See how peer pressure can force you to deny your true self.

  1. interglacial says:

    If you agree with this video you are just conforming to this guy’s opinions.
    Looking at his other youtube postings he appears to be a prosthelytizing atheist. I don’t beleive in god, but have come to realize that most people like this are not motivated by spreading the good-word of disbelief. Usually they are a members of a distinct group themselves (either religious or social) and are trying to undermine the foundations of others for their own gain.

  2. Josh says:

    I suspect any organization claiming to promote the concept of free thought. I mean, everyone in the organization would have to find a number of things to agree on that they wouldn’t individually.

    One time, a friend wanted me to go with him to a Freethinkers meeting. I couldn’t wrap my mind around going somewhere just to think freely with others. I mean am I not doing that all of the time?

    I went to Catholic school from Gr 1 to 12 and didn’t believe any of that god mumbo jumbo for a second, I just went along with it like the video talks about. I’m sure a lot of others did believe that crap but I just thought of it as a survival technique for people that needed it. If people need to believe there’s a heaven when they die or that god is always watching them like Santa Clause, fine.

    I find it funny that atheists seem to know the bible better than those that actually believe in it.

    I’m thinking some of those atheists were believers initially.

    Who knows…

  3. Hvac says:

    Have we gone back to the 60’s again “Question Authority” We need more of it, I am sick of everyone admiring the Kings new clothes trying to out do each other being more PC then the next.

  4. Dallas says:

    This video confirms what we already know – the origin of Sheeple behavior. Sheeple is a disease that afflicts the conservative mindset.

    Averse to change. Cautious about change or innovation so as to not be embarrassed or left out of the herd.

  5. Josh says:

    #5 I WAS lying, I don’t find it funny. I didn’t laugh once. And I’m a hypocrite as well because I since I don’t believe in god, I’m labeled as an atheist and I tried reading the bible but I get bored easily.

    But don’t say I’m suck up to anyone… that would make me a sheeple.

  6. chuck says:

    I agree with all the comments so far. But I completely disagree with any comments following this one.

  7. rwest says:

    I disagree with Chuck, however I reamin steadfast in my support of the previous comments as well.

  8. bobbo, in Repose says:

    Like everything else, there are pro’s and con’s to all we do. Conform or act independently is no different. Each have their role in time, place, and manner. Big difference in how you act ((go to Cath School for 12 years)) verses what you think ((independently)). How you “feel” vs how you vote.

    Its all a CHOICE.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  9. bobbo, in Repose says:

    Let’s parse:

    #1–The subject of the video is “being your authentic self”–its not about disbelief. Before you properly align yourself as for or against, you should correctly identify the issue.

    #2–As indicated, groups offer a range of interatctions from good to bad. If you are interested in cat fishing, you don’t go to a gun range and if you go to a meeting of cat fishers, you don’t have to adopt free hand techniques if you prefer dynamite. You would greatly benefit from learning to think more freely.

    #3–Yea, verily with the caveat that some piece of clothing is probably quite nice==even if only by accident.

    #4–More christian love? Excellent.

    #5–We find our humor where we do. Knowing one’s enemy is more important for the minority oppressed group than the majority oppressing group regardless of subject.

    #6–Perhaps more conservative mindsets are likely to conform, almost by definition, but conformity affects us all. Not being aware of it is just that.

    #7–Responding to Alfie?

    #8–Nice play.

    #9–Better play.

    #10–If you would take the time to view the fricken video before you spout off, you wouldn’t insufferably repeat the material.

    In conclusion: excellent video we should all take to heart. I quibble at 9:30: “I’ve never been inspired by anyone who’s encouraged conformity to the group.” I suppose this absolute statement is contextualized by the body of the video as conformity is stated to have several benefits that are worthwhile in their own settings. Uniforms to identify team players for example. Driving on the correct side of the road. Easy examples.

    Application to our own lives: Fox news?

    Think for yourself but keep your day job.

  10. Dallas says:

    #6 precisely! Progressives always lead the way to continuous improvement!

  11. mustardtits says:

    I categorically disagree with everyone on this board and have my own unique ideas on this subject.

  12. Thomas says:

    I find it funny that atheists seem to know the bible better than those that actually believe in it

    Except that this is true. Many studies, some done by Christian organizations, have been done that show that the average atheist know more about the Bible that average Christians. Not really hard to understand why. Most atheists were formerly Christian until they read the Bible thoroughly. I guess your brain needs to chalk up another fact that contradicts your world view to “liberal conspiracy”.

    What’s disconcerting about the video is the biochemical change in perception caused by group think. Goes to show you what politicians and advertisers have known for years: repeat a lie often enough…

  13. noname says:

    I would like to see if there are group think susceptibility studies that show a distinction between population centers, i.e; urban people, rural people and rustic isolated individuals. Also I would like to see if there are differences between various Asian groups vs. various European groups and various American States (Texas vs. New York). Lastly are there susceptibility studies that show a distinction between slavishly committed Conservatives, Liberals or Moderates.

    I would suspect the more ideologically committed one is, the more “bird of a feather sticks together” they are (to reduce disagreement with peers).

    Because more and more Americans are growing up in ever more dense urban communities and latch key; Americans are loosing our particularly “Yankee” American brand values of independent thinking.

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Repetition makes it true!
    Repetition makes it true!
    Repetition makes it true!

    Owning a home is the American Dream.
    Real estate never loses its value.
    They’re not making any more land!

  15. bobbo, in Repose says:

    #17–noname==do you really think people are that different depending on race/location?

    Nice highlight of a key to wisdom: recognizing we are all the same yet different at the same time and how to assess the proportions/applicability.

    The “take away” from the video was not to point fingers at everyone else however. No, it was an effort to get us all to look at ourselves.

    How/why do we think the way that we do and how do we change our minds?

    You have all the tools/resources you need have to look within yourself. What do you see?

  16. deowll says:

    #7 I’m a believer but I’m fine with you being honest about not believing. It’s those that try to harass me because of my views or even you because of your views that hack me off.

    Not all honestly held views can reasonably and prudently be shared with all people. If you think otherwise you are going to need a safe house, medical help, and maybe an undertaker if you fail to relocate fast enough.

    If you think otherwise go to Saudi and try to preach some other faith than the sanctioned version of Islam. That does include being and atheist.

  17. dadeo says:

    What he said

  18. Ranger007 says:

    I’m sort of simple — I was surprised when I saw the comments about religion, just didn’t strike that cord in me.

    My thought during the entire presentation? My thought was, “Duh?”

  19. bobbo, in Repose says:

    #22–Ranger==what do you mean by Duh? Usually it means something so obvious that it need not be mentioned or talked about? Is that what you mean?

    Now what besides studies like this one make you so smart?

  20. I am what I am says:

    No peer group would want claim Taxed Enough/alf so he would be safe from this kind of conformity

  21. noname says:

    Oh wise and wonderful “# 19 bobbo, in Repose”; pls tell us of you self insights? Bring forth those wonderful gems of self wisdom you hold. Tell us the learning from your many navel self examinations! Is it just belly lint or is it wisdom excretions?

    What B.S. “Nice highlight of a key to wisdom: recognizing we are all the same yet different at the same time and how to assess the proportions/applicability”

    Your above equivocation is self deluding at best.

    Simply put, people are different, cultures are different; in part because cultures have evolved separately due to geographic separations!
    Have you ever traveled out side the USA? Your so lame, you probably expect every town and place to have the same franchises and no geographic distinctness to them.

    In short cultures give rise to behavioral norms. It’s not a judgement, it’s a reality!

    Hum, do you think the culture at Enron is the same culture you have at work (assuming you work)?

  22. Ranger007 says:

    #23 said ” Usually it means something so obvious that it need not be mentioned or talked about? Is that what you mean?”

    Yes – that’s what I meant

    “Now what besides studies like this one make you so smart?”

    Don’t know if you are kidding there, but come on – a lot of you guys have been around (and still are) a lot more than I have – but I have always been arrogant enough to feel I understand human nature. And most times have been pretty close.

  23. Thomas says:

    I agree. I think population density is a factor for reasons mentioned in the clip: repetition of similar ideas. In the case of dense population, it is repetition by multiple individuals. I suspect Churches serve the equivalent effect in more rural areas.

    I think it is hard for individuals to stand in a different line than everyone else. “What are the odds that I’m right and all those other people are wrong?” is the general line of thinking. In order to break through such doubts, one must understand why they believe what they do so that they can determine whether conditions may have changed that would cause one to change their opinion.

  24. Thomas says:

    Btw, this concept of understanding why you believe what you do also explains people such as Alfi. His core belief system is that the Bible is infallible. That means that everything in his world must mesh with that core belief. He seeks people that enforces that belief. We can hope the day will come when he realizes that mistake but until then it explains his behavior of twisting facts to fit his world view. Any attack on that core belief is a threat to his very understanding of the world.

  25. bobbo, in Repose says:

    #25–noname==why all the hating? I’ve never been much into omphaloskepsis but epistemology stemming from psycholinguistics has always fascinated me. Not a far jump to the group dynamic of conformity wouldn’t you agree? Ha, ha, I crack myself up.

    Let’s see, what’s your complaint again?

    You think my advocacy of the recognition that the family of man is different yet the same at the same time is an equivocation, a delusional excretion to mix your metaphors? No. Just that I’ve said it before with more explanation and simply didn’t give the larger context: YES, people living in China/raised in China may be different than we living here in the USA but what is grounds for the bigger mistake in perception: that the Chinese are different from us in group conformity or pretty much the same as us in the USA? I’d guess we are all the same on this measurement–but that maybe we conform on different issues? THAT would make us the same yet different at the same time? Thats what I would assume, and thats not to deny that culture/regimes even more oppressive than our own Jingoistic American Exceptionalism might not apply. I’d just have to see the data before my natural skepticism/wisdom about my species was rebuffed.

    Applying this to your next issue: yes, I expect most towns to have franchises, we are all the same that way, but the franchises often are different, making us different at the same time that we are all alike. And while things are changing, it was interesting to travel in China and Russia when they first opened up. Nothing I would call “franchises” in evidence in those countries. A real difference without the similarities. Holy Cow!!! Good thing wisdom allows for exceptions. And now 30 years later, franchises all over the place. Normal state of affairs has worked its will. Amusing?

    Let me pick a larger piece of lint and suggest to you that you are only engaged in half analysis. Of course those in China grow up in a separate environment/culture/history than those in the USA. That allows for differences. But how does the same process demonstrate the Chinese are the same as we in the USA nonetheless? Before you drive to your conclusion you must compare and contrast–not just one without the other. You see your basic mistake? Yes, compare and contrast. How are we the same yet different at the same time?

    Same with Enron and where I work. I assume everyone everywhere at all times laughs at the Boss’s jokes and admires his kiddies pictures? Perhaps at Enron the boss is still to busy cheating the public to share family photo’s? That would be a difference but I’ll bet he loves his kiddies too? I’ll bet the boss has a reserved parking spot just like where I work? Humans form themselves in hierarchies just like all other ape societies. Yes, APES!!! We are like them and not at the same time as well. What do you think accounts for that?

    Thank you for letting me pontificate for a change. I haven’t done that since I got off the phone just yesterday.

    Imagine if I weren’t in Repose?

  26. bobbo, in Repose says:

    #26–Ranger==you magnificently aver: “but I have always been arrogant enough to feel I understand human nature. And most times have been pretty close. /// Why is understanding human nature “arrogant?” An unexamined life is not worth living its been said. Of course you/me/we/noname all understand parts and degrees of our very selves. Did you know that people could be equally influenced by many people telling the same lie as easily as a few persons telling the same lie? I’d think that would be a bit harder to figure out than the awkward feeling we get when forced to tell grandma we love her knitted underwear? Is your self control as absolute as looking at lines of different lengths as it is when its just a bright light in a dark room?

    So, while the general subject is known to us all, wasn’t some of the detail interesting nonetheless, or did you devine this all thru self inspection? Kudo’s in either case. Its good to know one’s self. So few of us do—as well as we think we do.

  27. bobbo, in Repose says:

    #28–Thomas==would it amuse you or repell you, the notion that we and Alfie are the same yet different at the same time? I posit we are all the same: we all carry around core beliefs that blind us to reality that most others see quite clearly. Our difference is that we all develope differnet core beliefs. Now here is the clever thing: as we make fun of Alfie and actually really tend to disbelieve he is so blind to his own shortcomings, can we recognize our own humanity in his failings? Can we look to ourselves and see our own failings? Our own core beliefs? What might those be? Like group conformity, once recognized, can we control it or be trapped nonetheless or while still trapped at least understand our existential malaise?

    I can certainly think of 3-4 core beliefs that have not served me well in life. I fight against them. Ha, ha. I wonder what core beliefs actually serve anyone well? Are they more like the little ditty that reviews the 50 states: mostly if not all negative?

    Once aware, do we not have a duty to act?

  28. bobbo, in Repose says:

    #32–Say Alfie: do you recognize you have “core beliefs” or would you express that idea in different words? If so, what would be those core beliefs? If religion is a core belief, what flavor? Re politics, all I can tell is that you are “anti-progressive” but I don’t see much “conservatism” in you either. Not a “standard” set of core beliefs there. Have you rolled your own? If you recognize any such organizing principle to your world view, do you see it as a strength or something to be guarded against? Do you have any doubts about anything or are you all in on all subjects?

    Progressive minds want to know.

  29. noname says:

    # 29 bobbo, in Repose

    “why all the hating?” No hating, at least I hope not! Maybe some ire but not hate.

    My response was a distillations of 3 things I noted in your #19 response:
    1.) the apparent opaqueness of an illogical equivocation.
    2.) A blatantly erroneous mis-characterization of my post, implying I was “point fingers at everyone else” by my suggestion for more “COMPARE and CONTRAST Studies” across peoples and cultures to better understand the human nature of group conformity.
    3.) An a seemingly Taoist Philosophical B.S. equivocation that my questions are best answered by “look within yourself”.

    In regards to 1.); I think you are saying in #29, in clarifying your comments in #19; that all people(s) have a set of qualities/attributes and these sets of qualities/attributes overlap with all people(s) much like Venn diagrams normally show overlapping circles; showing both similarities and differences at the same time. In this light your equivocation #19 is logical and correct; my bad for not realizing this the first time.

    My first take of your statements in #19 was that of a Politician who can’t give a simple ‘yea’ or ‘nay’ answer but instead equivocates to sound smart.

    By nature I dislike equivocal responses; as I see them as typically being cheeky, rhetorical and/or a cowardly way of never being wrong.

    With 1.) aside, my statements in #17 were nothing more then a feeble attempt to better understand, by suggesting out loud for more “COMPARE and CONTRAST Studies” across peoples and cultures. I believe in this way, the human nature of conformity can be better understood.

    The suggestion is not an attempt to point fingers nor are the answers inside me!
    To say that the answers are in me, is; to put it mildly, simple B.S.

    Regarding your 1st question in #19 “do you really think people are that different depending on race/location”. Yes I do!! And, yes there are universal human qualities all people share and that by acknowledging people are indeed different doesn’t imply a judgement or necessitate a criticism!!

    By ignoring these differences, you demote people too nothing more then replicantes or automatons.

  30. GregAllen says:

    I don’t deny that I’m influenced by a group. It’s foolish to claim otherwise.

    The few times I’ve individually fought the group (work, club, church, boards, etc) it was a painful experience, bordering on traumatic!

    I’ve learned some hard lessons. If you take the group head-on, you almost always lose. And, you pay a long-term price in lost personal capital.

    Subversion works MUCH better. Don’t take on the group’s “alpha male” directly. Instead, plant an alternative proposal in the minds of the beta and gamma dogs.

    Then, at the vote, if can peel off even a handful of dissenters, the proposal often gets tabled for further study.

    Volunteer to do that study. Then, you have a chance.


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