of the silent movies had better effects.

    #8 Since you know nothing about intergalactic war including how one might profit from it I’ll just accept the fact you said nothing.

  9. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    do-ill==”one” always profits in a zero sum game.

    Just cause you ain’t the one, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

    Ha, ha.

  10. denacron says:

    I guess his last job of making cardboard spoilers for sedans didn’t pan out?

  11. two to the head says:

    My favorite part was the way over modulated sound track. Nice.

  12. ramuno says:

    The worst is people who can’t do any of this. The best is…well…way better.

  13. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: It’s a conundrum, wrapped in a fortune cookie that was baked too long.

    Hope that clears it up for ya.

  14. ArchtMig says:

    I had to bug out after about 3 minutes. I was starting to nod off. Like watching paint dry.

  15. Jim says:

    At least with 50’s movies they were using models and the perspective was usually at least in the ballpark. Plus their explosions were usually sparkler-related.

    Oh, and the actors usually at least moved around and screamed while models were exploding around them lol.

  16. How impressive
    Yet what of sept 11
    Was it one big conspiracy like my friend Cargo Bill insists at Tim Hortons ?

  17. Tippis says:

    …I think you’re being a bit unkind to the ’50s.

  18. Urotsukidoji says:

    These would be perfect special FX…..for Garth Marenghi’s Dark Place.

  19. dannythedog says:

    He must have terrorist ideas, given the material. Let’s sic the TSA after him!

  20. J says:

    The best part is I see demo reels everyday by the dozens that are worse and they come from people who hold degrees in Art/Animation/Design. That is because a lot of the schools (not the good ones) don’t teach Art or Animation or Design. They teach software. This kid obviously has no training and is self taught but his work is no worse than tons of people that do.

  21. jman says:


    that is truly sad

  22. Buzz Mega says:

    Running it at 25% speed really added a lot. In fact it made it 400% longer!

  23. martron3000 says:

    Throw in a few 3-D effects, and you’ve got a blockbuster on your hands!

  24. robublind says:

    Syfy channel is calling. Just add some women is bikinis and wrestling afterwards and we have a hit.

  25. sargasso_c says:


  26. bschuler says:

    Sadly, I think this is real. I noticed most, if not all, of the affects came from some video software program I had years ago that did one off effects, (smoke, fire, water,etc).

    I bet he got ahold of that basic software and just made the most, or least, of it.

  27. BoffotheClown says:

    After 2 years (judging from the dates shown on-screen) he increased his technique from “absolutely horrible” to just “very, very bad.” Wouldn’t you tend to use this time to hone your skills a bit? SHEESH!

  28. GF says:

    This is what happens when you use the ‘free’ After Effects Warez edition and you think you have talent.


    This guy is a 26 year old Egyptian viral video making comic genius.

  29. the answer says:

    I’m going against conventional thought here and will say he made it as a joke just so people can watch the train wreck and get the view count up


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