“Let the game show begin! Oh, wait… This isn’t Let’s Make A Deal?”

In New Hampshire the existing field of seven Republicans had different missions going into the 120-minute rhetorical tussle. There was a bothersome hectic air about the show. Being TV, host John King was constantly stressing time, time, time, as if there weren’t 14 months until the convention and 512 days until the 2012 election.
For Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann, it was a chance to introduce themselves to a national TV audience, or at least those Americans choosing to watch a low-rated cable news channel on a summer evening when they’ll have interminable opportunities to watch/read/listen more later, when others like Jon Huntsman may join in.

Bachmann took the opportunity to basically announce her candidacy. […] Pawlenty, who’s new to this league, looked sincere but less comfortable than he will down the road. Ron Paul was, well, Ron Paul. […] Fact is, the entire Republican field has moved in his direction in some areas like the overpowering size of the federal government now.

Newt Gingrich, trying to relaunch his stumbling campaign, was sharp, pointed and surprisingly brief for a former speaker; it served him well. […] Romney’s ridden this circuit before and looked the most poised and presidential, even plopped in center stage.
One striking sense from this initial encounter is how distinctly more conservative is the tone this time over 2007-08, especially in matters fiscal.

Although a new Gallup Poll reveals that Republicans are more interested this time in picking a winner than in finding an ideal ideological soulmate.

Here’s an article fact-checking the debaters’ statements.

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  1. tcc3 says:

    #28 LibertyLover:

    If companies are so willing to vote tax policy with their feet, then I guess there aren’t any Belgian (one of the highest tax rates) companies. Oh there still seem to be some.

    I wonder why all companies haven’t moved to Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, and Uzbekistan (all 9-10%). There must be *other factors* that keep corporations from fleeing at the slightest tax increase.

  2. ± says:

    Reading all the crap above makes it seem a certainty that American voters are going to continue to destroy their country by electing Ds and Rs again.

  3. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become DOGMA says:

    tcc3–there is at least one “clever” argument JB could make but that is not his game. His game is to chant the dogma repeatedly until the only way to keep sanity is to chant the dogma along with him.

    there will be no rational comparisons of what is good and bad in any cross cultural examination. Nothing to learn when the only goal is the roar of the chant.

    The only thing todays Republican Party thinks is that taxes are too high. They don’t care what is received in return. Rational comparisons as you suggest are irrelevant—did you cut the taxes or not?

    I believe JB is lost, but there are lots of other retards that check the blog and go forward. Maybe just a little sliver of rationality can be imparted to them.

    Ha. ha. My mind is not made up on where the appropriate tax level in the USA could/should be===but I am dogmatic in my own way that cutting taxes no matter what the issue is cannot be the right answer.

    Yet that is what the Puke Panel testified to during the debate.

    “Silly” and “self destructive” really doesn’t get at the rot such non-think represents.

  4. tcc3 says:

    #34 TeaDud

    Cool story bro! Can you link to a news article about that incident? Or are you just making shit up again?

    Are anecdotes and whole cloth fantasies the extent of you rhetorical ability?

  5. LibertyLover says:

    #37, They are moving to Switzerland.


    It is a google search but I think you’ll get the idea. Agreed, it just isn’t tax rates but other things as well (non-third world status might be a big boon). Switzerland seems to have what the these companies are looking for. In 2008, 1200 US companies moved there. 1200!!!

    Some of the companies that have moved there include McDonald’s, Kraft, Yahoo!, Nissan. This list goes on and on.

  6. WHOPR says:

    Voting has become like global thermonuclear war, Professor Falken. The only winning move is to not play.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    #37 tcc3 – news flash – People do vote on tax policies with their feet.

    California vs Texas

    The two states have many similarities. They have diverse economies, large urban areas, a border with Mexico and similar demographic make-up, with Hispanics a third of the population.

    Yet one state is failing and one state is succeeding.

    California is acquiring $25 million in new debt each day.

    Texas had a budget surplus in 2009.

    At 12 percent, unemployment in California is well above average.

    The Texas 7.9 percent unemployment rate is well below the national average of 9.8.

    Perhaps the most dramatic illustration of Texas’ superiority is that Americans have been stating their preference for the Lone Star State with their feet.

    Between 2000 and 2009:
    California lost 1.5 million people
    Texas gained 850,000

  8. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become DOGMA says:

    Let companies “set up” wheverever they get the finest blow jobs. But let them pay full taxes on the revenue they make within the USA. Then “we the people” can decide whether to eat American or some fancy Swiss alternative which is afterall just France with a lot of historical spin.

    Ha, ha. I crack myself up. Most corporations are not “international” in scope.

    Lets compare fruit to fruit.

  9. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become DOGMA says:

    #43–Hey SFB==Answer this one: If the budget were in balance, and the President decided to take us to war, should be then submit next years budget with a tax increase, a tax cut, or leave it the same?

    Please tell us what is orthodoxy in your world?

    You “should have” NO CREDIBILITY if you can’t answer this question==even if just for yourself.

    Hint—its the start of the path to self awareness. Get the shit cart out and find a good stiff broom.

    //// Going for the “NO CREDIBILITY” route heh? Have you been formally schooled: NEVER answer any questions, just stick to the talking points?

    Ha ha. What a tool.

  10. jbenson2 says:

    #46 tcc3 concluded with: “A reasonable sized government with a reasonable sized tax rate.”

    Sounds reasonable.

    But, when you consider the $14 trillion national debt, the USA does not have a reasonable sized government.

  11. msbpodcast says:

    In #41, LibertyLover said: Switzerland seems to have what the these companies are looking for.

    The rats were and are leaving the sunken ship, regardless of the country’s tax policies.

    Everybody can smell blood in the water and they’re getting out of the pool.

  12. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become DOGMA says:

    People/corporations/governments will always go where it “seems” to be less regulated “for themselves.” Its why Delaware is the paper mail drop for corps in america. Its why we need “Bigger Government” to make business compete on a level playing ground–not making their paper moves to one advantage or another but rather to compete more effectively by giving consumers what they want/need.

    Rachel Madow is highlighting the current retro move of the Pukes: not just removing a womans right to choose but outlawing birth control. Not just removing bargaining rights but doing away with minimum wage and child labor laws as well.

    There is a drive to self destruction when DOGMA carries the day.

  13. msbpodcast says:

    In # 42 WHOPR said: The only winning move is to not play.

    Its depressing watching that pack of running dogs ignorantly are irrelevantly barking lies as they snap at each other’s hind-quarters.

    The republic has suceded in destroying itself. The founding father fucked up with this election shit.

    We’d have a more representative government by picking names out of a hat and throwing these bums out.

    Just wanting office should be enough to disqualify one from holding it.

  14. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become DOGMA says:

    #48–WHOA!!! My good friend==don’t go all Alfie on us. I didn’t mean to push you so hard. To answer a direct question. WHAT WAS I THINKING????

    Oh yeah, I remember now. To face the consequences of your own recommendations.

    So, I’ll be asking until you answer:

    Answer this one: If the budget were in balance, and the President decided to take us to war, should be then submit next years budget with a tax increase, a tax cut, or leave it the same?

    Please tell us what is orthodoxy in your world?

    You “should have” NO CREDIBILITY if you can’t answer this question==even if just for yourself.

    Hint—its the start of the path to self awareness. Get the shit cart out and find a good stiff broom.

    First you try repetition, now its an overt distraction? What is this, performance art of the Republican Tool at work?

    Empathetic Hint: there is a “smart” answer. Not valid, but smart==it will fool most liberals, even those like myself. Have I given away too much? What does a liberal like myself think of JB==do you even know? Not on your talking points?

    C’mon get with it before it gets pathetic.

  15. jbenson2 says:

    #51 Bobbo

    The best defense is a good offense.

  16. MikeN says:

    #7, the answer is 1, the British. Now what does that have to do with yesterday’s debate?

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #47, Pretty much.

    Raise the taxes to pay for the spending and people will leave even faster. Bad.

    Keep the taxes where they are and don’t reduce the spending and we go further in debt. People will leave because of a poor economy. Bad.

    What is the common theme in these two options? Spending.

  18. LibertyLover says:

    #50, Just wanting office should be enough to disqualify one from holding it.


    I read a book once where the government was based on the fact that any resources used by the government had to be paid for by the government official utilizing those resources in the form of community service. When the big dog in charge decided to go to war (he was attacked first), he had to spend 20 years doing preventative maintenance on the defense satellites.

    Granted, it was over the top, but it was an interesting twist.

  19. Ron Paul is the hope & change we need! Oh wait, Ron Paul is just a Politician in it for the money like the rest of them. He has a better modern act ill give him that! But who is he really fooling, some nutty Ayn Rand followers we now call Libertarians?

    “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time” – P. T. Barnum

  20. MikeN says:

    >can you confirm? Didn’t Obama LOWER your taxes, like he did for everyone else? And doesn’t every announced proposal he has hinted at leave your taxes alone?

    You should have stopped at the first sentence. Even then you have at least the health insurance mandate, which the government has stated in court is a tax. Also the estate tax was raised from 0%, though that was in effect for only one year, and you could argue the 35% was lower than the years before that.

    With the second sentence you have his proposals for higher capital gains taxes and higher income taxes for people making over $200000. Why he would violate a promise over $50000 is beyond me. http://money.cnn.com/2010/02/01/pf/taxes/obama_budget_tax_changes/index.htm
    Plus higher taxes on dividends and less deductions for charitable giving.

  21. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become DOGMA says:

    #52–jbenson2==ok, my first completely serious post to you: yes, a good/better/best defense is what I’m encouraging you to use. Why? Because a good attack/offense from you will make my counter all that stronger. I want the “best” from everyone. Not worn out repetitive transparent unthinking dogma. See Loser for his own repetitive nonsense in this area.

    C’mon–doesn’t night follow day? Balanced budget and you decide to go to war? Everyone but Bush did the rational thing. And you would recommend……….

    #54–Loser==what they all have in common is expenditures in excess of revenue. Its a formula where a change in one variable requires a change in another variable. The tax rate is not Sigma asymptotically approaching zero. Really, what a silly liebertard you enjoy being.

  22. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become DOGMA says:

    #57–Mike==you’re all over the map. don’t want to take the time to find the least objectionable to your garbage.

    Any “solution” that doesn’t match expenditure reduction with some multiple of tax increase/loophole reduction is just a sham.

    Deal with it. And don’t say “Sham-Wow!” It wouldn’t be funny.

  23. JimD says:

    We, as Americans, all lost !!! This “Confederacy of Dunces” is not fit to lead, let alone be DOG CATCHER !!! Repukes should look toward 2016 if this is the best they can do !!!

  24. GigG says:

    When either party actually has a debate I’ll let you know.

  25. tcc3 says:

    #41 LL

    Who moved where now? Nissan’s world headquarters is in Nishi-ku, Yokohama. Mcdonald’s is in Oakbrook , IL. Kraft is in Northfield, IL.

    As I said before, why does any company tolerate taxes? Why doesn’t everyone move to one of my suggested 10% places? it must be that taxes *are not the only factor*

    #43 jbenson2 We’re talking corporate taxes and whether having to pay any would cause them to move. Pay attention.

    Also, Texas has hit hard times too, haven’t you heard? They’re slashing budgets at every level to close a $25 billion budget gap.

    #46 jbenson 2:

    No, that means we don’t have a reasonable sized debt. Spending is a factor. Revenue is a factor. Pay the bills.

  26. Dallas says:

    #53 sadly, the Paul Revere question was an elimination round question that didn’t make it.

    I didn’t see the debate but can pretty much predict what happened. Nothing new and it’s too early. Joe the Plumber nor Palin wasn’t on the list.
    Like I said weeks ago, Newt will go down in flames like Trump and Bachman needs to pull a Sharon Stone to be considered.

    If I had to pick one, I’d pick Ron Paul. He probably despises the Christian Taliban as much as I do but naturally has to suck up to them for a while. He appears to have good ideas to move the needle closer to the center.

    I don’t know who the token Negro is. I think Palin has more cock sucking experience to be VP so I write Jim off as a GOP stunt to show diversity.

    Mit Romney is a question mark. Riding a bicycle with a tie to the event caused many viewers to turn off their lights and hide in the bathroom. He also needs to walk a fine line with his successful implementation of Obamacare in his state while appearing to also dislike the Negro president. Tough one.

    It’s pretty messy but again, very early. Obama is wisely waiting for top two turds to float to the top. Let’s analyze again early next year.

  27. LibertyLover says:

    #62, Let me refresh. Their EU headquarters are there. Separate companies. Cuts down on taxes that way.

    For instance, Google moved a major engineering and business division over there. The talent wasn’t there to start with but they are bringing it in. This is just one example. These companies are moving major chunks of their business there and in a lot of cases, their main headquarters.

  28. jbenson2 says:

    #62 tcc3 said: “Also, Texas has hit hard times too, haven’t you heard? They’re slashing budgets at every level to close a $25 billion budget gap.”

    So they are doing exactly what a government should be doing. Cutting costs to meet the budget. Perfect.

  29. Buzz Mega says:

    More mirrors! More Sparkle! More Colbert Report!

  30. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become DOGMA says:

    #65–JB==How do you “know” that the right/better solution isn’t to raise taxes instead? How do you know?

    Do you accept THERE IS NO THINKING AT ALL if your answer to every question is to lower taxes? Can you grok that?

    Lets see if you can think at all, please answer this hypothetical:

    If the budget were in balance, and the President decided to take us to war, should he then submit next years budget with a tax increase, a tax cut, or leave it the same?

    Please tell us what is orthodoxy in your world?

    You are beginning to lose what little credibility you had by refusing to answer such a simple question==even if just for yourself.

    Hint—its the start of the path to self awareness. Get the shit cart out and find a good stiff broom.

    C’mon JB==show us you can THINK just a little bit and not have nothing but DOGMA and repetition in your armamentarium?


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