A Russian T90 shot with a Photron camera.

  1. deowll says:

    Getting that kind of power out of laser is going to take a while but the laser is an if you can see it you can hit even if its a hundred miles up.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    Thanks for that article on the T90.

  3. Some Guy says:

    Very . . . erotic.

  4. MikieV says:

    Live round?

    Hardly any recoil evident in the barrel, or the tank as a whole.

    Would explain the muzzle-blast…

  5. JD says:

    That’s some smooooth recoil. The boys probably didn’t even spill, shake, or stir their vodka.

  6. John E. Quantum says:


    You’re welcome.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    6 frames of the shell and tens of thousands of frames showing the smoke.

  8. The DON says:

    If you go to the photron site, under gallery look in Biomechanics for a raspberry


  9. oldman says:

    The recoil is more obvious in the second video. There’s probably not enough frames in the first video to show the recoil. The 1st video appears to be played back at a slower speed than the 2nd one.

  10. very cool. I want one of those cameras badly.

  11. jdmurray says:

    I was going to stand next to the turret to feel the “Whoosh!” of the shell, but now I think not.

  12. B. Dog says:

    Yep, cool. I want one of those tanks.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    The disadvantages of not using a muzzle brake.

  14. President Amabo says:

    I love explosions. I with there was an all explosions, all day TV channel.

  15. TD Phillip's student says:

    In 1959, my Sophomore physics class teacher was a retired Navy researcher.
    He shared photos & details of high speed photography of 2 foot long samples of Polaris solid rocket fuel burning.
    The stuff burned at 3000 ft per second & they captured the burn with a rotating mirror focusing on a long strip of film.
    The object was to determine the uniformity of burning of various fuel mixture samples.


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