Whale sharks are filter feeders. This person should be perfectly safe however I’m not really sure what happens if you get filtered out of the water by one. I’m perfectly willing to let someone else find out first.
Man, some folks can’t seem to take a dump without making it a political issue. Get a life and accept that the world will keep doing what it does with or without you.
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Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
Easy now big fella!
“I really should retire” thought wildlife photographer Jonah Metzelmier
Catch me if you can!
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” — Steve Jobs
Now the beer goggles are off…
Even bottom feeders must surface once and a while..wait! is this politics? na maybe
This is Government debt….
This is what Government debt will do to you…
Any Questions??
Kritie Alley: “Hey buddy, you wanna be my new dance partner. Hey, where are you going?”
After a long day of filming, underwater photographer Jonah Christianson is ready for a big lunch.
#3,8-10: Alfred, you sure have a one track mind.
Cripes. Do Republikans do anything other than whine?
With Rebel Lures’ new Leviathan Hula Popper, you can catch the REALLY big one!
Did you ever shart a wet-suit?
Help, a large whale is about to consume me.
– No, no, no. You’re way out of tune. Try again, but this time in C#.
-OK,…. LAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Proof the Bible is true.
Whale sharks are filter feeders. This person should be perfectly safe however I’m not really sure what happens if you get filtered out of the water by one. I’m perfectly willing to let someone else find out first.
Man, some folks can’t seem to take a dump without making it a political issue. Get a life and accept that the world will keep doing what it does with or without you.
#25 It’s Political Tourette Syndrome.
Hmmm….big fish,littlefish oh well, that’s life.
“Ok, ok, you like Palin! Sorry I said anything!”
“I’m in the mood for looooove!”
Deep shit don’t get much deeper than this.
Chuck Norris goes fishing.
I think we are going to need a bigger boat?
Why is that catfish wearing silk stockings?
They really have come a long ways with fishing lure technology over the years. This one looks almost human.
Mark Zuckerberg and his “eat what I kill” campaign gets off to a big bang.