Well, this is all extremely ironic. Here’s a speech that Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg gave yesterday to 8th graders graduating from the Belle Haven Community School in Menlo Park, California, the same city where Facebook’s giant new headquarters will be located.

Zuckerberg, who showed up in his standard uniform of t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, stressed to the kids that “there’s no shortcuts” to success. (Grammar shortcuts are okay, apparently.) Then he went on to say that it’s important to pick a career you really love and that “great friendships” make life “fun and meaningful.” We’re pretty sure dropping out of college and screwing over the friend you started your company with contradict two of the three principles, but, hey, at least he didn’t butcher a cow in front of them. [via TechCrunch]

Sorry, even I couldn’t listen to this crap. And I still don’t have a Facebook account.

  1. clancys_daddy says:

    bobbo the difference in facebook and posting here is that we post personal opinions for good bad or inane reasons. We know the potential for response exists we do not set preference for friends etc. Posting on facebook defines the poster as a douchebag. See Lewis Black on twitter et al. You must accept an individual as a friend you may also remove them. So you can keep like minded people as friends while removing those you disagree with. Sure as hell can’t do that here.

  2. Mark III says:

    Who will be the woman to marry the billionaire? Anyone? anyone?

  3. jpfitz says:

    @ #12 The Pirate
    Hey do you have a 23 year old beautiful daughter?
    Probably not. By the way I did state I don’t go to FB anymore to Black Hawk my kid.

    She’s a great person but I would check up on my kids in College like #16 clancys_daddy states. And I did. Better safe than sorry. I don’t think that it is creepy to be concerned in this fast paced ever changing electronic world. AOL IM, Myspace, Twitter and now friggin FB.

    She does have some hot friends though. giggity j/k

  4. clancys_daddy says:

    #33 ok now its creepy.

  5. bobbo, libertarians are sooooo retarded says:

    #31–clancy’s daddy==yes, that is a significant difference. Really highlights the potential for self imposed social ineptitude–the inability to see past ones own personal opinions, poorly formed as they are.

    Obviously, some of our posters here are taking their first steps away from FacedBooked. Amusing, they can’t deny friendship status so they want opposing opinions to be banned.

    Poor little facedbooked creatures.

  6. Joe says:

    8th grade graduation is BS.

  7. mentor972 says:

    Lul, Mark “Zuckerman.”

  8. The Pirate says:

    #33 jpfitz

    No comment, you make my point (again).

  9. jpfitz says:

    #38 Pirate

    So you don’t know me but you judge. What is your suggestion, delete my rarely used FB account
    so as not to be creepy. But I suppose you have a twit account I can follow. Now that is creepy.

  10. The Pirate says:

    I never said you were creepy, I said you were a helicopter.

    Now I think you are creepy tho.

  11. The Pirate says:

    P.S – Good luck following me on Twitter since I don’t have an account there either.

    I figure my friends don’t need to know every time I take a shit.

  12. jpfitz says:

    LOL Pirate. Okay okay I’ll be rid of my FB account. Don’t want to be a creepy helicopter.


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