Thanks Gasparrini.

  1. oldfart says:

    mmmmmm, Silicone

  2. Floyd says:

    No comment needed–happy girl and VERY happy kitty cat!

  3. larry bob SOS says:

    GOT MILK purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  4. larry bob SOS says:

    what the heck is the man’s hand doing?

  5. Dallas says:

    Fashion Tip: Color coordinate your tits and pussy for a magazine shoot.

  6. mharry860 says:

    Nice pillow.

  7. dusanmal says:

    Photoshop of the guy (see what can be seen of the hand) with fake bosom. In addition to hand that does not match the face, pay attention to face lighting that does not match body lighting …

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Bah, I will remain in suspended disbelief for this one.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    And my wife wonders out loud why the dog that lives in our house prefers to lean up against her instead of me while we watch TV…

  10. enemyofthestate says:


  11. deowll says:

    I kind of think photoshop.

  12. spsffan says:

    NO! I said “Puss and Boots!”

  13. msbpodcast says:

    I wonder that TEAD or Bobbo will find objectionable about a picture of a pneumatic, but dressed, young woman holding a cat, but I’m sure they will.

  14. bobbo, how does society best serve its own needs says:

    Thanks PeePod–I was thinking the girl’s head was at an awkward angle as maybe a photoshop, but then the way the hair is laid in around the shoulders, I don’t think so. Not all girls have slim hands, Seinfeld did a show on that along with all other female defects. The pussy references are for 12 yo morons. At her age, I would hope any augmentation would be by sofa pillow just for the pic?

    Personally, I would avoid “Caption this Photo” entries of young girls doing just about anything, pneumatic or not. I don’t know if I’m being prudish, protective, or just bored by it.

    You know, for a blog that is not a tech blog, there still isn’t enough religion, global warming, ACLU, or even how corrupt our government is type postings. Enough to keep my attention but seems the number of new posts could/should easily be doubled??

  15. UncDon says:


  16. dcphill says:

    It’s a domesticated boobie cat.

  17. Uncle Patso says:

    # 14 bobbo:
    “…there still isn’t enough religion, global warming, ACLU, or even how corrupt our government is type postings.”

    How about “corrupt cat union benefits”?

    – – – – –

    Reminds me of the old joke (falsely attributed to Johnny Carson) that ends,

    “Sure, if you move that damn cat out of the way!”

  18. Troublemaker says:

    It always amuses me when idiots think they can spot Photoshop manipulation when it’s not even there.

  19. WmDE says:

    Self-portrait: Girl with cat.

  20. robublind says:

    Some guy’s reincarnation dream come true.

    Girl soon to say “Why is mister whiskers always in the bathroom when I’m taking a shower”.

  21. Buckwheat says:

    Cat naps have become so much better since she had those pillows installed!

  22. satman says:

    Her name is Angie Varona, a lot more pics here :

    some possibly NSFW, some possibly photoshopped (#2 especially)

  23. seetheblacksun says:

    Post of the decade.

  24. bobbo, how does society best serve its own needs says:

    #25–satman==well, that blows my sofa pillow hypothesis. What looks to be her sister is even more beautiful, and for the 3rd–what makes #2 a more likely suspect for photoshop? There are about 4-5 other pics of the same angle/effect.

    No, this just looks like a young girl with not much more than a camera. I hope she does something with her life.

    You can win money betting that any woman with an absolutely smoking hot bod like hers is, like her, only 4 feet tall. Makes me wish I were a smaller/shorter man to bring me within range. would also make parachute landings a bit easier as well.

    #17–Uncle Patso==”corrupt cat union benefits”? Ha, ha. If we are going to bring our personal manias to the discussion I would be thinking “Puke Cat Hogging all the benefits” but thankfully, I’m not political except when the subject is fairly raised.

    I do remember that punchline, and it does “sound like” Johnny Carson. I’ll bet the joke was told on his show or he said something close to it? Bob Newhart working blue?

  25. AlanB says:

    Test yourself: is it real or is it Photoshopped quiz. I only got 74% 🙁

  26. foobar says:

    Palin is a “ten, her husband loves her, she can do anything men do, and often better….that’s why progressive women hate her…they have Palin Envy.”

    Yum, cankles and stretch marks. And she can open jars.

  27. bahramks says:

    Great, i will look her up when i am in Buenos Aires in November

  28. satman says:

    Nothing to do with the *ahem* “sofa pillows” as you put it. Look at the right side of picture #2 where her waist curves in. The tiles on the bathroom floor look distorted, kinda squeezed in as if she tried to make her waist thinner or something. I’m no expert on Photoshop though. Think I’ll go look at them all again and see if I can spot anything else…

  29. bobbo, how does society best serve its own needs says:

    satman–I went back for another look as well. Not hard to do? I agree, those tiles are not weirdly bent in other photos. The babe has such an excellent figure as shown in the other pics, I didn’t think that was the photo shop, but I think you are right.

    Going for perfection Plus I guess? Maybe just for the practice for when she gets….horrors…..older?

  30. AC_in_mich says:

    Well, in doing my intense scrutiny of those pics on the link, did you see the one of her and the kitty? about 3/4s of the way down?. I’m just interested in how Satman figured who she is?



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