Who is working in the control room? Volunteers?

found by Robert Leather

  1. KMFIX says:

    Her accent is adorable..

  2. chuck says:

    In about 1965 things started going horribly wrong in Britain. Ok, there were some unfortunate events during the late 30s and early 40s that weren’t so good, but during the 50s it was holding up even with the empire in decline.

    The BBC used to have very strict rules about everything – including accents. There were no “local” accents on the BBC at all. Newsreaders were trained to speak in the official “BBC British” accent.

    Since then the country has filled up with all those dang furriners.

  3. Ah_Yea says:


  4. bbjester says:

    Hah, I guess the weather is slightly cloudy with a chance of Hitler.

    Actually one of our locals does stuff like this all the time. I think they must be using allot of interns/students.You often see many new young faces reporting on smaller stories on that station. The facial reactions of the seasoned news vets to these gaffs on the channel are always comical though.

  5. denacron says:

    Rudolph Hess needs a make over.

  6. bobbo, in Repose says:

    #5–bbjester==thank you, made me laugh.

    It is a “team” effort isn’t it subject to funding, staffing, etc. The “producer” being so much more important than the talking head out front.

    We overrate the personalities and lose out on the substance.

    Information is freedom.

  7. ibookery says:

    Boy. They sure got some weather in Scotland

  8. George Bush Jr. says:

    It’s all my fault.

  9. R. B Cheney says:

    Yeah it is.

  10. Lord McSquash says:

    Dang she’s cute… and her accent is too…

    Is there a blooper in the news, I sure didn’t catch it, and I watched 4 times on zoom… 🙂

  11. Mark III says:

    After working in television station control rooms and studios, as well as in the field, I can assure you, this is nothing. N O T H I N G.

    One of my personal favorites was when we were doing a live variety show. I think I was a video tape operator on an AMPEX VR1200 at the time, loading the spots. It was 1973. Anyway, we had a dancer’s boob flop out, and we kept the show going all through the number, since we were enjoying it so much. She later claimed she did not know it was out. I still remember her. She was kind of dopey, and she proved it that day. She was cute.

  12. MadTruckMan says:

    I was kinda hoping for her to end it with BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!!

  13. Rob Leather says:

    The thing I loved about this was how she referred to Hess as SHE in response the incorrect picture. She simply didn’t know any better.

  14. Gasbag says:

    Looks just like ABC Australia to me 😛

  15. neil says:

    In Scotland we are too drunk to do our jobs properly, anyway the guy that was supposed to be in charge was out playing Golf that day.

  16. Murxidon says:

    This was BBC Local News. It doesn’t get that many viewers and its budget is non-existant when compared to the main news channel and the corporations flagship news programme.

    Pretty amusing to watch but the majority of BBC Local News has dreadful production values and inexperienced folks behind the scenes.

    Still, it isn’t as bad as ITV Local News…

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Production errors are one thing. Meh. Factual errors are a different kettle of fish

  18. bobbo, in Repose says:

    OK, I can’t stand it anymore: I’d love to see this presenter on Naked News. So much more informative.

  19. J says:


  20. msbpodcast says:

    This reminds me of an old Benny Hill routine where one question gets skipped and the rest of the segment gets hilariously out of synch.

    Yeah, it happens where the coordination between the news readers and the control room isn’t tight enough.


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