Here’s another example of a ‘well duh’ article that has many, many examples of how lies and deception are used to trick the gullible American public into thinking that we are fighting for noble causes.
Everyone knows that “truth is the first casualty of war”. And one of the most highly decorated American soldiers of all time said that “war is a racket”.
FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, constitutional law expert professor Jonathan Turley, Time Magazine, Keith Olbermann and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials “were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power”. Indeed, the former Secretary of Homeland Security – Tom Ridge – admits that he was pressured to raise terror alerts to help Bush win reelection.
A former National Security Adviser told the Senate that the war on terror is “a mythical historical narrative”. In terms of a possible “why”, remember that psychologists and sociologists have demonstrated that fear of terrorism makes people stupid and easy to manipulate and control.
Makes one wonder about this article and this one.
Really? The end of the color coded threat levels after Cheney got re-elected wasn’t a coincidence?
You poor Americans, with such a large portion of your tax dollars going to support bogus wars, while the economic disaster that idiot Bush created continues to wreak its havoc. That must really suck.
Dallas: If it weren’t for the collection of douche-bags known as the bush administration, would you have any reason to exist? Are you so owned by this two party fraud/bullshit that you’ll cling to it to the bitter end? If so, it’s too bad that this site doesn’t have a filter so I can just fucking not have to see posts by ass clowns who obnoxiously believe there is more than one party in that fever swamp on the Potomac.
#1, donkey boy,
A rag piece written by Keith Olberman among other just to say that Bush did this
Keith Olberman didn’t write it.
The left is also capable of histrionics. They aren’t as prevalent or fictitious as what the right wing nuts do constantly. But they still exist.
#4 I guess asking you to be my Facebook friend is out if the question?
The US has two political parties.
The Republicans represent the far right (they hate paying for anything) and the Democrats represent the near right (they want to make you pay for everything.)
I would class the Tea Partiers as right of the Republicans. (They hate you for breathing, and the very thought of paying for anything drives them to apoplexy.)
The funny thing is that, with all of these parties on the right, you wouldn’t think that so many of them could be so fucking wrong.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people has turned into a government of the great unwashed, for the rich, by special interests who can pay the freight.
Politics in the ‘States is a fuckin’ joke.
But nobody who’s stuck with living here’s laughing.
The US wouldn’t exist for a nanosecond if there was universality of hegemony. It would just fuckin’ implode.
Far be it from me to actually support the Dallas bullshit, but…
Hearing only your own opinions and only that of others that agree with you is the path to ignorance, your ignorance.
Free speech is meant to be a right for everyone, especially assholes.
As Michael Douglas said in the American President …
“America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship. You’ve gotta want it bad, ’cause it’s gonna put up a fight. It’s gonna say, “You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.” You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free.”
For Dallas …
We’ve got serious problems, and we need serious people. This a time for serious people, Dallas, and your fifteen minutes are up.
#11 I agree we have serious problems and believe we got here largely by the powerful abusing their power and influence by buying government and terrorizing the sheeple to death. The GOP through the strategies of Karl Rove were the start. We are all paying the price. My objective is to not let you sweep what you allowed to happen not be swept under the rug and reassign responsibility to the latest guy in office.
From fast skimming the first linked article it seems there have been NO “False Flag” operations. Only a few maybe’s were discussed but never carried thru on?
What has mostly happened is scare baiting and lies? Thats related to, but not false flagging.
When have American Leadership intentionally planed an act against American people/property for the purpose of blaming it on non-Americans for the purposes of starting a war?
Its good to think about issues as critically as possible.
Terrorism is violence or the threat of violence (even, I would argue, by others) for political ends.
All ‘western’ governments use terrorism to control and usurp.
The ‘War on (of) Terror’ is (mostly) aimed at you.
S.U.S. (I.T.M.)
#10–mspodcast==another good post. Are you feeling ok otherwise? Words do have meaning and a context, I decided to do a quick google to compare our opinions with an outside party:
Some political scientists have suggested that the classifications of “left” and “right” are no longer meaningful in the modern complex world. Although these terms continue to be used, they advocate a more complex spectrum that attempts to combine political, economic and social dimensions //////////
The application of left/right as discussed still seems relevant to me but so does your comment that the two parties are both too far right==and that is said in the wiki as well.
war is a racket
this was known in USA for a long time
smedley d butler
I am astonished by the lack of media coverage characterizing the Libya situation as a resource grab.
Everybody ought to be primed for that interpretation after Bush II’s Iraq adventure.
THIS TIME we really are there with an honorable mindset. Yeah right.
Bobbo, thanks for trying. Your persistence in the face of middle school name callers like Pedro and Taxed prove the United States is not completely lost … yet.
In #1, the donkey boy said
A rag piece written by Keith Olberman among other just to say that Bush did this
Which he didn’t and I pointed out in #6.
So donkey boy writes back in #8
I’ll give you a free pass because you’re always confused, but you should go back to therapy to try and learn to read again.
“Keith Olbermann and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials “were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power”. “
Which is a far cry from Olberman writing it.
So once again donkey boy demonstrates he is a troll that writes first and last with no comprehension of what he has written in between.
#4, nobrainsatall
Those on the extreme right and left will always claim everyone else is wrong. Everyone except for their own particular little cell of them, little Bobbie (who picks his nose and eats it) and Sidney (who just wants to blow things up.) April would also count but she is so butt ugly and obese she only hangs around because she can’t get laid by a real man.
Go ahead, claim there is only one party in Washington. It only shows how extreme you are.
#19, Alfred,
Could it be because we’re not a news site and we go after bad things people and governments do, not ‘make Republicans and Alfred feel good’ stories.
And btw: “we must rehash how the evil Bush administration was…”
At least you now admit it.
#22–Registered==why thank you. course, others rebuke me for my insulting name calling. See the Vets Sleeping Outside on the Sidewalk about 5-6 entries down.
But I post just to make the record that I think the USA is “lost.” The Iron Hand of Economics doesn’t care how “exceptional” we all think we are, for those of us who do, and don’t count me in that group….
MediCare DOES need to be modified, but with the Pukes on one side denying anything but the death of America thru excessive wealth shift to the Uber Rich, success is not in the cards. Could it be done now even with both parties in agreement? I doubt it. Dogmatism destroys a society before gravity pulls it back together.
#12, You may want to keep laying the blame from three years ago but you have to ask yourself why Obama has FIVE whistle-blower cases in the works (more than all previous administrations COMBINED since 1917).
These guys are trying to show how inefficient the government is and they are being charged with treason. What happened to transparency? What is he trying to hide? You cannot lay the blame on Bush for this. He is not continuing an existing program. This is all new and scaring the crap out of everybody.
Don’t sit there and claim the man is doing good. Blue room meetings with Wall St. Banksters are his latest ploy to get the money needed to get re-elected. He is as crooked as they come.
#31 Teadud
You accuse others of spam after 2 double posts in a row? How amusing.
I was only doing what you asked for in #27. Apparently there are so many examples that WordPress thought it was link spam.
This is really rich: Alfie calling tcc3 “Slick” at #38. I guess it goes over his head that even when meant AND delivered as an insult, it nonetheless cannot be avoided as a recognition of the intelligence and competence of the libeled person. If an opponent is competent and intelligent, yet you disagree with him, what does that make you?
Yes, it makes you Alfie.
Ha, ha.
What is it about alfie, he seems to really fixate on wieners and bottoms. Is he a republican or worse actually a member of the tea party?
Yeah I know its a rhetorical question. But he’s been awfully quiet lately.
Whats even better is he seems to be answering his own posts more and more frequently. Perhaps a change in his meds is needed as the voices are getting themselves confused.
Bobbo, my reaction exactly. All the article seems to show is that when you have a cabinet full of boys, student council president types, then you can expect ideas like this. Also, John Yoo’s false flag operation doesn’t belong on that list.
Mike–you crack me up. When the far left and the far right agree, can there be any doubt?
So, I’ll just wonder if calling something a stimulus that is mostly tax breaks and porkulus or if calling the voucherization of MediCare saving it while decreasing taxes for the rich is not a False Flag with all the noted attributes except its not “kinetic action.”
I love dat New Speak.
#37 TeaDud
I didn’t say that was all of them. In fact I said there were many more. Even the few I posted got me flagged as link spam. Reading is fundamental, TeaDud.
Alfie–your complaint doesn’t make any sense unless its a foregone conclusion that any accurate quoting of Republicans makes them look silly…….oh, wait.
TeaDud, if you don’t like it here, maybe you should go find a blog more suited to your editorial tastes.
If you really believe that this site is a hotbed of liberal propaganda, then that makes you the moron for continuing to visit.
You’re an attention whore, so you’ll keep coming back to bay at the moon.