Planes, trains and automobiles — the Transportation Security Administration is now inspecting them all. And trolleys, ferries, subways and even private cars. For several years now, TSA has coordinated with local and federal law enforcement agencies to perform inspections and large-scale training operations through its VIPR (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) program, targeting random transportation centers and giving unsuspecting citizens its trademark pat-downs. (AFL-CIO wins representation of TSA agents)

TSA conducted more than 8,000 VIPR operations in the past 12 months alone, including more than 3,700 operations in mass transit and passenger railroad venues. In 2009, the total cost to taxpayers was $30 million. And now the agency is requesting funding for 12 more VIPR teams, which would bring the total to 37 squads and a budget of almost $110 million a year.

  1. noname says:

    Isn’t the oath they take “preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States” mean anything?

  2. droozilla says:

    noname: In a word… No.

  3. deowll says:

    Hail! Obama! the new fuhrer! Don’t you worry guys Der fuhrer will protect you from those terrorist.

    The question is who is going to protect us from the nanny state thugs.

  4. noname says:

    I am beginning to think, Obama is a closet Repukitan. They both (Repukitan and Obama) seem intent on bankrupting America!

  5. rick says:

    Survelliance makes us free.

  6. Dallas says:

    Hmm…. so the commie, Muslim living ACLU that challenged the Cheney Administration when all this went down was right. Too late to belly-ache now, bitches. It’s the new normal.

    In five years when the GOP installed Supreme Court requires everyone to speak Chinese, just tell your sheeple spawn “my bad and good luck with that”.

  7. deowll says:

    Obama does not live by the laws of the Koran therefore he is not a Muslim. At one point in his life, while he was still a child, he would have been so classed because his “father” was living according to those edicts and so was Obama who was attending a Muslim school. According to some this means he should be put to death.

    Fascist and Communist doctrine have more in common than either Hitler or Stalin ever cared to acknowledge. In practice both turn out to be police state run by the elite members of the Party with the under people doing as they were told or paying the price.

  8. noname says:

    # 7 deowll said,

    “Fascist and Communist doctrine have more in common than either Hitler or Stalin ever cared to acknowledge. In practice both turn out to be police state run by the elite members of the Party with the under people doing as they were told or paying the price.”

    You left out Repukitan doctrine, as they also have “In practice both turn out to be police state run by the elite members of the Party with the under people doing as they were told or paying the price.”

    Obama hasn’t lifted a finger to stop this, therefore by his actions he is a closet Repukitan!

  9. two to the head says:

    Yeah but how many SWAT teams do they have? Probably not as many as the department of education…

  10. UncDon says:

    They want to stop all crime and prevent it from happening ever again — as if it were a disease that could be inoculated away.

  11. What? says:

    I welcome our new Stasi friends.

    A government program seeded with 37 mil (pocket change) could grow significantly. Maybe top out 50,000 people x $250,000 each annually = $12,500,000,000 per year from the taxpayers (plus $250,000,000 in equipment costs).

    Sounds like a WPA jobs program, except no bridges, dams, national parks, roads, or anything else is produced.

  12. EnemyOfTheState says:

    They are getting close. I can almost see the whites of their eyes. Quick, google “diy claymore”.

  13. rabidmonkey says:

    I for one do not feel safe unless they aggressively pat down every nursing home resident, school student, and grocery shopper from one end of the coast to the other. Please, oh dear TSA overlords, save us from our own selves. They should also tattoo big yellow stars on the forehead of anyone who complains about it when they get felt-up and groped. 😛

  14. rabidmonkey says:

    If you complain about it, you are a homegrown, lone-wolf terrorist of the nth degree.

  15. Publius says:

    Well thank God Bush created the TSA and Obama continued it. Freedom was overrated. You don’t worry about freedom when you are DEAD.

  16. rabidmonkey says:

    Why isn’t the public performing large-scale, peaceful sit-ins at these places where warrantless searches are being instigated? What has happened to our citizens? Where are all the protestors from back during the Vietnam debacle? Where’s OUR generation’s protestors? Folks, we need to start organizing rather than complain ad-nauseum via blogs. It’s good for spreading the knowledge, but what good is knowledge if it’s not used?

  17. UncDon says:

    I’m waiting for the Mad-TV skit of TSA agents who pat down themselves before going to work.

  18. Mr Fog says:

    when will groping become stroking?

  19. msbpodcast says:

    Fuck, if I have to shell out for that, I wanna go naked and have a happy ending.

    If the TSA don’t like it, they can tell that to my dick while they make sucking noises.

  20. Benjamin says:

    Once there was a Constitution that meant something. Throw the bums out starting with Obama.

  21. KMFIX says:

    you become your enemy.

  22. northern neighbour says:

    Uncle Joe Stalin would be proud of all those TSA and ICE thugs. must be unemployed KGB perhaps. America lost it’s freedom and nobody noticed or cared. actually as the US has (had) the best political system it’s sad really

  23. Chocolate Moussolini says:

    VIPR – intentionally slithery name?

    SWAT sounds like a silly little slap on the backside.

    SEAL teams might balance balls on their nose and have cute whiskers

    GREEN BERETS – an Irish drinking club in Paris?

    VIPR – you die!

  24. DarkFox says:


    That is all.

  25. MikeN says:

    These posts against the TSA strike me as an assault on unions.

    • 11BravoCibVet says:

      Assault it a proper word to describe what would likely happen should these marxist minimum wage pieces of shit attempt to violate my rights under the 1st 2nd or 4th amendments. War is coming and if, (like you) one doesnt support American sovereignty and the US constitution? That makes you a valid target. Death to the “New” World Order and any who support it! We are being transformed into a 3rd world police state shithole and all you can be concerned with and erroneously so is unions?! I bet your one of the cretins who voted for Obummer! So tell me, hows that working out for you huh? The vote is utter bullshit when msm and the council on foreign relation pre ordain ANY candidate long before they even stand a chance of being nominated! Wake up, load up, and RESIST!

  26. LibertyLover says:

    #25, HAR!

  27. LCR says:

    I carry. Fuck them.

  28. Chocolate Moussolini says:

    If I voluntarily decide to fly but refuse the scanner and get a groping, could I be found guilty of pandering?

    If TSA agents are paid to provide the groping, could they be guilty of prostitution?

  29. spsffan says:

    Actually, America lost its freedom in 1798 with the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts. It’s been a downward slope since then.

    Your Papers Please!

  30. John E. Quantum says:

    New graffiti spray painted on the base of the Connecticut Avenue Bridge over Rock Creek in DC

    “Those willing to sacrifice liberty in the name of security deserve neither”


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