1. bobbo, in Repose says:

    The majority of description were “not very complimentary.” Sounds about right.

  2. Mark III says:

    This guy sees nothing good in any state, apparently. Perhaps Cuba is more to his liking.

  3. msbpodcast says:


    We only got 10 provinces and a couple of territories, oh and Nunaavut.

    The piece would have been over in seconds, eh?

  4. admfubar says:

    #2 damn did you miss the point!!!

    and now… i read this in a fortune cookie once.. 😀

  5. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Hilarious, but often too fast-paced to fully enjoy the humor before moving to skewer the next state.

  6. I thought there were 57 states.

  7. GlowingApple says:


    Puerto Rico, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Libya, South Korea, and Guantánamo?

  8. grandpa says:

    Wow, this sucks on an iPad. Can’t see a thing.

  9. foobar says:

    Cough, College Humor?

    You guys did go to college, didn’t you? Or at least drink and have fun when you were young, right? Or kissed a girl (or boy)? At the very least done peyote and clam dip?

  10. Mark III says:

    #4 No. I did not “miss the point”. The guy is a sarcastic turd with too much time and money.

    Perhaps you just miss MY point.

  11. foobar says:

    #11 Seriously dude, peyote and clam dip.

    Trust me.

  12. Dallas says:

    That was cute and agree with the summary!

  13. GregAllen says:

    Usually they tease us Oregonians about the rain but the “dreadlocks on white people” is kind of accurate.

    We also have an unusual amount of teens and 20s dressed in 70s punk rock garb.

    I am tempted to tell them that I saw those guys in the day, but I don’t want to spoil their fantasy.

  14. wirelessg says:

    American Film Institute paid for this in their “50 States, 50 Insults” series.

    Probably the next National Campaign Manager for one of the political parties.

  15. President Amabo says:

    And we’re still superior in all ways to all the rest of Earth. Sad commentary.


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