“Let the game show begin! Oh, wait… This isn’t Let’s Make A Deal?”

In New Hampshire the existing field of seven Republicans had different missions going into the 120-minute rhetorical tussle. There was a bothersome hectic air about the show. Being TV, host John King was constantly stressing time, time, time, as if there weren’t 14 months until the convention and 512 days until the 2012 election.
For Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann, it was a chance to introduce themselves to a national TV audience, or at least those Americans choosing to watch a low-rated cable news channel on a summer evening when they’ll have interminable opportunities to watch/read/listen more later, when others like Jon Huntsman may join in.

Bachmann took the opportunity to basically announce her candidacy. […] Pawlenty, who’s new to this league, looked sincere but less comfortable than he will down the road. Ron Paul was, well, Ron Paul. […] Fact is, the entire Republican field has moved in his direction in some areas like the overpowering size of the federal government now.

Newt Gingrich, trying to relaunch his stumbling campaign, was sharp, pointed and surprisingly brief for a former speaker; it served him well. […] Romney’s ridden this circuit before and looked the most poised and presidential, even plopped in center stage.
One striking sense from this initial encounter is how distinctly more conservative is the tone this time over 2007-08, especially in matters fiscal.

Although a new Gallup Poll reveals that Republicans are more interested this time in picking a winner than in finding an ideal ideological soulmate.

Here’s an article fact-checking the debaters’ statements.

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  1. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existentialist says:

    #102–Freddy==you say: “Consideration for other people, perhaps? Or is that too idealistic for you?” /// No, just nonsense. Nationality is one of the most artificial of aspects people claim for themselves. If you are to be sensitive at all===it should be the other way around, just as I am demonstrating.

    So, the flight to the Swiss Frank is a “clue” as to your nationality? I don’t see how. Either you are making shit up in your mind, or I am clueless. I have already declared for clueless, so its your option to prove the other case.

    Ha, ha.

    I crack myself up.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existentialist says:

    Anybody notice there was the always to be appreciated “fact checking link” provided by our thoughtful Uncle Dave?

    Worth a read.


  3. sargasso_c says:

    Like watching turkeys vote for an early Thanksgiving.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existentialist says:

    I wouldn’t post for just one issue, but with a two fer:

    #107–sargasso==yes, good one.

    #108–Pedo==schizo? Why? Delusional I post anyone on this blog should Think?……..Well, maybe so.

  5. Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? says:

    Once again the Republicans provide a welcome relief from the community organizer currently occupying the White House and his ENDLESS campaigning while neglecting his sworn duties.

    Finally some candidates with the intelligence and will to lead the country out of this social democratic welfare state path it’s on.

    Imagine, it might even be a place for a rich man in the country again. Oh, the horror!

    Once one of them is elected, hopefully, it will herald a republican surge and we will no longer have to be subjected to photos of pathetic erections being sent to unsuspecting women.

  6. Special Ed says:

    I’m pretty sure I have to agree with this fucker:

    Chang said on Jun 14 2011, 05:26 PM:
    6 月12日,利比亚反政府武装和政府军在西部多个城镇继续交火。反政府武装当天试图进入的黎波里西部的扎维耶,不过在几个小时的战斗后就被政府军击退。被传目前在阿尔及利亚流亡的利比亚领导人卡扎菲12日再次出现在利国家电视台画面上,与国际象棋联合会主席就象棋进行“过招”。 ***反政府武装试图攻入扎维耶受挫 《利比亚国家报》报道说,政府军在扎维耶西部活捉210名反政府武装人员,还有10名武装人员被打死。不过,“全国过渡委员会”媒体中心发言人贾拉勒表示,这些数字并不属实。反对派公布的数字是,扎维耶当天的激战造成15名反对派成员和100名政府军丧生。 除扎维耶外,利比亚反对派12日在企图夺取石油重镇布雷加的战斗中也受挫,至少4人死亡。“我们首先发起攻击,不过随后遭到对方反击。我们试图接近布雷加,不过那实在太难了,”从前线受伤回到班加西接受治疗的反对派成员埃尔格圭伊透露。班加西一家医院称,与埃尔格圭伊一同在这次战斗中受伤的还有64 人。 尽管如此,贾拉勒认为,卡扎菲的部队目前只是在进行最后的挣扎,并指出政府军企图夺回津坦和米苏拉塔,不过没有成功。 ***政府军作战计划被反对派缴获? 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)称得到一份题为“清除米苏拉塔激进分子的作战文件” 的15页文件,每页上均标有“绝密”字样。在第10页上有卡扎菲的儿子哈米斯•穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲的名字,身份是战区指挥官。这份文件的真实性目前尚未得到证实。反对派成员表示,他们是5月18日至20日在米苏拉塔利附近从一名政府高官身上获得的。 上一页 1 2 3 下一页 上一页 1 2 3 下一页 延伸阅读 * 缅甸政府军与克钦独立武装在中缅边界地区交火 2011-06-14 16:03 * 利比亚反对派自曝从突尼斯走私小型武器 2011-06-13 14:04 * 利比亚战事仍胶着 卡扎菲高级助手或被北约战机炸伤 2011-06-13 09:18 * 利政府军西部战线全面反击 土愿为卡扎菲下台“担保” 2011-06-12 10:01 * 利比亚政府军猛攻叛军据点 北约称卡扎菲时日无多 2011-06-09 10:07 * 卡扎菲呼吁停火 英国特种兵或已与反对派联系 2011-06-01 08:24 * 卡扎菲称北约抓不到他 美国尚未承认利反对派政府 2011-05-15 09:08 * 利比亚政府军多地受挫 反对派武装夺边关 2011-04-22 11:22 * 多哈利比亚联络小组会议要卡扎菲下台 北约继续空袭 2011-04-15 08:36 * 利比亚政府军再遭北约空袭 卡扎菲现身学校号召赶走侵略者 2011-04-11 09:00 * 空客将展示未来航空业广阔前景 2011-06-14 13:24:00 空中客车公司日前宣布,将在2011巴黎航展上,与业界和公众分享公司对于未来航空业发展的理念和展望。穿行于展台间,参观者将真切体会到空中客车公司推出的“空中客车的未来构想”――对于未来航空业的大胆设想。>> 详细 * 6月13日:1000万套的保障房建设任务会落空吗? 2011-06-13 12:56:00 6月9日,住建部部长要求各地必须在11月末前开建保障房,并称今年的1000万套保障房建设任务是中央政府向全国人民的承诺。从这个意义上说,在兑现保障房建设进度承诺的同时,仍需高度防范由此而带来的“进度”陷阱。>> 详细 * 多建火电厂就能解决”电荒”? 2011-06-12 10:27:15 今年年初以来,浙江、重庆等地淡季发生“电荒”,昨日发改委副主任、能源局局长刘铁男首度公开表态,将加快上马火电项目缓解“电荒”,在建项目将优先审批。为什么国家电网会这么在乎新的发电产能的增加,从而不遗余力地强调今年“电荒”的可能和危害。>> 详细 * 6月10日:指责听证会”走过场” 不如从自身上找原因 2011-06-10 13:03:00 近日,东莞市物价局发布了征集听证会参加人的公告,然而截至6月7日(即最后一天),未收到任何市民的报名。对此,东莞市消委会秘书长邓国平表示,水价上涨是每个市民生活都必须面对的问题,无人报名参加这只是说明消费者非常不成熟,民主素质有待提高。>> 详细 * 6月9日:“炫富广告”不过是只替罪羊 2011-06-09 13:24:00 今年以来,福建等多个省份再次开展了整治“炫富”广告的行动。一边是房价飙升,普通百姓买不起,一边是部分开发商高喊‘为富人盖房’,助长了社会浮躁、奢侈风气,与社会主义精神文明建设极度不相符。>> 详细 * 马来西亚人才呈流出趋势 2011-06-08 13:55:00 世界银行在题为《马来西亚经济观察:人才外流》的报告中指出,马来西亚人才外流已经呈现出越来越严重的趋势。世界银行经济专家认为,马来西亚还需要增强生产力,推动以绩效和需求为基础的政策,才能吸引和留住人才。>> 详细 * 菲律宾贵金属产量增长 2011-06-08 13:53:00 菲律宾国家矿业地质局数据显示,2011年菲律宾的贵金属产值预计达1375.84亿比索(约合32亿美元),比去年产量增长39%。其中,黄金产量将达44197公斤,产值达770.41亿比索;白银产量达46904公斤,产值达14亿比索。>> 详细 * 欧盟4月失业率略有下降 2011-06-08 13:53:00 欧盟统计局公布的统计数据显示,欧元区和欧盟今年4月的失业率分别为9.9%和9.4%,欧元区失业率与上个月相比持平,欧盟失业率则略有下降。在欧盟成员国中,荷兰和奥地利今年4月的失业率最低,均为4.2%;其次是卢森堡,为4.5%。>> 详细 * 法国4月家庭消费支出环比下降 2011-06-08 13:53:00 据新华社巴黎电法国全国统计和经济研究所公布的数据显示,由于汽车和能源消费减少,法国4月家庭消费支出环比下降1.8%,降幅高于上月的1%。数据显示,今年4月法国家庭耐用品消费支出环比下降6.3%,降幅大于上月的1.2%;其中汽车消费支出下降10.2%,降幅远远大于上月的2.1%。>> 详细 * 经合组织成员国通胀率同比增高 2011-06-08 13:53:00 据新华社巴黎电总部设在巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)公布报告说,今年4月份能源价格加速上涨,将成员国整体消费价格指数同比涨幅推高至2.9%,突破3月份2.7%的纪录,再创2008年10月以来新高。报告说,2011年4月份经合组织能源价格同比上涨13.8%,与前一个月同比增幅提高1.4 个百分点;食品价格上涨3.1%,比前一个月的同比增幅微降0.1个百分点。>> 详细 * 6月8日:从经济学的角度看待李娜的成功 2011-06-08 13:42:00 随着罗兰・加洛斯球场上空首次升起五星国旗,有关网球和李娜的话题也持续升温……李娜的成功,不仅是为中国网球赢得第一座大满贯女单桂冠、亚洲网坛第一次捧起大满贯单打奖杯。>> 详细 * 国际板不能轻言“已准备到位” 2011-06-08 09:18:24 上海市副市长屠光绍6月6日做客上海电视台的“我与市长面对面”节目,就广受关注的上海证交所开设国际板的问题作出了回答。从屠副市长作出此番表态前传出的信息来看,有关方面正在制订一套适合境外公司进入中国市场的法规以及会计准则。>> 详细 * 房地产为何成“炫富”广告的“重灾区” 2011-06-08 08:35:13 “贵族领地”“三大豪宅新系,奢华垂范全城”……眼下,买不起房成为大多数人的苦恼,而铺天盖地的房地产广告用词显得格外刺眼。从社会影响看,炫富广告的确传递出了错误的文化价值观念,不利于社会共识的形成。(乾羽原题:奢华垂范背后的炫富载体)>> 详细 * 用哪一种方式清偿地方债务 2011-06-07 09:17:24 地方政府融资平台以及债务问题一直讳莫如深,旁人难以窥其全貌,本次央行主动提供的信息可谓一大进步。虽然目前地方政府债务尚未到偿还高峰,但未来三年地方债务危机的压力会逐步显露,还本付息风险不容小觑,或许就是地方债务危机爆发期。>> 详细 * 6月3日:双汇复产,请给消费者一盘“放心肉” 2011-06-03 13:10:00 ①5 月31日,中国畜牧业协会在北京举行的“肉鸡养殖与消费安全”论坛上公布一项第三方检测结果,京沪穗三地的抽检显示鸡肉不含激素,社会上对鸡肉中含有激素的担心是没有根据的。②目前的一次性塑料餐具中,仅3成全部用新料生产,绝大部分餐具中废塑料占九成,在生产过程中,往往使用了有毒的荧光增白剂。>> 详细

  7. denacron says:

    # 112
    “I think #111 is a spammer.”

    Yes but, the part where he quoted “提供的信” and “盟失业率则” were very 题为《马!

    …or maybe not.

  8. foobar says:

    Mextli said “Imagine, it might even be a place for a rich man in the country again. Oh, the horror!”

    Bullshit, can you spare a dime?

  9. Dallas says:

    #111 makes more sense than #112

  10. tcc3 says:

    #116 TeaDud

    That’s not what the CBO said. That’s not even what the CBO studied. The statement was not about job losses that had occurred. It was about loss estimated *over the next decade* due to people quitting due to no longer needing their job solely for health insurance. If any thing that creates the potential for more hires (not more jobs). Some of those might not be refilled. Who can say? If they aren’t refilled the argument can be made that they’d have been laid off any way.

    Regardless, the CBO report does not say what you claim.

    #117 Now were back to the old “Taxes are theft” lie. No one is keeping you here. If you don’t like the tax rate, GTFO. If you feel that contributing to pay for things that benefit your country/community is theft, then go find some place with no taxes.

    “The food is terrible and the portions are so small”

  11. tcc3 says:

    #119 TeaDud

    You’re equivocating. You said the article was inaccurate, then claimed the CBO said something that it didn’t. Those jobs are not lost, pay attention. You are the one quibbling “with semantics and misdirect.”

    As far as the taxes go, you can’t have it both ways. If you want to argue the use of the taxes, be my guest. That they are necessary, but we agree to disagree on their purpose – that is a reasonable difference of opinion.

    If your position is “all taxes are evil/theft,” that’s when I say GTFO and find your “tax free utopia,” if you can.

  12. jbenson2 says:

    #120 Taxed Enough said: “All were united against Obama, any one of these candidates is 10 fold better than reelecting Obama therefore we cannot lose.”

    Even the Presidential lapdogs are turning on Obama. The Huffing and Puffing Post said:

    A recent Pew survey found that 84 percent of staunch conservatives strongly disapprove of the president, but only 64 percent of solid liberals strongly approve of him. Intensity, or enthusiasm, is an important factor in driving voters to the polls.

    Even Obama is starting to realize it is over. At a fund-raiser he said: “It’s not as cool to be an Obama supporter as it was in 2008, with the posters and all of that stuff.”

    Add in the inflation increase hitting a 3-year high, key manufacturing index going negative, along with jobless claims and the housing market disaster, and just ask: Do we want 4 more years of what Obama has done?

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existentialist says:

    #123–jb/sfb/retard==what you willing to bet? so, 64% of libs support Obama while 15% of Pukes support Romney? And you think you have a chance? BWaaahahahahahahaha. What a loser.

    and 84% of “staunch Republican” hate Obaman? What is a staunch Republican if 16 % don’t hate Obama?

    We hope for transparency, but it only comes with the SFB simplicy of the Obama Haters. Proof that God has turned his back on this Universe.

    Ha, ha.

  14. tcc3 says:

    #124 Teadud:

    But you took the quote out of context. The next thing he ways makes is clear that the reduction is in the number of workers, not the number of jobs.

    Here’s the actual quote

    “Yes. The way I would put it is that we do estimate, as you said, that the household employment will be about 160 million by the end of the decade. Half a percent of that is 800,000. That means that if the reduction in the labor used was workers working the average number of hours in the economy and earning the average wage, that there would be a reduction of 800,000 workers.”

    Odd, that you would need to censor the quote to make it fit your argument.

    Its also odd that when the CBO said that the HC reform law would save money/reduce the deficit they were a liberal propaganda outlet in Obama’s pocket. When you think that you can distort their findings to fit your argument, suddenly they speak the gospel truth.

  15. tcc3 says:

    #127 TeaDud

    “A reduction of 800,000 working 8 hours a day = 800,000 jobs lost.”

    No. That is not what that means. Every time someone quits or gets fired that job is lost, never to be refilled? I’ve already admitted that some of those jobs might not be refilled. But if they were not refilled the person likely would have been laid off/downsized anyway. Most of those jobs will be refilled by new workers or the unemployed.

    it seems to me what happened was this: Republican Congressman John Campbell asked a leading question. Elmendorf answers the question he thought was being asked, then elucidates to ensure there is no misunderstanding.

    His explanation does not bear out your conclusion.

    And again you cut short the quote for your own emphasis. It is a lie by omission.

  16. LibertyLover says:

    Off Topic . . . a bit.


  17. tcc3 says:

    #133 TeaDud

    Did you even read what you posted? The “unambiguous” 800k figure doesn’t appear in that pdf. It does mention some potential job loss, just describes it as being coupled with a min wage increase. That’s not what Elmendorf is referring to.

    Again and again you truncate his response – it is not the response of the Washinton post columnist – its what Elmendorf said:

    “ELMENDORF: “Yes. The way I would put it is that we do estimate, as you said, that the household employment will be about 160 million by the end of the decade. Half a percent of that is 800,000. That means that if the reduction in the labor used was workers working the average number of hours in the economy and earning the average wage, that there would be a reduction of 800,000 workers.”

    Also from the pdf:

    “Because employees largely bear the cost of health insurance or play-or-pay fees in the form of lower wages, the effects of those provisions on employment and hours worked is likely to be relatively minor.”

    “By making insurance obtained outside the workplace more attractive, those provisions could cause some people to retire early.”

    “In addition, those who have medical problems (or have family members with medical problems) have an incentive to stay in a job that provides health insurance in order to cover those preexisting conditions, even if more productive opportunities exist elsewhere— a phenomenon known as “job lock.” (Those opportunities could include working for a different employer or becoming an entrepreneur.)”

    So the CBO report is unreliable and full of CYA language so as to not make Pelosi mad? Then why are you relying on it? Its either lies or its not.

    Make up your mind.

  18. gmknobl says:

    Who won the debate, aside from revealing a complete lack of intelligence, wisdom and being just plain selfishly greedy, making all intelligent people want to vote for Democrats (but reluctantly at best), the only real winners were big CORPORATIONS!

    Oh, they’re licking their lips on the cash flow Republicans will give them while taking away from the American people. (They get slightly less from the Democrats but the American people still loose.)

  19. ECA says:

    For anyone that wishes to become PRESIDENT, or senator/congress person…

    LETS run them on a few game shows..

    Price is right..is very good..
    Smarter then a 5th grader..

    A few video game competitions also..
    Sim city..
    A good trading program..(elite 2, ..)

  20. So what says:

    OK, alfie want’s bachman to run. If she does win the nomination. Sure that’s gonna happen. She will lose, one reason she’s nuts, second reason she’s tea party, third reason she’s a woman. The GOP rank and file just won’t vote for the trifecta. So does that mean that alfies actually a closet liberal stacking the cards so Obama wins a second term, or is he really batshit crazy enough to actually think she has a snowballs chance in hell? Just asking.

  21. tcc3 says:

    #138 TeaDud

    I’m glad you’re done with a losing argument. You’ve gone from saying “He definitely said this unambiguously” to “He maybe said this, sort of, its vague, you cant prove he didn’t” Wow, compelling argument.

    I stand by he did not say what you said he did. He was asked a question and answered “Yes, but…” You don’t get to throw out the rest of the statement because you don’t like what it says.

    I can in fact argue that he didn’t say 800k *jobs* would be lost, because he didn’t. He said :

    “That means that if the reduction in the labor used was workers working the average number of hours in the economy and earning the average wage, that there would be a reduction of 800,000 workers.”

    800k fewer workers, not 800k fewer jobs.

  22. Frownedupon says:

    When you hit the ‘Vew Results’ button for the poll it should open in a new window automatically.. what is this 1998?

  23. So what says:

    Yep he really is that batshit crazy.


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