Yesterday Steve Jobs appeared at the Cupertino City Council to propose a stunning new office complex for Apple.

  1. hot_pocket says:

    The attitude of these bureaucratic circle jerkers is really appalling to me.

    “Sure, your company pays the most taxes to this city, which pays us our generous undeserved salaries, but why should we let you? What would it give to the city?”

  2. UNKN says:

    WTF, do we get free WiFi? Is this real, who hired that person?

  3. IntrepidExplorer says:


    Those people are doing their job, they are not hired to kiss ass of rich people.

  4. jdmurray says:

    Well, I certainly have a much higher opinion of Jobs after seeing this. Nice to see him flogging something that isn’t specifically intended to drive up Apple’s shareholder value.

    And as city councils go, the businessman-to-housewife-to-sycophant expertise on this one is about par with those across the USA.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    Pyramid builder.

  6. scandihoovian says:

    I thought the next office building would be set atop a puffy white cloud.

  7. chuck says:

    It’s a very nice looking building.

    I didn’t see a parking lot. Is it underground? Where will those 12,000 employees park? Or will they all ride bicycles to work?

    [Jobs said most of the parking would be underground and the rest in the long building at the bottom of the presentation. – ed.]

  8. Skeptic says:

    I don’t know how anyone could not like Steve Jobs.

    The city council, however, seemed to have the aptitude and foresight of teenagers.

  9. rygold says:

    Steve says: “It’s a circle, and so it’s curved all the way around”. Huh. Who knew?

  10. chuck says:

    #7 – Thanks, Ed. I must have slept through that part of the presentation.

    Usually Jobs’ shows are a bit more interesting. Although this was better than the WWDC keynote.

    I wonder why it is that anyone has to go begging to city council for permission to do something like this. Instead of the city saying “what’s in it for us”, Apple (and any other developer) should simply present their plans and ask the city if they can think of a good reason not to do it.

  11. deowll says:

    This was required but the answer was a forgone conclusion and the questions were purely for show but that these dwebs are thinking about running off any tax paying jobs providing business doesn’t speak overly highly of them.

    They are still going to loose or have lost 12,000 high paying Hewlett Packard jobs. That is more than a modest ding to the local economy.

    In a way the building is what I expect. The triumph of form over function while continuing to be highly functional. It just cost a lot more than it has too. Any community anywhere would welcome it with open arms.

  12. deowll says:

    I will add I do hope Jobs lives to see it in use.

  13. archerr says:

    When Barry Chang begins speaking near the end, and he begins talking about the pollution from the plant, does anyone hear at 17:09 in the video another council member saying ‘Jesus Christ’ very quietly?

  14. Personality says:


  15. chuck says:

    “If you kicked Kaiser out, I wouldn’t cry”

    So, if another company offered Cupertino some more taxes (and maybe free WiFi) would they be willing to kick Apple out?

  16. j says:

    I have to say he is a very good presenter and can deliver a threat like no one else but really they all sound like suck ups.

  17. Otter says:

    @ hot_pocket The pay for Cupertino city council is less than $10k a year. And, with the amount of time they put in, I’d guess a grocery bagger makes more per hour. But, with that said, it does sound like Cupertino is getting what it paid for. Only one brief question about traffic and Jobs shrugged it off. Everything else sounded like it game from a 3rd grader. I’d have asked if Apple would pay for street/traffic changes, if any of the property would be open to the public, and tons more

  18. msbpodcast says:

    In # 5, sargasso_c said: Pyramid builder.

    Pyramids are useless except as a dead zone.

    I think that when Apple moves in, (in 2015 by Steve Job’s reckoning, [and he’s got enough money to make it happen,]) its going to be a destination building where people come just to gawk at it.

    I hope they have tours and virtual tours of the place.

    Its like the S.C. Johnson and Sons administration buildings that Frank Lloyd Wright deigned for Racine Wisconsin before the start of WWII.

  19. Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? says:

    No Doric columns?

  20. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    #18 msbpodcast -The S. C. Johnson and Sons Building is beautiful, in a certain way, to me.

    I wonder what the impact on traffic is going to be on I-280 and the rest of Cupertino. It will be a good test of regional traffic planning.

    The proposed building and greenery seems to be a cross between a smaller, circular ring-shaped Pentagon and Star Fleet Academy.

    1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino will no longer be the location of “The Mother Ship”. sigh. Maybe, the “daughter ship”?

  21. Colorado says:

    What a stupid design. Imagine the hike you’d have getting to a meeting on the other side of the building. I bet after the first year there are short cuts thru all of the nice landscaping in the center with people trying to get back and forth. There is a reason that modern office buildings are square and tall. A case of reinventing the wheel when what you want isn’t a wheel at all.

  22. Dallas says:

    #21 very very impressive. What an amazing progressive thinker.

    He said big ass fault a few times but a great presentation.

    Evidently a conservative council member rejects the fact that the building is not square but I’m sure he’ll come around.

  23. RLF says:

    Not only has he built a “Mothership” but also a “walled garden.” And he is showing it off with pride.

  24. Mark III says:

    Cupertino, Jobs, Fan bois….and eternal golden braid.

  25. Fahrenheit533 says:

    Steve will build in a high speed mag lift train to float around the ring. ;-p

    Looking at Pixar’s HQ and how it has a large central space for people to meet and interact I think they want the employees to use the green space in the center as a way to move across the building, meet and greet fellow Apple employees.

  26. Mark III says:

    In all the boring, mind numbing city council meetings I have been forced to attend as a tv photographer, I have NEVER heard the Council call for applause at the end of a speaker’s presentation. What a bunch of suck-up lame- ass bureacrats. And the building looks like a nightmare to me. But at least 12,000 cult members will be in one place, for easy manipulation.

  27. Mark III says:

    Can’t this guy afford at least one change of fucking clothes? I see homeless people better dressed.

  28. Special Ed says:

    #25 – Maybe you can do the lawn care.

  29. The Dude says:

    #25 Doesn’t appear to have much in the way of skills. Can we trust him with sharp objects? Maybe he can turn the garden area into a cash crop and move the family up. Sure beats working at Taco Bell.

  30. Angel H. Wong says:

    Methinks it was inspired on this

    And it would make sense because that building will be full of pricks.


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