Planes, trains and automobiles — the Transportation Security Administration is now inspecting them all. And trolleys, ferries, subways and even private cars. For several years now, TSA has coordinated with local and federal law enforcement agencies to perform inspections and large-scale training operations through its VIPR (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) program, targeting random transportation centers and giving unsuspecting citizens its trademark pat-downs. (AFL-CIO wins representation of TSA agents)

TSA conducted more than 8,000 VIPR operations in the past 12 months alone, including more than 3,700 operations in mass transit and passenger railroad venues. In 2009, the total cost to taxpayers was $30 million. And now the agency is requesting funding for 12 more VIPR teams, which would bring the total to 37 squads and a budget of almost $110 million a year.

  1. Observer says:

    Obama didn’t start the TSA, nor did he greatly empower it. Anyway, the TSA is a government jobs program with a slant towards minorities. It is toothless, and irradiated.

  2. tpk says:

    VT plates read: Live free or die. ‘Bout sums it.

  3. billabong says:

    On 9/11/2001 my country turned into the old Soviet Union….I weep.

  4. Chocolate Moussolini says:

    “Boarding Pass Arrest: Nigerian Slipped by JFK Airport Security”

    Foreign national?
    No valid ID?
    Expired boarding pass?
    Not on passenger manifest?
    Hmmm. Dick seems to be in the right place. Welcome aboard,sir.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Well of course the TSA has to harass the bus and train passengers, the same way it does the plane passengers. Or people might start thinking, “screw the plane ride, I’ll take the train, and avoid the groping”. So apparently, this is more of an economical balance move. So the airlines don’t lose too much business. I’d still take the train, if I could. Train wrecks don’t kill 99% of their passengers, the way plane crashes do. And trains never crash into each other, the way planes have while taxiing and on take off. I’ll wage a lot of “incursions” don’t get counted as airborne crashes.

  6. lalaloopsie says:

    this sucks! i thought theses cars were for lalaloopsie dolls, but they turn out to be freakin retarded realy dumb trolleys! boooooommmm


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