BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. (AP) – Detectives say child sex charges could be filed against a Southern California teenager whose hand is shown up the dress of a 15-year-old girl in a yearbook photo.

Students at Big Bear High School were asked to turn in their yearbooks last week after the photo was discovered inside the memory book.

San Bernardino County sheriff’s detective Jeremiah MacKay says the background of a school dance picture shows the 17-year-old boy’s hand inside the girl’s clothing in a way that suggests a sex act.

This apparently blurry photo became the statewide rage as it was deemed child porn by the local authorities and all the yearbooks had to be recalled. The Sheriff and his douchebag staff should be recalled instead. Meanwhile, one San Berdo Deputy Sheriff was caught having sex with a 15-year-old. And here’s an article on how Sheriff Hoops goes easy on his pals involved with teen girls.

Proud San Berdo Sheriff, Rod Hoops, Proudly
Wears American Flag. What a Patriot.

Found by Aric Mackey who adds that, for kids today, getting to second base is now a felony.

  1. Just askin' says:

    # 6 Taxed Enough Already Dude said,

    #5 When I was 17, I dated 17 year olds or older, not 15 year olds…

    And none of them had four legs and lived in the barn?

  2. fred says:

    #33 LibertyLover

    #32, Beer.

    Wow, that’s powerful stuff! Do you export it?

  3. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I know that some years ago in NC there was a specific point in law that the age difference had to be greater than 5 years for statutory rape/child sex charges. This was in the law to keep ridiculous prosecutions like this from happening.

    Unfortunately, in the current political climate, this may have been written out of the law.

  4. LibertyLover says:

    #35, No. We need it for our own “medicinal purposes.” However, I can tell you how to use it should you ever come into a supply.

    Apply and rub gently.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    # 30 spsffan said:
    “… Heck, back in the day when this country was founded, they would have been expected to have 2 or 3 children by now.”

    I’m not sure, but I don’t think so. I seem to have read that in those days most girls didn’t get their first menses until the age of 14-16. Today it happens as early as 9-12.

    # 32 fred said:
    “In an extremely puritanical, christian country like the USA, where every form of sexual encounter appears to be immoral, illegal or both, I am most curious to know how the population ever managed to reach 310 million.”


  6. TThor says:

    Oh brother…. and this is what the police is wasting their time on???

  7. GregAllen says:

    As for a sex crime — if it is indeed a girlfriend (I didn’t see that fact in the underlying article), then I have a hard time imagining any charges being filed.

    But it’s a no-brainer that this yearbook needs to be recalled. Schools can’t be publishing that kind of thing.

    But can’t they just rip out the offending page? Or black it out?

  8. GregAllen says:

    >> Cap’nKangaroo said, on June 22nd, 2011 at 2:49 pm
    >> This was in the law to keep ridiculous prosecutions like this from happening.

    Notice that the articles say “may” or “could” be prosecuted.

    This seems mostly like another blogger hubbub.

    We need to coin a term for these kinds of stories — some obscure news item that catches fire in the biosphere for about two days and is forgotten.

  9. passingby says:

    Calling consentual touching/sex between two minors ‘child porn’ is ridiculous. Sound like some sort of religious “sex is bad” thinking. What are they supposed to do, suspend all sexual urges until they’re 18?


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