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Where is Axl when you need him?
God damned region restricted duchebags! >_<
What possible harm could there be in showing it without restrictions?
#2. Go to College Humor..the source, maybe you’ll have better luck there.
I’d like to see these two blokes doing Stairway to Heaven.
Does make we wonder: where has the R&R gone? Everything I have heard for a few years now is Pop, Country, or Rap. New Age, Celtic, and Reggae is quite good but its not good ol’ Rock and Roll. Not Ballads, not Arena Rock–who today is writing/performing the latest Rock?
Stephen Colbert just got thru with his week of Colbfest launching his new record. None of those artists did it for me. Florence and the Machine was closest–just not the right song. Did amuse me when Jack White said he admired Captain Beefheart. NO ONE likes Captain Beefheart, well ok–Zappa on drugs likes Beefheart.
Who’s the next Who?
I like Project Trio, same genre.
BTW, Project Trio makes all that noise on one take with a flute, bass, and cello. Hard to believe, but I saw them do it once. The flute player, Greg Patillo, is freakin’ amazing.
OLO–great link. Just what I was looking for, good music. Reminds me the guy in Jethro Tull said he wanted to be a guitar player but saw Clapton and decided to change instruments.
Music speaks to many people.
Post #9 was for the link in Post #8.
I just have to comment that the link in #7 has the best stereo separation I have yet heard on YouTube. For a while there I was thinking YouTube downgraded to mono.
Really good stuff. and yet…….makes me appreciate Axl all that much more. Depends on the mood one is in?
Agree, this is fun stuff. They’re a lot better to watch than hear. Crack your nuts.
Oh, and what I mean is that their CD is great, but video is better.
These guys should square off with Charlie Daniels and do “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”. How cool that would be!
#6 where has the R&R gone?
This is the result of kids playing too much Guitar Hero and not enough real guitar.
Here is a tune from a few years back you won’t hear on Guitar Hero. It’s in two parts if you want to hear the whole thing-
Not sure why but it keep buffering. What I heard sounded real good. Graphite makes a great fiddle.
Wonder how they would sound doing “The devil went down to Georgia” or hitting some hot Cajun licks.
“The uploader has not made this video available in your country”
Zappa never did drugs.
These guys rocked!! Love to see them do some Rolling stones or maybe Deep Purple…
Vitamin String Quartet – find it in itunes – much better version
#17–Cursor==ha, ha. Yes, I forgot that. So….in other words…..NO ONE likes Capt Beefheart? Although I do recall Zappa saying he did like Beefheart, or got some inspiration from him? Inspired as to what not to do I would have to take it, like not eating the yellow snow?
That would have to be some powerful magic stew.
#20. I saw Beefheart in a concert around 1972….he was booed off the stage.
#21–McCullough==wow! Can you remember who the main act was that you actually went to see or did Beefheart overwrite your memory?
I had a roommate who would play Beefheart when he wanted guests to leave the apartment. Worked flawlessly.
#23. Yeah, he opened for Jethro Tull. It was King Crimson, Beefheart and Tull.
He came out prancing around the stage throwing pixie dust…it went downhill from there.
I believe GA ticket prices were around 7 bucks.
Man I feel old.
Thanks for the post, I just bought both their songs. Looking forward to an album.
And just for the record, I wish I was in Glastonbury.
# 24 McCullough said, “Man I feel old.”
You ARE old. I remember my wife and I went to see the Stones and I think the two tickets cost around $20! Amd FREE parking, young man! (For the children among us, the Stones was not a geological exhibition.)
Very cool.
I’d hesitate to disagree even slightly with Bobbo at #6, but I like Captain Beefheart. I’ll admit Troutmask Replica is hard going unless you were the right age at the time but ‘Safe as Milk’ and ‘Clear Spot’ are an easy listen if a little off the wall.
Saw him with the Magic Band in 73 or 74 and they were flying fast and high. It made other bands sound like they were flying like a Lead Zeppelin. The Long Looming Note seemed to go on for several minutes before the band erupted.
Now I guess i’m an ‘Old Fart at play’.
Those low camera angles make them even “edgier.”
Ha, ha. Jess–you got one bad mofo taste in noise. Its good we can all find our oeuvre? Speaking of Led Zep–ever hear “Dred Zeppelin?” Fantastic cover band, one of the most clever acts I have ever seen still to this date: Do all the Zep songs but the lead singer is dressed like and is a dead ringer sound wise for Elvis Presley===then they do all the songs in a Reggae beat.
Great stuff.