Are we fools for working at regular jobs? Do something stupid that gets in the news or sing badly or get arrested in a creative way or …, then get famous and cash in. It may be short lived, but who cares if you make millions.

Anthony Weiner may have resigned from Congress in disgrace, but hours after the news conference at which he made the announcement, he was offered an Internet job with a raise, moving expenses, health benefits equal to what he has been accustomed to, and a fancy office in Beverly Hills working for an internationally known publishing company.

On Friday, porn magnate Larry Flynt reached out to Weiner in an open letter to “sincerely” offer the former congressman a job in the Internet group of Flynt Management Group.

“This offer is not made in jest. To show our sincerity, Flynt Management Group, LLC is willing to pay twenty percent more than your former Congressional salary, ensuring that your medical benefits would be equal to what you were previously receiving. While you will have to relocate to our corporate offices in Beverly Hills, California, we would pay for all relocation costs,” Flynt wrote in the Huffington Post.

  1. foobar says:

    Oh dear. Look sideways. Change subject.

    So I see the Mavericks won it in six. I think LeBron James should forfeit his salary next season.

  2. bobbo, deep down, what drives us says:

    #42–Animby==My only point was that his retirement package is obscene. Obscene if he gets it now or later. Still Obscene. 14 years service.

    I think about .4 Mill is in a 401K he can access right now. Still Obscene.

    About the only thing that wasn’t obscene was the pictures he sent to his email buddies–ha, ha. Obscene the Dumbo’s threw him under the bus for whatever expediency/pay back there was. No crime–let his district decide next vote.

    BTW–as he was thrown under the bus, I don’t think he is a “big draw” as a lobbyist.

    Good old sexually repressed USA, gotta love us.

  3. soundwash says:

    This is just another distraction you goons, stop paying attention to it.

    all political sex scandals are play-fodder to a much bigger picture.

    what that guy from way back say again..?

    “..all the world’s a stage”

    -wake up.


  4. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    48 bobbo, “About the only thing that wasn’t obscene was the pictures he sent to his email buddies”

    I am still in the wilderness but came to town for supplies. Got caught up on the “scandal”. I gotta say, in the world of political scandals, it was pretty small stuff – no offense intended. Didn’t actually see the pix as the cell phone signal I’m getting is not ideal. But jeez- Rangel and Barney Frank are still working but pencil dick is out? Something screwy there.

    By the way, anyone else think Wiener and Krauthammer are related and both reptilian invaders?

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existentialist Anti-Theist says:

    And you know, “if” the Congress Creeps would just go to Washington and represent their constituents, I wouldn’t even have a problem with their outrageous retirement package===but as they all go to Washington to line their own nests, its just one obscenity on top of another one.


  6. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existentialist Anti-Theist says:

    #54–Alfie==I’d have to see the whole package==the 1-4 and 10 year budget for our country. Put it in black and white and let’s add it up.

  7. The Pirate says:

    Uncle Dave said, “Are we fools for working at regular jobs? Do something stupid that gets in the news or sing badly or get arrested in a creative way or …, then get famous and cash in. It may be short lived, but who cares if you make millions.”

    Welcome to the New Rome Davey.

  8. Michael L says:

    Not to mention his forthcoming autobiography “Picture This”

  9. Glenn E. says:

    This proves that the so-called revolving door of post-political job placement, is still at work. Even for disgraced politicians, who had nothing to do with giant defense corporation federal funding. I don’t know what conglomerate owns the Flynt Management Group. But I’ll bet it benefited from some state funding that Weiner over saw. Nothing is a coincidence.


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