Are we fools for working at regular jobs? Do something stupid that gets in the news or sing badly or get arrested in a creative way or …, then get famous and cash in. It may be short lived, but who cares if you make millions.

Anthony Weiner may have resigned from Congress in disgrace, but hours after the news conference at which he made the announcement, he was offered an Internet job with a raise, moving expenses, health benefits equal to what he has been accustomed to, and a fancy office in Beverly Hills working for an internationally known publishing company.

On Friday, porn magnate Larry Flynt reached out to Weiner in an open letter to “sincerely” offer the former congressman a job in the Internet group of Flynt Management Group.

“This offer is not made in jest. To show our sincerity, Flynt Management Group, LLC is willing to pay twenty percent more than your former Congressional salary, ensuring that your medical benefits would be equal to what you were previously receiving. While you will have to relocate to our corporate offices in Beverly Hills, California, we would pay for all relocation costs,” Flynt wrote in the Huffington Post.

  1. bobbo, deep down, what drives us says:

    He won’t take it. Weiner’s kink is exposing himself, safely sexting, WHILE being in Congress. Theres nothing forbidden about being paid to do your fetish, the thrill is gone.

    He’ll just have to enjoy his 1.4 Million retirement package from Congress.

    Now THAT is obscene.

  2. ArianeB says:

    Weiner would be dumb to take a 20% raise and work for Flint, when he will likely get offers of a 500% raise and work as a lobbyist. He may have left Congress in disgrace, but he is taking with him a lot of contacts that lobbying firms crave.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    It’s no coincidence that Porn magnate Flynt would advertise to sex addict Weiner on HuffPo, since both audiences flock to the Huffington Post for all their news.

  4. chuck says:

    I think he could still be re-elected. At this point a Democrat seems to be able to campaign with the slogan “I’ll bankrupt you, but the Republicans will kill you.” and win.

    Weiner could run with the slogan “I’ll only screw you.” and win.

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Flynt makes an offer he has no serious expectation of being accepted and he gets tons of nationwide publicity. I’ve heard of the offer on terrestrial nationwide radio shows, cable news, and probably every local TV newscast.

    All for the price of a faxing a press release.

    And if in some weird alternate universe, Weiner were to accept the job offer, Larry Flynt would get $25 Million or more worth of publicity for $250,000.

    If nothing else, Flynt is a tremendous businessman.

  6. The Wrong Guy says:

    For some reason, this seemed appropriate.

  7. jescott418 says:

    You know there are plenty of people at this newspaper having a good laugh! You just have too with these idiots in Congress.

  8. sargasso_c says:

    He may have invented the next great exit strategy for tired congressional members.

  9. The Starch Staunch Stark Republican says:

    Whining about stupidity accomplishes nothing!

  10. I liked that Wiener’s Democratic support had shriveled.

  11. two to the head says:


    300k+ a year, easy.

    One more for the revolving door…

  12. Dallas says:

    Oh the humanity!
    Puke’s love scandal like this to deflect from addressing issues people are concerned about.

  13. bobbo, deep down, what drives us says:

    You know, the HORROR just struck me: Imagine having Alfie around in any setting wherein you could not ignore him?


    Alfie: “Golden Rule”—keep it short, the shorter the better.

  14. foobar says:

    Christopher Hitchen’s pleasantly eviserates the newly conservative David Mamet. Mamet was loathesome as a liberal. He’s even more revolting as conservative because now he has the certainty of faith, and thinks it’s reason.

    People on both sides of the political spectrum are irritating because of their certitude and unwillingness to think. Ron Paul and Al Franken in the US at least use their brains and don’t follow party dogma. However they are few and far between.

    Alfie, this is your last chance. Be a guy and lay down at least one genuinely funny Weiner joke. It’s just hanging down there.

  15. foobar says:

    Paul => Loveable old coot, but talks like Mr Peabody
    Bachmann => Single issue candidate
    Cain => Way too angry
    Palin => The depth of a puddle and the Queen of Flip Flop

  16. bobbo, deep down, what drives us says:

    #21–foobar==thanks for the link. Nice quick read, but I’d have to read Mamet to check on Chris. His stage and movie dialogue is so stilted, I don’t know if I could hack that. Saves a lot of time to just agree with Hitchens?

    Ha, ha. Its analysis not conclusions that are important. Give me the facts, let me apply my own bias.

  17. ray says:

    The drug cartel uses the same tactics to sway official mexican swat forces to their side. :\

  18. Yousaidit says:

    Huhh..I see the Circus is in Town..

    “Don’t pee on my leg, then try to tell me it’s raining”

  19. Publius says:

    NSA says what?

  20. foobar says:

    pedro, it is always the way.

    When did Bristol Palin get a new chin?

  21. Skeptic says:

    Weiner was going to post another picture, but he couldn’t get it up.

  22. Skeptic says:

    Weiner of the 2011 Tony Awards.

    Ok, that’s all I got.

  23. foobar says:

    ty Skeptic.

  24. Dallas says:

    Alphie, If Obama loses the election (which I give a 30% chance of him losing), I hope Ron Paul wins. He is the only one with the balls to do the right thing and is in the same league as Pres Obama.

    I don’t see Paul sucking up to the Christian Taliban nor Corporate godfathers. Refreshing, but he too might buckle from the pressure of the “system”. Way better than the ubetcha loon or that other bitch that surfaced from the sewer.

    Forget Newt, he’s following Trump back to the cesspool. Hopefully some Mitt Romney and teenage boy pictures surface soon to cull the GOP herd some more. Still way too early.

  25. John E. Quantum says:

    Not an original joke, but…..

    Now that Weiner has firmly placed his name in the public psyche he plans to eventually run for POTUS. His running mate will be the current Attorney General, Eric Holder. We can look forward to Weiner Holder bumper stickers.

  26. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 22 foobar said
    “Paul => Loveable old coot, but talks like Mr Peabody
    Bachmann => Single issue candidate
    Cain => Way too angry
    Palin => The depth of a puddle and the Queen of Flip Flop”

    Not sure I agree with you completely but I accept your premise. However, you did miss:

    Obama => An administration built on lies and delivered with incompetence to the benefit of the rich and favored

  27. foobar says:

    Animby, I think Obama is totally vulnerable but is no more corrupt than the rest of the yahoos who’ve been there. Strangely enough the most honest Presidents tend to be one term wonders: GHW Bush, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. It takes a lot of guile to be a two term President and for that reason alone I think Barry has a good shot at a second term.

    I think Obama will run a much tougher campaign then expected. Just like the Dems underestimated the Bush machine in 2004, the Republicans (especially the TP types) underestimate the Obama machine.

    I think the Republican field is pretty weak with most of them just trying to score the big ticket win: a lucrative multi-year deal with FOX. I’m picking on the 4 candidates Alfie likes because they are pretty unelectable. If Pawlenty could scrape together 5 minutes of charisma per day he could mop the floor with them.

  28. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Wiener has no skills, no career to fall back, has always been a leech at the public tit. But he IS a liberal darling. An ideal lobbyist! My god, how the money rolls in!

    # 1 bobbo, “He’ll just have to enjoy his 1.4 Million retirement package from Congress. Now THAT is obscene.”

    I’ve said in this forum before that the Congressional retirement plan is obscene so no disagreement. However, you DO understand that he cannot access this money for another 15 years or so? It’s not a retirement from Congress plan. Personally, since almost every member of Congress ends up rich. I think Congressional retirement payments should be subject to a means test and, if approved, should be no more than double the highest Social Security payment. Better yet, let’s cap the number of terms at two and do away with a Congressional retirement plan!

  29. foobar says:

    Classic liberalism? Where’s my snuff box?

    Oh right, classic liberalism devolved into social darwinism, then objectivism, then finally bow ties. I also think the Nazis invaded the Sudetenland somewhere in there.

    It’s hysterical when tea baggers pretend to be philosopher-type-guys. It’s even funnier than Dukakis riding in a tank. In the future remember it’s “Classical Liberalism” or “Classic Liberal Arts”. Not “Classic Liberalism” you inbred fish in a barrel.

  30. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #41 Foobar: I’m pretty much in agreement with everything you said there. And, at the end you gave me a little laugh. Thanks.

    I admit I lean toward the right these days and I do believe that Obama is corrupt. But, I fear the Republican candidates so far. Almost as much I feared the McCain/Palin ticket of ’08.

    Admittedly, I’ve been out of contact for the last two or three weeks and, sadly will be gone again in a day or two. I missed the CNN debate but, I understand, the format was too silly to qualify as a circus. “Coke or Pepsi?” Gimme a break.

    Again, thanks for the snicker.


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