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Let’s see. He’s a Democrat, right? OH. And all this fuss in the media? Something strange about that. Anyway, if Clinton did not have to go after shoving cigars into Monica’s cooze, why should ANY Democrat have to step down?
#1 – But Monica was fat.
/not sure if that had a thing to do with anything, just saying. Also, was the cigar lit? Was it a cheap cigar? Did he smoke the cigar afterward? Did he offer the cigar to Hillary? Did he do this with all the cigars in his humidor and offer them to his buddies? Inquiring minds…
Frankly, this sounds like an issue between him and the people of New York who elected him. Personally I don’t give a care one way or the other. Just another lesson of why its not a good idea to take a picture of your junk and post it on the internet.
What makes this a “man bites dog” story is that for a change, a politician got in trouble for keeping it in his pants. Now, nobody can call him pencil dick anymore (at least until he finally admits it really wasn’t a picture of him).
Have fun.
We who believe should all say a prayer of thanks that this happened to the other guy.
This couldn’t happen to you?
Maybe not this exact brain fart but if you claim you haven’t done something mind numbingly stupid at some point in your life, I don’t believe you.
In the 1950s, if all this technology had been available, the common folk in positions of prominence would have thought this behavior de rigueur.
However, if he had any brains, he would have posted a picture that was obviously NOT him, creating plausible deniability had things not worked out as he hoped.
He just isn’t that smart.
If he did it, I say, if he did it, that is.
Of course he didn’t tweet this to someone he is not a moron like Chris Lee!
Is it his junk? Maybe. Should we care? Nope.
If someone hacked his or his wife’s hard drive and posted a photo from it THAT IS THE CRIME HERE.
Frankly New York’s 9th would probably be glad to know he’s packing.
The news loves the shiny stuff it’s easy and cheap to cover.
Move along… and Anthony if it’s your junk just say so the truth eventually gets out.
All this noise about him in the mainstream media, you just know they would lay off or not cover it if he was a Democrat.
What? He is a Dem? But all these right-wingers swear mainstream media ignores Dems acting badly. What the hell?
A distinguished member of Congress? A bulging controversy? Weiner exposed?
Just too easy.
After the Bret Favre photo scandal, it’s hard to fathom just how STUPID it is for anyone, much less a sitting Congressman, to wade in such tawdry waters. And, he doesn’t know with “certitude” if the picture isn’t of him?! Sheesh.
Shades of Tiger & Elin… The guy’s apparently dabbling in sexting photos of his crotch less than a year after marrying a truly gorgeous woman, what’s up with that? Imagine losing your career and/or your wife over your antics on social media — talk about poor judgement.
Mills, Packwood, Clinton, Livingston, Gingrich, Condit, Foley, Vitter, Craig, Spitzer, Sanford, Massa, Lee, Ensign, Schwarzenegger, Edwards, Weiner — the list of political sex scandals just keeps on growing.
Republican wishes Democrat to step down
NSA has YOUR email. NSA knows who is doing the political sex scandals
Question is, who has the NSA?
Weiner–showing his feet of clay. I’ve never done anything like this, don’t know of anyone who would. NOT because they are “powerful men who have lived in isolation and ass kissers” for so long but rather because people in my countenance would never do that to another person, especially a stranger. What was the purpose? To attract a person who would be attracted to a picture of underwear? Who would do that over the age of 12? Or even lower?
No, he’s a loser==at least unlike Clinton, he hasn’t out and out lied about it or asked us to trust him. a saving grace?
If I were him, I would not resign. The offense is not illegal and not that outrageous–just moronic and juvenile showing Weiner needs a hobby besides running for office.
All other things being equal, which they never are, I would vote for the other guy. Course he should have no challenge from his own party and his PUKE opponent will be more odious by definition.
You forgot Kennedy in your list. The rumor is that he porked every woman he could.
Women seem to be able to be more discrete about such things.
More discrete? Not at all. I wager they are in fact less discrete but they don’t get reported on as much but that is a different issue, consistent with, but not explained by the quality of being discrete.
Yes, lots of other reasons.
When Ministers, Priests,Mullahs, Righteous Republican keep big government in your bedrooms uteruses rectums ect. get caught in this sort of thing its news because of the hypocrisy aspect. This live and let live guy, only if he lies to cover something will it hurt him in his District
Love Daily Show Soul Man some times that show is so funny i feel like i’m watching 70s SNL
When David Vitter gets a standing ovation from the GOP for using hookers, there is no way Wiener should have to step down.
He should whip it out. If the wiener doesn’t fit, you must acquit.
“Watch out for the wasabiiiiii.”
I cringed at that.
#19. Hah!
I predict this is a new meme, make a twitter mistake, get caught and claim your account was hacked.
Dear Great Britain,
We’re terribly sorry, but full episodes and video clips of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart are not available. But please don’t send any Red Coats in relation at this time, as you CAN get your headlines at Channel 4.
Its because Americans hate us because we have nicer teeth and chicks love our accents isn’t it?
At least he’s not banging his underage male interns or hanging out in Airport bathrooms trying to get a little ass in a bathroom stall from a stranger, those republican holier than thou guys are so silly.
The part of this story that got ignored is that he is/was boring in on Clarence Thomas and his wife’s financial dealing and likely impropriety. He was getting traction on that story, too. Alas, the account to which the photo was posted was easy to hack into–easy to post pics to another account with some simple guessing. See the ars technica article about it.
Put these two things together, and it sure looks like Weiner got smeared.
Olo–what happens to your analysis when you put the third item into the mix: Weiner has all but admitted the picture is of him. Do you have any pictures of your weiner on your computer or elsewhere? As close as I come is my feet at the end of my Lazyboy as I check my camera settings.
“Yes, that is my picture. No, I didn’t send it.” Issue over.
Huhmannah, huhmannah, huhmannah—and the story rolls on without an apparent smear at all. Just a hooman who has worn the ring of power a bit too long and can no longer tell the truth.
Sad really. Not Shakespearean Tragedy sad, but sad nonetheless. Once you start to lie, who knows where it will end? He might change parties and become President.
#27, Bobbo,
Now you are acting like a Republican. Wiener has NOT admitted the picture is him. He has said the matter is under investigation. I suspect the FBI are looking into it and he has been asked not to comment on it. Unlike email, twitter accounts are a little more difficult to trace.
Right now it is all conjecture. Except the part where Wiener is homing in on Clarence Thomas and his wife’s financials. This so reeks of the typical Republican antics.
Mr Fusion…….really? “All but admitted” is what I said and if it was not him do you think he would have waffled around like he did?
The answer is a simple yes or no unless you don’t like the answer, then you get paragraphs of 10 dollar words. aka BS or spin. Equivocation.
In fact, you have convinced me. Yes, weiner by failing to deny it was him, admitted to the fact by equivocation against interest.
Thank you for clarifying my thoughts.
Say what you will, but Stewart (by his own admission, reluctantly) shows once again he has integrity by continuing to push this story for as long as he has in pursuit of comedy. Remember that when it SEEMS like he’s being unfair to Republicans.
As for the Congressman, I hope he is vindicated and since Breitbart is involved, I’m more inclined that I otherwise would have been to believe him. But even his supporters and those of us who are suspicious of that truth-bending hack Republican Breitbart who conveniently had hand in revealing this story have to admit that the Congressman appears to be holding back something. I don’t know if he’s lying, if he’s trying to dodge the fact that it really is a picture of him (which would lead to questions of why he would have taken a picture like that), or if he’s just hoping women will think that IS him if he doesn’t deny it — but he sure seems slippery when answering questions about whether or not the picture is of him. He’s made some valid points during those discussions but it just feels like he’s reaching around and groping for an answer that doesn’t expose something he’d prefer to keep hidden.
(Yes, some of those word choices were deliberate. Eat your heart out, Jon Stewart.)