I have a friend who spent years with horrible throat pain and difficulty swallowing. She needed an operation but, with no insurance and no money, she couldn’t get help. She tried going to a hospital emergency room, but was told she wasn’t sick enough. She actually, seriously thought about committing a crime to get help, but didn’t because of her daughter. Finally, she was able to negotiate the morass of Medicare, etc and get fixed up with an expensive, multi-hour operation. The doctor told her if she had been able to get it treated early, it could have been handled in an office visit.

  1. dusanmal says:

    I don’t buy “no insurance and no money”. When I came here I have had comparatively nothing and 17000$/yr salary. I HAD medical for which I paid, reasonable amount for reasonable protection. For truly poor (should be up to 100% of poverty line) there is Medicare and as it is essentially Government enforced charity, not a right, it is fine that there is “morass” to be negotiated. It should not be and must not be comfortable option. People should feel pressure to get off it if their own morality doesn’t point them that way.
    What’s next? – society approval of robber robbing a house because they have had 3 TVs there and he had none? It was this man’s responsibility to think ahead and arrange proper ability for his own health care. He chose easy, immoral way out.

  2. cmumma says:

    Hi Dave, I don’t understand the last line of your story. It makes it seem like this woman’s condition got worse and because she had to spend so much time navigating the Medicare system that an office visit turned into a lengthy surgery. Are you saying that when she first started experiencing the problem she couldn’t afford an office visit or surgery?

    The story kind of contradicts itself. She had to wait because she couldn’t afford surgery and she needed surgery because she had to wait?

  3. tcc3 says:

    #1 dusanmal

    Yes, how dare he get sick and lose his job.

    Chronic debilitating illness in this country is a terrible catch-22.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    And it’s only going to get worse.

    Because of Idiot ObamaCare and those who support it, get ready for over 70% of all employed to loose their health coverage.

    Yes, that’s 70% of every working person who currently has health insurance.

    And they won’t qualify for Medicare either.

    Liberals are morons. I wonder if they can even read??

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    And this article explains the rest.

    Not for the faint of heart or Liberals who have had their Government Mandated Lobotomy.


  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Please back up your claim that 70% will lose their health care? We realize that those on the right have no qualms of making up their facts.

    NOTE: Any author calling the Affordable Healthcare Act “Obamacare” has already lost the argument.

    NOTE: Any report that refers to a specific company as “the world’s leading management consulting firm” is obviously shilling that firm.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    70% loosing their health care. Like I said, liberals cannot read. It’s laid out in both articles.

    Here is an accurate pic of a Liberal (like Fusion) contemplating the consequences of ObamaCare.


  8. NoHopeLeft says:

    #1 dusanmal
    Kick me while I am down and never turn your fuck’n back.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    I guess it’s not your fault, Fusion, that you cannot understand logical arguments.

    BTW, #1 management consulting firm.

    Liberal = Moron.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Once again, reading biased blogs seldom gives you many facts.

    Read the actual Urban Institute Report

    Contrary to your propaganda blog, The Urban Institute does NOT suggest millions would become uninsured. In fact, it states that tens of millions more would BECOME insured.

    Secondly, the Urban Institute is NOT biased. While a private institution, it is run a fairness and non-partisan focus. Quite unlike your “the world’s leading management consulting firm”.

    Dang, you don’t even earn a nice try.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    I guess you refuse to admit you made up your number. Show us where in the article you cited that 70% will lose their coverage.

    We already know your second link is making up her numbers.

  12. LibertyLover says:

    NOTE: Any author calling the Affordable Healthcare Act “Obamacare” has already lost the argument.

    Holy Crap! Think for yourself, please. Some liberal in the media spouts that line and then you jump on it like white on rice and claim it as fact.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    LibertyLover, please excuse Fusion. As I said, he’s a Moron. He can’t even comprehend simple numbers.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    #1 & 3: She had zero money and her former job at a small business didn’t provide health coverage.

    She was unable to work because she was injured when she was attacked by someone who broke into her home. Despite the police knowing who and where he was, they wouldn’t arrest him because he was an informant on something or other. But that’s another story.

    My friend is very resourceful and went to every agency should could. Even they (who were used to Medicare and other services preferring you die waiting for coverage before allowing you to get it) were amazed at how much trouble she had getting onto Medicare. Once she was on (took 2+ years), there were waiting periods before she could get surgery.

    There’s lots more to all this, but my point was she felt like the guy in the video at one point.

  15. jbenson2 says:

    Uncle Dave claimed: “I have a friend who spent years with horrible throat pain and difficulty swallowing. She needed an operation but, with no insurance and no money, she couldn’t get help. “

    Right! With stories of 200+ visits/year to the ER by individual illegal immigrants, it is difficult (impossible) to believe a person who has difficulty swallowing is refused by ER personnel.

    Cue the BS Meter.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    THAT IS YOUR PROOF !?!?!?!?! The number of MBAs a company hires makes them the best???

    Damn !!! You must have Alphie disease.

    You don’t know the meaning of the word “best”. It is a subjective word, dependent upon the viewer’s own prejudice of the requirements to be better than all the rest. Even a sport champion is only “best” for that one, particular, game and is not proof they are “the” best.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    The Urban Institute? Wow, you’re even more of a Moron than I thought.

    Can you understand this?? (I promise not to hold my breath).


  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I truly wonder about the morality of the wingnuts who post on this one.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Also, it’s apparent I am dealing with someone who has the capabilities of a 5 year old. (Fusion)

    What part of Revenue/Consultant Rank don’t you understand? (Besides all of it, although it’s obvious to anyone with an education).

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    No BS. A hospital will only give treatment for emergencies. If this woman was only chronic and not in need of emergency treatment she could not expect any help from the ER. If she had an infection she would be treated. Emergency Rooms are not synonymous with treatment, regardless of what the right wing nuts wish to believe. They will only assist someone with a emergency.

    Uncle Dave’s assessment holds for millions of Americans that are currently being under treated or not treated at all. Millions of chronic diseases are going without treatment because they can’t afford it.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    OK, that shows you won’t back up your claim. Like the rest of your posts, instead of showing us WHERE in your cited article, you can only post ad hominems.

    Another lie, another fail.

  22. LibertyLover says:

    #19, Looking at the list, I am not sure I would trust any of them to give an unbiased opinion.

    I am actually surprised at the Cato Institute.

  23. J says:

    It is obvious to me that certain people here do not understand the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Yet they spew their ignorance as if they had great knowledge of how the medical insurance system works and what would work best for America. Guess what? You don’t. I’m not sure anyone does but I am pretty convinced that the system we had before President Obama signed the health care bill wasn’t good. I know of only one person in my life that actually gets what they pay for in medical care. The reason why is that he has 3 different coverage’s. Now anyone who says that is a great thing is a complete “moran”.

    I have money so I don’t worry too much about healthcare costs because I can pay out of pocket for all my health costs including catastrophic care. However when I researched how much it would cost to insure just myself with a pre existing condition the lowest offer which included a 1 year period that didn’t cover my pre existing condition was $4000 per month. Could I afford it? Yes. But my guess is that a majority of Americans could not. So what are they to do? Saying that the previous system was the best or even good is foolish. Employers today offer some of the crappiest healthcare I have ever seen. When I was younger I had full coverage no deductible on everything and I only made $40,000 a year. Now I know people making $70,000 and they can’t get shit for coverage from their employers. Then on top of that they pay 20% of any expenses plus a deductible. If you make $40,000 and have a $400,000 medical bill with a $250 deductible guess what? It is likely you might be filing bankruptcy pretty soon. Does that seem like a good system for those unfortunate people. They work. Some 2 jobs. They have a family and yet they are put into a financial tail spin because of an illness.

    This that talk in a “fuck the poor and unemployed” are just lucky but one day they will learn that their position is not only callous but self defeating. Why? because whether you like it or not the poor and unemployed are going to get treatment. They get the most expensive type. Emergency treatment. If we were smart we would invest in getting them preventive health care not because we are a caring nation but because it is cheaper!

  24. What a sad and depressing story for America. I’m sure this isn’t the first time someone has had to do this just for medical insurance network. My cousin is an insurance agent works at a insurance agency that deal primarly with healthcare and I hear sad stories all the time of how people are robbed of just getting the basic treatment and care they need cause they can’t afford it. Our government needs to fix this right away cause if people are going to jail voluntary basically just for care there is a problem with our society and government.

  25. smartalix says:

    What is amusing is watching people who claim to be Christians acting in a way that would make Christ cry.

  26. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    America is simultaneously the most professedly Christian of the developed nations and the least Christian in its behavior.

  27. LibertyLover says:

    #25, No, it isn’t a good situation. But the simple fact is it is too expensive to insure everybody in the nation. We don’t have the money. We don’t have the money to pay for what we have now.

    Regardless of what some people think, it is not going to save us money, it is going to cost us money. Look at the two states who have tried it. Both failed miserably.

  28. moss says:

    Please – don’t bother the important people with tales of the little people. Republicans are busy explaining to each other why the nation’s political clock should be turned back to the 19th Century – or earlier. Democrats are busy playing duck and cover under their legislative desks.

    The KoolAid Party is debating when to bring back arm bands. And Fox Noise offers Breaking News as often as does CNN – on the Casey Anthony murder trial.

    I expect most of the participants on this page dedicate as much time to the needs of other human bein’s on this planet as they do to constructing their witticisms.

  29. This is a huge blow to our system and our country as a whole. This is a horrendous story for someone that simply wants health insurance. Not everyone is as fortunate to have health care insurance, life insurance, and just any insurance and just for simple basic care someone needs our society and government has failed. I remember just to get a medical insurance quote for my daughters asthma problems cost me 50 dollars out of pocket to just to find out what I would eventually be paying them. I feel for this person and he is taking full advantage of the messed up system we have.


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