If this is helping, they can stop now. Or, I suppose, given how few people in the US support it, we could stop the war.

Pakistan’s top military spy agency has arrested some of the Pakistani informants who fed information to the Central Intelligence Agency in the months leading up to the raid that led to the death of Osama bin Laden, according to American officials.

Pakistan’s detention of five C.I.A. informants, including a Pakistani Army major who officials said copied the license plates of cars visiting Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in the weeks before the raid, is the latest evidence of the fractured relationship between the United States and Pakistan. It comes at a time when the Obama administration is seeking Pakistan’s support in brokering an endgame in the war in neighboring Afghanistan.
Some in Washington see the arrests as illustrative of the disconnect between Pakistani and American priorities at a time when they are supposed to be allies in the fight against Al Qaeda — instead of hunting down the support network that allowed Bin Laden to live comfortably for years, the Pakistani authorities are arresting those who assisted in the raid that killed the world’s most wanted man.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existentialist says:

    God, articles like this are depressing. How incompetent is our government?

    “It comes at a time when the Obama administration is seeking Pakistan’s support in brokering an endgame in the war in neighboring Afghanistan.” //// You don’t need “help” in ending a war. You declare victory and go home. How deep in shit do we have to get before we recognize our OWN PRIORITIES??? Ahh, its disgusting. And yes, both parties are guilty of it.

    Over and over again, we are doing it to ourselves. Cut yourself enough times and you will bleed to death whether that was your first ultimate goal or not.

    I see little to no hope for USA. Sad.

  2. Dallas says:

    War is a defense industry racket and the Pakistani government knows it. In addition, having America by a short lease with their war with India is a nice fringe benefit.

    We have funneled billions of tax dollars from the terrified American sheeple into Pakistan and another countless billions into our own defense industry jobs program.

    Tell me again why any of the above players wanted to kill the golden goose?

  3. sargasso_c says:

    Someone recently called Pakistan, an army with a country.

  4. TooManyPuppies says:

    It’s a two way street, no double standards will be allowed. Don’t WE arrest, deport or jail foreign spies or anyone that supplies intel to foreign spies? Yes, we do. Suck it up and take it when it happens to us.

    Those that practice hypocrisy and double standards deserve jail themselves.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    Some people in the Pakistani military/industrial/security/education complex are probably being paid or paid off by some people in our military/industrial/security/education complex.

    Bobbo is right.

    Look at how we left Vietnam, tossing helicopters off the deck of aircraft carriers.

    Once there’s no more money coming, we bug the fuck out and nothing had better get between us and the door.

  6. Gen. Ripper says:

    Enough already, OK? ENOUGH! Let’s just nuke that whole part of the world right into beautiful green crater glass. Anyplace that ends in “stan”, for starters. Give me the button. I’ll push that bad-boy quicker than you can spit, just so I don’t EVER have to listen to any more “news” about that fly-infested shithole and the goatfucking whistleheads in it!

  7. Mac Guy says:

    But god forbid we cut off the financial support we give them…

    Maybe we should. Let the crazies take over and fuck over the entire country.

  8. chuck says:

    If it was discovered that members of the US military (and civilians) were providing intelligence to a foreign power (such as Canada or Great Britain), would we arrest those people? Of course.

    Just ask Private Bradley Manning.

    Working for the CIA is risky.

  9. msbpodcast says:

    #9, B.Dog is right.

    The Onion has overtaken the National Enquirer and the Globe as a most trustworthy news source according to an MIB poll,

  10. Glenn E. says:

    Don’t you just “love” how the US Feds won’t label the Pakistan government as being in bed with the terrorists? And yet same Feds have little problem labeling any of its citizens as criminals over stupid stuff, like stealing copyrighted media. The Chinese do it all the time, and the US concerns like Microsoft, just put up with it as a part of doing business there. Especially as MS, the RIAA, and MPAA have no influence in China’s government to stop it. But in the US, they obviously have the gov. in their collective pockets. Ya know, the USA, where citizens are supposed to have a lot more rights and protection, over China’s citizens. But apparently, where big profits are at any risk, said citizens of a “free world” are screwed. But let’s not DARE accuse the Pakistanis of anything but good deeds and good intentions. HA!

  11. jpfitz says:

    Dallas is right. Since the Reagan era the DoD notched up the war machine . I was naive and patriotic while making parts in machine shops for missles, helicoptors, subs, B1b bombers ect. ect.

    I know I sound whiny but there’s innocent blood on my hands. It appears the only manufacturing happening in America today is for the war machine.

    We gave the Chinese our knowledge on plastic injection and now almost all our day to day products including the keyboard i’m typing on is made in China. Way to go USA!

  12. GregAllen says:

    >> # 6 Gen. Ripper said, on June 15th, 2011 at 6:13 am
    >> Enough already, OK? ENOUGH! Let’s just nuke that whole part of the world right into beautiful green crater glass.

    I’ve heard some fiery sermons in Pakistan but none that beat the genocidal radicalism of “Gen Ripper.”

    And, sadly, these kind of comments are spewed by Americans pretty commonly and usually not replied do. And, yet, we continue to congratulate ourselves for being more civilized.

  13. GregAllen says:

    Don’t the Pakistanis who helped the CIA get a cut of the $25 million for bin Laden? That should offset some lawyer fees.

  14. GregAllen says:


    It’s not incompetence by Obama, it’s pragmatism.

    America NEEDS Pakistan in order to finish this ill-conceived occupation Bush started. Look at a map.

  15. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #12 jpfitz said

    “It appears the only manufacturing happening in America today is for the war machine.”

    John Deere has been keeping me busy hauling new products from their factories in Iowa, Illinois, North Dakota and North Carolina. A sizable portion of it has been to ports for shipment overseas. And these are high dollar pieces including combines, farm tractors and implements and large construction machinery.

  16. WhamaLamma says:

    Pakistan is not our friend any more than any other country in the region is our friend.

    They’ve all pretended in the past and some still do until we don’t pay them enough.

  17. jpfitz says:

    #16 Cap’nKangaroo
    I stand corrected.
    Though Long Island is where I hail from consists of mostly defense machine shops.

    Good to hear we’re not just exporting weapons.

  18. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existentialist says:

    #15–Greg==tell me “why” exactly. What does the map have to do with declaring victory and leaving?

    Unless you, or anyone else has a crystal ball with a guarantee, NO ONE can predict the future. After the fact, everyone will say “told you.” but before the fact, no one knows. Every opinion is represented as if their guess is the only outcome. someone is “right” but no one knows who.

    Politics/history/fate/chaos is like that. Its why acting in our own immediate and long term SELF interest is recommended. If we pull out now, it will save us money and lives. What might happen 6 months later is IN REALITY===UNKNOWN. Deal with it then.

    More simple truth denied by our political leaders and bought by the public.


  19. Somebody says:

    # 1 bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existentialist said:

    “…Ahh, its disgusting. And yes, both parties are guilty of it….”

    Have I lived to see the day that bobbo has a clue?

  20. Somebody says:

    # 12 jpfitz said

    “I know I sound whiny but there’s innocent blood on my hands.”

    Don’t sweat it. Anybody who’s voted major party in the last 80 years has blood on their hands.

    The trick is to not mind it so much.

    Or, to quote Captain Kirk:

    “[War] is instinctive. But the instinct can be fought. We’re human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands! But we can stop it. We can admit that we’re killers … but we’re not going to kill today. That’s all it takes! Knowing that we’re not going to kill – today!”

    But is does require the courage to “throw your vote away”.


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