Executive Producers: Sir “GQ” Nate “Dawgg” Mayer,
Sir Dwayne Melancon

Executive Producer and 314 (pi) Club member: Sir Dwayne Melancon
Art By: Sir Nussbaum

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  1. deowll says:

    We are in three wars now? Why not go for four? I’m sure these people will do something nobody who is reasonable or prudent would do relating to Syria.

    As for us not being in a war in Libya. If it would be an act of war if done here I’d call it an act of war if done there. I also agree that, so for as can be told, the rape stories are propaganda.

    I do think that Obama thought we would be out in a few weeks but this dude never knows when to say when and walk away when he has a bad hand.

  2. Derek says:

    Don’t you love idiots who speak partisan. It’s like an ass hole complaining about the smell because it thinks the shit it spews doesn’t stink. I hate to break it to you, but ALL politicians are corrupt, greedy, and power hungry. Both sides believe that taking away your freedom, giving themselves more power, and controlling you through sensationalism and altruism is what they are supposed to do.

    If you want to know what the true root of how a politician of either party feels and operates?


  3. Grandpa says:

    Obama is a traitor Democrat. Boner is a traitor Republican. The only ones speaking the truth are the Tea Party traitors. At least they will tell you to your face they want to F**k you over. In the last 30 years 66% of those in power have been Republican. Are we better for it?

  4. Publius says:

    We need to build a digital compendium of false flag tapes, including:

    – the Libyan broomstick rape of 2011

    – the Iraqi adoption center massacre witnesses of 1991

  5. B. Dog says:


    I happened to see Ambassador Glaspie talking to Saddam Hussein on TV before it was classified top secret “for national security reasons”. April Glaspie was briefed by Saddam Hussein on his plans to invade Kuwait, he stressed that he had a lot of troops massed on the border with Kuwait, and questioned her repeatedly on the U.S. position towards the impending attack. She gave him the green light to go ahead at least three times. Of course, America figuratively knifed him in the back before literally hanging him.Ron Paul talks about that situation:



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