BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. (AP) – Detectives say child sex charges could be filed against a Southern California teenager whose hand is shown up the dress of a 15-year-old girl in a yearbook photo.

Students at Big Bear High School were asked to turn in their yearbooks last week after the photo was discovered inside the memory book.

San Bernardino County sheriff’s detective Jeremiah MacKay says the background of a school dance picture shows the 17-year-old boy’s hand inside the girl’s clothing in a way that suggests a sex act.

This apparently blurry photo became the statewide rage as it was deemed child porn by the local authorities and all the yearbooks had to be recalled. The Sheriff and his douchebag staff should be recalled instead. Meanwhile, one San Berdo Deputy Sheriff was caught having sex with a 15-year-old. And here’s an article on how Sheriff Hoops goes easy on his pals involved with teen girls.

Proud San Berdo Sheriff, Rod Hoops, Proudly
Wears American Flag. What a Patriot.

Found by Aric Mackey who adds that, for kids today, getting to second base is now a felony.

  1. jbenson2 says:


  2. Dallas says:

    Kids being kids. Sure, not appropriate for year book photos but felony charges? Come on.

  3. tcc3 says:

    #2 Teadud

    Yes, lets make criminals of horny teens. Behavior can be discouraged and “morality”/responsibility promoted without going Scarlett Letter on kids.

    Odd that a man that claims to support freedom and is against government meddling would condone this authoritarian action.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    Some picture editor deserved to be fired and probably was.

    Who is the idiot who put the picture up? (Trust me photographers get asked/up to much worse than taking pictures that aren’t considered age and content appropriate.)

    The Sheriff is a tight assed idiot who over reacted by charging the kid instead of making him pay for the wasted yearbooks.

  5. bobbo, in Repose says:

    I was going to ask what the specific crime was but I suppose its statutory rape and both teens could be charged?

    I wonder if “Technically” you have to prove over or under the bra or the panties or whereever the offending hand was? Otherwise, the TSA does this all the time.

    Where “consent” cannot be given, I don’t see how logically “intent” can be formed either.

    Legally speaking.

  6. Dallas says:

    It’s pretty clear he was gay and merely checking the fabric.

  7. UncDon says:

    How many of you looked into your yearbooks for compromising images?

    We’re probably all guilty of something by today’s standards.

  8. birddog says:

    So this means the school distributed child pornography. Charge them also.

  9. sargasso_c says:

    Do a Polanski, kid. France.

  10. Yes, I’m sure a few people will relish the fact that this Sheriff was promoted into office by the local Tea Party.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:


    Are you suggesting he is one of those “Do as I say, not as I do” types?

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    Sorry, but if I had a copy of the yearbook, I’M KEEPING IT !!! Simply because it now becomes a collector’s item.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ah yes, good ole Alphie. The one who suggested that “if they’re old enough to bleed, they’re old enough to breed.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    …in a way that suggests a sex act.

    So, can one be prosecuted on a suggestion?

    In the end, it falls on the girl: if she admits contact then the kid will be prosecuted and will end up a felon.

  15. Skeptic says:

    Re #16, Mr. F… It’s that hypocritical programming that makes Alphie a good Christian.

  16. WhamaLamma says:

    I grew up in San Bernardino county and only go back when I absolutely have to (I still have family there).

    A person could easily learn to dislike cops there. For the most part they’re mouth breathing morons.

    I really don’t see the issue here, the kids were both under 18 and only 2 years apart.

    Much ado about not much.

  17. Publius says:

    My step brother would not exist if a 17 year old had went to jail for having sex with a 15 year old.

  18. Publius says:

    Notice the SCHOOL that possessed many counts of child pornography, did not get charged.

    It’s Good to Be the Ki.. er Government!

  19. NiktheElectrician says:

    I thought that was third base, not second 🙂

  20. Troublemaker says:

    There’s a good reason they call them PIGS.

  21. Troublemaker says:

    Idiot Enough Already Dude said,

    “I don’t get your point…15 year olds shouldn’t be felt up by anyone.

    I think the Sheriff is a patriot.”

    Hey Idiot, one of the Sheriff’s ex deputies was arrested for having sex with a 15 year old girl and this is what he had to say…

    “‘As sheriff, I’m ready to put these incidents behind the department,’ Hoops said.”

    Why the double standard?

  22. tcc3 says:


    He’s an adult, far older than the girl, in a position of authority, and that position carries a duty to protect people, particularly the innocent.

    That’s like a quadruple standard.

  23. jbenson2 says:

    cursing and using foul language toward others is encouraged

    Benson..-please review the comment posting guidelines here:

  24. B. Dog says:

    The Book of Knowledge says,”…slightly more than half (55%) of 15– to 19-year-olds have engaged in heterosexual oral sex, 50% have engaged in vaginal sex and 11% have had anal sex.”

    The kids involved hadn’t picked up the valuable life skill of not getting caught.

  25. deowll says:

    If everybody that engaged in this kind of behavior went to prison most people would be in prison. Drop it and go away.

  26. LibertyLover says:

    Let’s see a show of hands of those who want to give that girl a spanking!

  27. spsffan says:

    Let’s see….15 and 17. They could legally get married in Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, South Carolina or Virginia.

    Heck, back in the day when this country was founded, they would have been expected to have 2 or 3 children by now.

    Goddam ageist prudes!

  28. fred says:

    #2 Alfie quote:
    “I don’t get your point…15 year olds shouldn’t be felt up by anyone.”

    I’m convinced that Alfie was never a teenager. He was born middle aged. 🙂

  29. fred says:

    In an extremely puritanical, christian country like the USA, where every form of sexual encounter appears to be immoral, illegal or both, I am most curious to know how the population ever managed to reach 310 million.

  30. LibertyLover says:

    #32, Beer.


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