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Tax said, “Why hasn’t our replacement evolved?”
What does that mean? Why should it, if your species is successfully reproducing? If you study extinction events, you’ll see that typically large populations like our require large and rapid shifts in environment (change faster than the our ability to adapt to it) for a ecological niches to open up and for our “replacements” to fill them.
“Yet you cannot prove evolution occurs in a laboratory.”
Of course it has. Only those who haven’t reviewed the genetic literature make that claim. ERVs (endogenous retroviruses) alone can be considered the smoking gun of evolution. ERVs are ancient infections that have been disabled but remain in our genomes. We share more ERVs in the same insertion points with Chimps than rhesus monkeys, more with them than other species. Virtually all ERVs have no purpose in any evolutionary process, they are simply the detritus of our genome collected by our ancestors and which we share with all our cousins
“THAT is the only likely inference we can make, just as we infer from a building, it had a builder,”
The inference is specious.
About 50% of the genome is non-coding. There is an ameoba’s genome which is 200 times greater than ours. Both genomes change without regard to whether those changes would kill the organism.
How many buildings can you name have most of the blueprints printed out as gibberish. How many sheds have greater set of plans than a skyscraper? How many plans randomly change?
The genome alone falsifies any notion that somebody is building anything.
Tax said: “Until you prove evolution via sound scientific experiment, you are left with the embarrassing fact a principle you claim is so overwhelming it produced life in this incredible quantity and diversity, can’t be replicated in a laboratory”
And exactly what is wrong with the evidence provided by ERVs? You’re just handwaving. Show how the paper below is wrong.
Once you’ve done that, we can move through the next one.
AAhhh more santorum dripping from alfies mouth. Your knowledge of the TSA makes me wonder how much time you spend with them.
Your knowledge of the natural sciences is as profound as your knowledge of anything beyond your narrow view of the universe. Hell alfie, your so narrow minded your scratch pads are only an inch wide.
By the way if you would bother to read either of the books I proposed you would see the error of your statements. I read your book the least you could do is read mine, or are you so entrenched in your views that the very thought of another truth fill you with that much fear that your only response is biblical drivel.
Tax Said: “#100 Hilarious! Inferring the existence of a builder when you see a house, is specious!”
What is specious is comparing a house to a living organism, as I demonstrated when you compare blueprints to the genome.
Tax said: “KJV 1 Corinthians 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? (1Co 1:20 KJV)”
Irrelevant argument from authority, next.
“If evolution happens, then thousands of different experiments proving it does, would occur in our schools.”
So, the theory of plate tectonics is not established because you can’t do it in a school room?
I take it that the standard model won’t be accepted by the likes of you until we can build mini-Cerns in grammar school?
“While its possible to prove Ivory soap floats, because it does, its impossible to prove Life evolves,”
Even the most benighted creationist understands that species change. You’ve still not dealt with ERVs.
Alfie is obviouslly right.
I have witnessed myself the Intelligent Designer creating a couple species in my town (I live on a very distant suburb so that’s why noone heard about it).
The day He manifests again and dictates another book explaining how he planted fossils and all that to test believers you so called “scientists” are gonna crap your pants
“Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends.”
Woody Allen
So, so, …, are we ever going to find out where YOUR creator came from?
This is where God came from.
Those who “declare victory” and leave only highlight their failure.
#85 Taxed Enough Already Dude
Because there is existing knowledge that supports the inference of Black holes. Unlike Intelligent design where there is no supporting evidence or knowledge but the Book of Genesis.
Don’t bother with dumb comments like “the evidence is all around you” because all the evidence around us supports Evolution.
Sorry about the triple post I didn’t figure out why it wasn’t posting until the third try.
Tax said: “I won the debate, thanks for your participation.”
Grow up and get honest. There was no debate here. There was simply the exposure of your willful ignorance, intellectual laziness and refusal to engage the evidence.
Tax blathered: “You losers can have the last word, without your parting smears and ad hominem, something will seem missing.”
Add hypocrisy to your failings. You offer a parting smear (“losers”) while complaining about it.
What a dunce.
#118, rr
You did an admirable job and presented great comments. Unfortunately this was Alphie you were attempting to reason with. The fool knows no reason as I’m sure you have discovered.
The definition of a debate, “a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides.” As usual alfie gets it wrong, AGAIN. A debate occurs when both sides have a valid argument. I wanted a non-biblical spouting response to all those nice links I posted.
I had to wait for the moderator to approve the post as it popped as spam due to all the links.
I had more waiting.
ad hominen is tea party speak for “I didn’t understand the joke”.
Tax said:”The genome alone by itself implies an intelligent creator. And so does everything else God has made.”
That’s why it mutates randomly, because it was designed… Is that your idea of reasonable inference? Name any blueprints that act that way.
Your logical flaw (among many) is to claim that because some things require intelligence for organization and ordering, ALL things do.
Being a Christian does not entitle you to leave critical thinking at the door.
“The fool knows no reason as I’m sure you have discovered.”
For him reason serves dogma or has no use at all.