Remember Occam’s Razor? Hard to accept the side that needs to twist and ignore and lie about the physical evidence to create a complicated theory using only the words of pre-science creative writers.
In almost every way, the “Garden of the Gods at Colorado Springs” excursion at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America (GSA) last year was a normal — even enjoyable — field trip. Standard geologic terminology was used in the accompanying field trip guide, and throughout the trip itself. The trip leaders discussed past events in terms of millions and billions of years. At each stop along the trip, the guides relied on orthodox geologic thinking, including a standard examination of sedimentary features and the nature of contacts between units.
But in reality, the trip was anything but a normal geology field trip. Instead, it was an example of a new strategy from creationists to interject their ideas into mainstream geology: They lead field trips and present posters and talks at scientific meetings. They also avoid overtly stating anything truly contrary to mainstream science.
But when the meeting is over, the creationist participants go home and proudly proclaim that mainstream science has accepted their ideas. It’s a crafty way of giving credence to creationism. But is there anything mainstream scientists, or the conveners of meetings and field trips, can or should do about it?
Creationism leads to CRETINISM !!!
Lord-uh, HEP us! Kinahgitahaymin? Mah friends, it SEZ right thar in Fred 7:11 that Jerebozamine went down into land of Urpgarf an’ SMOTE them, an’…….
Oh. Excuse me.
Ah yes, the bible. The collection of fairy tales that promote arcane subjects such as selling your wife and children into slavery is a good idea, wiping out a whole town is acceptable if they worship a different god than you, killing 40 children is allowed if they laugh at your baldness, killing all the children, infants, and babies under two years of age is acceptable if you don’t leave a mark on your door, ripping a fetus from a woman’s belly is acceptable if she comes from another tribe, giving a potion to a woman to make her miscarry (abort) is allowed if the husband believes she has been unfaithful, and living in the belly of a fish without succumbing to the gases or corrosive liquids for three whole days.
And the bibble thumpers want us to take them seriously. HAR !!!
The think is, the US military counts on recruiting and sending off, many of these very same kids, to wars overseas. With religiously and politically distorted views of the world. They aren’t told their is no God, everything evolved over millions of years, by the armed services. Probably because so informed soldiers would refuse to die for anything. If they thought there was nothing higher to believe in, than self preservation. So the Military Industrial Complex is just as guilty of exploiting the young, as these “Creationists”. But the latter are recruiting them to go and get killed for some political ideal. They’re just trying to prevent the dehumanizing movement of atheist, from making people think they have no “God given rights”. So bow and serve your rich bastard overloads. Democracy is finished.