You know, like, yeah…

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Score 1 for the geeks.

  2. nobody says:

    Burn the witch …..

  3. Phydeau says:

    Sigh… people who “believe in” evolution just don’t understand what a scientific theory is. “Believing in” evolution doesn’t make any more sense than “believing in” creationism.

  4. Dallas says:

    Auditioning as a GOP running mate?

    …and finally, which country borders southern part if the US? Hint, begins with M and mexicans live there.

  5. Gasparrini says:

    Just to put things in perspective, she was one of the few contestants that believed in evolution. Here are the answers from all 51 contestants:

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Phydeau

    I understand your comment.

    I, though, listened to her opinion a little differently. She is speaking colloquially, not exactly or factually. A belief is not proof and science doesn’t give proofs (except for math, most physics, and chemistry). Unless she can prove those concepts, which even scientists don’t claim, her “believe” comment is apt.

  7. B. Dog says:


    I liked Miss Minnesota’s answer the best, and not just because she is so pretty.

  8. J says:

    Evolution is an evidentiary and observational fact. There are many different theories of evolution but there is no question that evolution occurred. This is a very difficult concept for many people but it simply is what is. Creation and intelligent design are not theories in scientific terms and they do not contain any science. Their main belief of irreducible complexity has been proven to be wrong. It has also been proven that intelligent design is nothing more than repackaged creationism therefore “Religion” and not acceptable to teach in public schools.

    The idea of teaching both is a ridiculous concept and is equivalent to teaching children that the earth is both flat and spherical then letting them decide. That is not how we educate our population. It is very important that we give them critical thinking skills, something that many of those girls and people here do not have, so that they can self determine discovery of new information. Teaching them that all beliefs and wild guesses have equal weight in the learning process is in direct contradiction to critical thinking.

  9. smartalix says:

    There are none so blind who will not see.

  10. smartalix says:

    I was talking about you, TaxDude.

  11. Grandpa says:

    The world is flat and God created man. Both theories have been proven true over time. Teaching anything else but the truth should disqualify any teacher from that profession.

  12. J says:

    #12 Taxed Enough Already Dude

    Do you understand what “evidentiary and observational fact” means?

    The mere proposal of your statement shows you have little or no understanding of how science works.

    Comparative Anatomy, Vestigial Organs, Molecular Phylogeny, and the fossil record are all evidentiary and observational evidence that support the fact of evolution. There is so much overwhelming evidence that it is without question that evolution occurred.

    Your second statement is so ignorant that I shouldn’t even respond to it but I will. There is overwhelming observational evidence that shows exactly what you asked as referenced above.


    Um. No. Science nor scientists ever stated the earth was flat. As far back as 6th Century B.C. there were people who knew that the earth was Spherical. (NOT A CIRCLE) That is long before the bible ever existed.

  13. J says:

    #20 Taxed Enough Already Dude

    You keep asking for a specific experiment but that isn’t how science works. A theory isn’t just a guess you run out and gather evidence to prove. A theory is an explanation backed up by evidence. You test that theory by collecting more evidence and testing the evidence. You don’t test the theory itself. The evidence that you test either supports or contradicts the theory. The mounds and mounds of evidence and the testing on it overwhelmingly supports the fact of evolution despite the different theories which have slightly different explanations of how it happened.

    It is clear you lack the education to continue this discussion.

  14. J says:

    # 23 #24 Taxed Enough Already Dude

    You present nothing but straw man arguments.

  15. Skeptic says:

    Re:#23, Mutation isn’t evolution.

    One mutation might be arguable, but a series of mutations from one species to another has been observed. That IS evolution. Read the second article I posted.

  16. J says:

    # 25 Taxed Enough Already Dude

    “#22 Experimentation isn’t how science works?”

    The fact that you interpret what I said in that way proves you have a comprehension problem and have little or no knowledge of science or any of the methods it uses.

    You should refrain from speaking on the topic so you don’t look any more foolish than you already seem.

  17. Skeptic says:

    Re, #29 Dude…
    “Heck, if evolution happened so profusely as to produce all life on this planet, you should be able to toss meat on the ground and watch it evolve….”

    And that, folks, is why the mentally challenged are so easily convinced to become Christians.

  18. J says:

    #29 Taxed Enough Already Dude

    Entropy requires a closed system. The earth is not a closed system. Once again you prove your lack of scientific understanding.

    I gave you 4 categories of factual evidence. You just don’t understand what they are so you can’t build an argument against them therefore you claim they are not evidence.

    All historical sciences rest upon inference, and evolution is no different from geology, cosmology, or human history. So, I guess you don’t think those sciences are real either.


    When you see the object fall you don’t see “Gravity” you see the effects of “Gravity” Much like we don’t “see” “Evolution” we see the effects of it. Thanks for proving my case.


    Evolution does not require a simple to complex change. Again you demonstrate ignorance of the topic.

  19. J says:

    #35 Taxed Enough Already Dude

    I made no such claim about macro level evolution but all life does exist due to an evolutionary process.

    It is evident all around us. I gave you 4 categorical examples.

    “making an experiment where we can observe the face of evolution’s presence, should be easier than proving Ivory soap floats.”

    Strawman argument.

    Show me where you can view the face of Gravity. You can’t see gravity itself. You can only see its effects. Just like Evolution.

    I’m sorry you don’t understand the difference between speculation and science. With that I can’t help you due to your lack of education. I just don’t have the time.

    I don’t claim to believe anything. I have evaluated enough evidence to conclude independently that evolution is a FACT with many theories. It just so happens that most scientists are in agreement.

    You have demonstrated that your definition of “scientific observable fact” is not one that is even close to science or fact.

  20. J says:


    Oh and Entropy on a macro level also requires a closed system.

  21. J says:

    #38 Taxed Enough Already Dude

    “INduction, inference, isn’t scientific experiment where phenomena is observable, and the facts of its existence can be identified.”

    An attempted Strawman argument but there is. The Caribbean lizard experiment and the E. coli long-term evolution experiments, the fruit flies experiments, the British moths artificial selection in the laboratory experiment.

    You seem to be under that impression that experimentation is the only method that science uses to advance knowledge. It is not. We don’t always experiment when studying the stars. Most of the time we observe and predict. Is that not valid science either?

    “No, it is not. It is speculation only”

    Once again you ignore all of the evidence and observations made on it. Perhaps you should educate yourself about how science works and then come back to this discussion.

    “The existence of gravity can be proved….entropy can be proved…devolution can be proved…”

    No it can not……Yes in a closed system……Not even sure what that means.

    “Evolution can only be inferred via uncritical speculations which violate occam’s razor at every turn…multiplying entities to arrive at the desired conclusion.”

    You clearly do not understand Occam’s razor nor evolution so how could you make such a claim?

    “The entire process is laughable, and we children of God will laugh, for all eternity, at the fools who claimed they were wise.”

    Your whole argument is based on that. That is why you fail.

  22. wasted time says:

    Don’t you just hate it when someone is wrong on the internet, and you end up spending hours and hours posting arguments and insults, and in the end it’s just wasted time since no one was swayed by your feverish posts?

    Someday you may regret wasting all those hours.

  23. J says:

    #41 wasted time

    Nope. I consider it a duty and a pleasure. Ignorance like Taxed Enough Already Dude displays should never go unchallenged. Besides I like picking on the dim ones that profess their god over knowledge. I couldn’t go out and play today because it is too hot and humid. He or she provides me with a fair alternative.

  24. FirstTimeCaller says:

    I know I shouldn’t feed the trolls… but…

    So, you want experimental proof that evolution is a fact and really occurs? Ok, I think I got one for you:

    1. Select a desolate sterile planet with acceptable environmental parameters to support life.
    2. Terraform the planet and seed it with a limited (but symbiotic) set of species.
    3. Leave the planet alone for a period of time (several hundred million years should be sufficient).
    4. Observe what has become of the original species. Are they identical to what you started with? If, not how have they changed?

    If you try this experiment I’d be curious to know the outcome.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Alphie,
    #11 Prove it scientifically, create an experiment where evolution occurs while we observe.

    It has been done many times even though evolution is explained by a process requiring many generations.

    Your best and easiest example is the influenza virus. It mutates rapidly every year. This can be demonstrated by the simple loss of immunity to protection.

    Now, can you tell us where your god comes from?

  26. John E. Quantum says:

    For the moment setting all of the trolling above aside….

    I thought it interesting that many of the contestants seemed not to really believe in evolution, yet agreed that it should be taught.

    Most intelligent people have had the experience of having a “fact” they were taught from a young age proven to be false. While the experience is often emotionally upsetting, it is a part of the maturation process. Young children raised in a home where evolution is actively denied face a difficult situation when trying to reconcile the two opposing views. Since truth can be denied but not destroyed, it never hurts to acknowledge that some people have false beliefs. My favorite example still is the Indiana state legislature nearly passing a law limiting the value of pi to 1 decimal place.

    I thought Miss West Virginia gave the best answer and Miss North Dakota looked the best while answering.

  27. bobbo, in Repose says:

    I was struck by how much prettier all the girls were when it was the video being shown rather than their picture. More real. More engaging.

    I think schools should teach the difference between belief/religion and facts/science.

    That would be a start. There should be a science/21st Century track and a religious/16th Century track. The Jesuits and the Commies weren’t wrong about grabbing the kiddies before age 8.

  28. its good to be king says:

    the best kind, an attractive babe with brain(well a start at least)

    was just partying with some girls, Jesus, Buddha and some other dudes
    and we all agreed that Alphie should try for one day to not play copy paste from his psychobabble conservative sites and bible(is he playing the HuffPost home game?) and try and engage in human conversation with thoughts from his own head.

    such a silly troll thinking we would click on his weak-links

  29. Glenn E. says:

    I don’t give a rat’s ass what Miss USA thinks she knows about science. But since Donald Trump bought out this franchise years ago (and for all I know, still owns it). She obviously parrots his political and atheist views. Or she wouldn’t be allowed into the contest, in the first place. Why was the damn question even asked, if not to promote that view? Apparently, it was a safer question that asking, “Do you believe in God?” Because 99% who do, wouldn’t say they “believe” in evolution. What a rehearsed Q&A that was.

  30. Bahram says:

    I can’t believe that most of them seriously say at the end “.. so that they can chose”.
    What is there too choose from?! either you care about facts and evidence or you dont. if you do, then there is no other options other than evolution, and if you don’t care about facts and evidence.. well then chances are that you are a teabaggar who does not want to pay taxes, so there would be no public schools and you can home-school your litter and teach them what ever the hell you want… and watch on as the rest of the world gets ahead at natural sciences and technology -which btw are always based on facts and evidence- leaving US behind…


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