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Incidents such as this is where the Thunderbird myths came from.
Birds so large they could only take flight at the leading edge of a thunder storm’s winds were supposedly able to make off with buffalo calves . . . while in flight.
Now that’s a big-assed bird.
I never realized eagles were capable of making off with fawns. That’s aint’ small either!
FUNdamentalist Christians claim that the Thunderbird myth is proof that pterodactyls were still flying around a few hundred years ago.
I for one welcome our new bird overlords
“I doubt this has happened before and I doubt this will ever happen again…”
Kinda shows a lack of imagination.
I figured it was fake when the eagles lifted Frodo and Sam to safety, but I guess that stuff happens.
Some early fossils of human like ape babies show the marks of having been taken by eagles. So do not leave your baby out for an eagle to eat however that is about as big as they can haul. Please notice this bird didn’t manage to get lunch home on the other hand it certainly got it off the ground.
Must be a female unicorn.
#2, Uncle Don,
And they don’t lie.
If a bird that big ever crapped on my car I wouldn’t care about no stinking endangered list!!!
I have seen local eagles lift road kill raccoons that are probably 10-12 pounds. Young fawn would be about that weight.
I don’t understand why the deer would short the line out though. It is just laying on the line not grounding to anything.
#10. Just like when a bird sits on a power line. But I didn’t bother to watch the video. Maybe the deer made the lines cross when it hit them. But then, wouldn’t the deer be fried? Hmmmm.
a baby fawn??? are there such things as adult fawns? where are they finding these quality reporters???
Come on! No santa claus jokes from you people?
Off topic rant — local news.
About 80% of what that “citizen” woman said is just mind-gelling blather that should be edited out.
The local news here does the same thing. A typical story includes an interview with a witness, “I was watching the TeeVee with my boy when we felt this big ole’ crash. I thought a car hit the house but … blah blah blah ”
It adds nothing to story.
As Richard Pryor once said: “The Eagle got blamed because he was in the vicinity.”
what a slur on our noble national symbol.
We’ve got a nesting hawk around here–too small to take out the cats. That would be fun to see and give our squirrels some breathing room.
Even more bizarre: the 3:5 aspect ratio of the web movie contains a 3:4 aspect original video that has been stretched to 9:16. The fat lady is now the extra plus fat lady.
Why are the aspect ratios so screwed up? I asked an engineer.
“Because we can.”
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