“There’s an old woman! Get her!”
When will the public-at-large stop saying “It’s better to be safe than sorry” and begin to say, “Enough is enough!” This begins by voting out all members of Congress who support this insane agency.
Jean Weber of Destin filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security after her 95-year-old mother was detained and extensively searched last Saturday while trying to board a plane to fly to Michigan to be with family members during the final stages of her battle with leukemia.
Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.
And note the stooge for the Agency chimes in:
Sari Koshetz, a spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration in Miami, said she could not comment on specific cases to protect the privacy of those involved.

Found by Sergei Mutovkin.
#24–Animby==thanks. If you get to unpack and learn the area, it would have benefits worth the burdens. Seems we both tend to the ignorant and diseased, with different tools and outcomes? Personally, I’ve always done better when people don’t understand what I say.
I love this tough talk from the liebertard branch of the loony bin.
So manly.
If you wear a diaper on your head you are less likely to be asked to take it off.
I was at a large retail store actually buying something this weekend. Standing in the checkout line while my stuff was being rung-up/scanned there was a problem with one item. The checkout girl re-scanned, tried the “Enter Prod Code” routine, all fail multiple times. I noticed that the other checkout lanes are experiencing the same.
Suddenly all the cash registers beep, the emergency fire lights flash (once), the store PA system squelched (once), and that was it. I took it to be the store network system doing a reboot/fail safe reset blah blah blah.
The lady behind me in line with her three children, however, gasped at the beeps, went white at the fire lights, and screamed, “OMG! What is going on?” when the PA burped some static. She instantly burst into tears and her children began to panic crying and asking mommy what is wrong. The woman was trembling and basically freaking out over nothing.
Welcome to a monkey see, monkey do reality of ignorance. Janet has done her evil work so well I must commend her. Well done bitch.
Do you get paid for this work you do overseas?
Come on…everyone knows that TSA stands for Travelers Sexually Assaulted.
The answer to 99/100 of problems is money. The obvious solution here? Stop Flying!!!!!
Please spare me about how you MUST fly, for a small percentage of the sheeple, that is so, but lets be honest, most of the flying we do is not mission critical. When the airlines start canceling flight after flight due to lack of interest, then, and ONLY then, will you see some real reform, if not abolishment of this Neo-Nazi agency. Do you really need to go to Disneyland again?
I fly out of JFK and as a pilot I view the TSA as a joke. I am subject to a search right before I strap myself in the the cockpit with 42,000lbs of gas behind me and the TSA confiscates my leatherman. Meanwhile, every person working ‘below the wing’ ie the baggage handlers, fuelers, cleaners, gate agents etc. swipe a SIDA badge at a door and walk right through with NO search.
Ever wonder how the Jetblue flight attendant was able to slide down the slide and get on the airtrain and home so quickly? THERE IS NO SECURITY DOWN THERE.
The TSA can’t seem to figure out that entry vector- scary
The obvious answer is for the government to purchase every empty seat on every flight. It’s not fair that the airlines have to suffer because of a few Teabaggers wanting to let terrorists in our country.
The Department of Homeland Security should have never been created. The only reason to create this abortion was the craven cowards elected to Congress and our sorry president at the time wanted to do something to make the more naive members of the public think they had done something to make everybody safe.
Airport security should have been managed by the states except at international airports on incoming flights, increasing security measures on planes like requiring stronger doors and sky marshals.
I would empty the contents on the table for them to eat..
A country that will tolerate this will tolerate anything, so it’s basically… over.
Anyone who finds this to be an outrage should probably start thinking of themselves as part of The Resistance.
# 36 LibertyLover said, “Do you get paid for this work you do overseas?”
For the contract work, yes, though not close to what I would earn in practice back in the States.
For the work like I’m doing now, nope. I’m even paying my own travel expenses this trip!
But, I’m not independently wealthy. Sometimes I need paycheck.
#44, Good to know there are doctors out there who would rise to the challenge to help those who need it.
Thank you.
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