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Wow that sucked.
Alfie–if you were to design the human eye, would you use an optic nerve, and if so, where would you place it?
Also, there is no existential truth, only existential values.
How can you ignore something that doesn’t exist?
Talk about your existential!
Ha, ha.
Clever. I doubt I would find it easy to do that.
#1 and #2 – put up your acts to show why you feel you can judge that.
#3 If I see someone doing “magic”, I want to hear that they are an entertainer. If he says that, he is not lying to me by claiming mystic powers. The ones that do pretend such are best avoided.
#4 This is not a philosophical presentation. It is chewing gum for the brain.
Wow who would have thought a cute little video would have resulted in such crappy, non-related comments
#10 that’s funny! You seem to be the one who’s trying to turn a comment thread about an iPod magic demonstration into a polemic attacking atheism.
I’m sure you’d be a lot of fun on a trip to the zoo 🙂
Alfie–have you looked at the video’s on the web debunking the intelligent design of the eye argument?
Do you deny that heavy elements in our solar system were created in the Super Novea of Large Stars blowing up some 8 billion years ago?
Do you deny that the moon was torn from the earth in an asteroid collision?
Do you deny plate tectonics reforms the surface of the earth every billion years or so?
Do you deny the rotation of the earth around the Sun and take it the other way around?
Do you deny the speed of light and what we see in the heavens above us?
Just how far does your dogma take you?
#17 you’re confusing me with your fellow “true believers” at some Christian worship services, especially when their trancelike state progresses to speaking in tongues. That’s even more fascinating than iPod magic.
Marko is great I like his presentations. I saw/heard him first on with Ken Rutkowski, Kens got a great podcast also, cheers!
Shit TEAD, give it a rest.
Most of what you spew is ignorant fundamentalist noise. Religious people are pains in the ass because they believe what isn’t and ignore what is.
We get it…
You’re a fucking moron in love with the sound of your own keyboard.
Go away.
#9 – wow, your ignorance of how evolution works is staggering. The theory of evolution has never claimed that there were millions of blind monkeys running around who eventually grew eyes and turned into humans. You’re making it too easy for Bobbo.
Personally, I believe in “much more intelligent design”, where the God that created the universe is a bit smarter than me (and Bobbo). It was smart enough to figure out how to create the universe out of a singularity, and then know that in 14 billion years or so, the plan would work itself out.
Anyway how did a discussion about a boring ipod trick “evolve” into an equally idiotic discussion about evolution?
I can’t get video links as my Google Search has been hijacked and getting redirected. Still looking for the anti-virus program to remove it.
has a good verbal with pictures for those that can still read.
I just saw last week a video wherein one of the famous English Atheists said it was the body of dna evidence showing the relationship of all living things to one another and the “evolution” there of that was about the best proof there was for a natural process bringing life onto earth. He mentioned in passing that the irreducible eye argument was totally debunked.
Alfie–you got to keep up with the cutting edge arguments, not keep burning witches.
Wow, using magic to get your views out there. Well, good luck with that.
Alfie–you think its like saying that huh?
—-or—- its not like that at all.
Hmmmm. How to resolve this puzzler?
After careful frame-by-frame analysis, I can say with absolute certainty that there was only one iPhone and the other two were Photoshopped.
I’m not lying.
Must echo #1 comment. Wow that sucked.
I always enjoy Marco Tempest’s videos. He’s an adept entertainer.
Bobbo — try MalwareBytes. Good luck!
Never play cards with someone who shaves the back of his hands.
#35 What about waxing or plucking?
Sorry guys but the magic/slight of hand wasn’t all that great. The high tech stuff has to compete with avatar and such so nobody is going to be impressed.
He actually had a decent act. The competition is better.
#28 Really? Well that defines your ignorance. Your wheels came off a long time ago. lmao.
Yakov Smirnoff ventures out of Branson.
That was a fun magic trick and why is everyone complaining about it?
But OTOH I have to say – I feel really sorry for you Yanks – Ye gods you have some dumb people there! Human eye proof of god! How could anyone be that wilfully ignorant? It’s built inside out and has blind spots for a start – a fact perfectly explained by evolution every single step of the way – try asking Carl Zeiss or Nikon if they would “design” a lens that way!