Click on photo for the video – sorry for the commercial

Do you believe the Republican Party is doing what John Taylor claims?

  1. moss says:

    Cripes, you don’t even pay attention to which editor posted which vid – and in most cases on this blog, the video is accompanied by a question to which you might respond.

    Many of us don’t find that difficult to comprehend.

  2. jay says:

    Yes they are. just the other day the voted no on their own bill for budget. and so much more

  3. chuck says:

    Right or wrong, voters blame the President when the economy is bad and give him credit when the economy is good.

  4. Uncle Patso says:

    “CBS progressive elite” ???????

    To paraphrase from the story, you are “a real outlier.” CBS a hotbed of the “progressive elite?” Only if you live somewhere to the right of, say, Lyndon LaRouche!

    TEAD’s posts are so monotonous they could be written by a bot. Learn some variations, Dude! Don’t be such a Johnny-One-Note!

    As to the story itself, I’m pleased the interviewee believes the US can handle the austerity of deficit cutting. I believe it too, but I _don’t_ believe the politicians can handle it. As the guy said, recession is bad for those in power and a few of them might lose re-election (GASP!!!). And as we have seen, that seems to be the biggest motivator of politicians as a group.

    Is there any way the US can be forced down the road of actual budget reform? Is there any believable path to real fiscal discipline? I don’t see anyone on the national stage capable of pulling it off right now. President Obama has been too weak, trying to lead by argument rather than by bold action. Perhaps when/if he wins a second term and he is not hampered by the need to be re-elected, but I’m not holding my breath.

  5. LibertyLover says:

    #8, As to the story itself, I’m pleased the interviewee believes the US can handle the austerity of deficit cutting. I believe it too, but I _don’t_ believe the politicians can handle it.

    giggle. Ain’t that the truth!

  6. TheMAXX says:

    this guy is very smart. Let’s hope the public don’t fall for the republican line. The business community is sitting on over a trillion in cash. The banks are sitting on over a trillion in cash. If they won’t spend their money the government is the last able to spend enough to improve the economy. If the government instead cuts back then we are truly screwed. Or maybe that will force business and the banks to let some of that money fuel the economy? Fucking rich people playing chicken with poor people’s lives is what is going on right now.

  7. foobar says:

    He’s right about one thing, emerging and second tier economies are the place to have your money right now. Why do you want to screw around when you can get 6.5% from an Australian savings account? It’s a great place for cash.

    I think he’s a little naive about the politics – but he’s an investment banker after all. The Republicans came in with the Monty Burns slogans and if they actually have the kahonies to cut spending they’ll have to do it in places that will piss off their core voters. The Democrats know this. They won’t go after military spending since that’s now outsourced to their buddies.

    Stimulus cuts will be in with accompanying GDP drops, but they might be able to spin that one OK. However they’ll have to go after Social Security and Medicare which are pretty close to the aging white voters who are their core constituency. Those are right in the Democrat’s swing zone and easy pickings.

  8. deowll says:

    He said The Fed has shot its wad.

    He did say the Reps would try to balance the budget by reducing spending which would slow the economy but the only reason they want to do that is to stave off economic collapse most likely tied to rampant inflation. They are afraid of a joining Greece or doing a repeat of what Germany did before Hitler took over. Ah the joys of dumpster diving and sleeping under the open stars!

    I’m not sure why the progressives seem to think the tooth fairy is going to cover our bills but they sure don’t get the idea that the nation can spend itself deep enough into debt that its money is worthless.

    If I recall correctly China has gotten rid of 97% of its US bond holdings. Does that suggest anything to anybody?

  9. bobbo, I'm not an economist says:

    but I liked the distinction the panel made between “the real economy” and Wallstreet. Too often that distinction is not kept in mind.

    Wallstreet has recovered and is making record profits. The real economy is still in recession unable to generate jobs due to lack of demand.

    Wallstreet is no longer an “investment vehicle” for long term savings by the people but now is a faudulent skimming mechanism used by the Super Rich to fleece society of the billions they do.

    Wake Up America===all you have to do is LOOK!!!!

    Vote your own economic self interest.—aka—FOR the Democrats, AGAINST the Republicans. Details on the Dumbos to follow when they have a controlling super majority.

  10. msbpodcast says:

    In #15 bobbo, I’m not an economist said something that made sense.

    But he did not realize the fact that it doesn’t matter whether is one party or the other. Democrats or republicans doesn’t matter a whit. They’re part of the problem not the solution.

    Either way, you’re better off investing in another country and another economy.

    My Canadian investments are still doing better than my US ones. (I feel poor and getting poorer if I look south of the border, but I feel good and getting better if I look north of the border, [and this summer vacation, I’m looking north and going to the Montréal Jazz festival. {Fuck you’z neigh-sayers all… :-}])

  11. bobbo, I'm not an economist says:

    Peepod–everything is connected to everything else. How else can a Jedi Knight feel the force through every living thing?

    But you are right that USA politics has too much lag time for the Dumbo/PUKE distinction to be a basis upon which to invest your excess revenue. But, without much effort, that immediately becomes an anti-PUKE recognition for anyone willing/able to THINK. PUKES keep wanting to KILL AMERICA, to destroy safety net social services, to VOUCHERIZE MediCare, so that RICH PEOPLE will have more money, so that Rich People will create more JOBS.

    But as you demonstrate, give a rich person another dollar, and they will invest it overseas in the growth markets.

    See how PUKES LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING? All you have to do is LOOK.

    Vote all Pukes out of Office. When Congress is all Dumbo, we will then go after the Blue Dogs. All under cover of a balance budget requirement.

    Yea verily, my fingers are crossed. Ha, ha.

  12. foobar says:

    I apologize for a previous comment. I assumed there would be some thought during the upcoming US Presidential campaign. Sarah Palin during her Tour de Grift on Paul Revere’s ride:

    He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed.

    Gods I hope she runs.

  13. bobbo, I'm not an economist says:

    Sarah Palin–what a sweetheart. On vacation, but drove all night thru Tornado Warnings to be next door to Romney during his kick off announcement and that coincidence performed, her vacation is now over.

    Political Homicide? Ha, ha.

    Almost certain now she is not running or her vacation would have continued. No, she wants to be the Kingmaker and that shifts all attention to……Bachman. Just as nuts as Palin, but more Polished, better handled.

    What a holy disaster, one turd candidate taking out another turd candidate, a political party so whored out they can’t be honest enough to say “We got nobody.”

    This is what happens when you build a base out of stupid.

    LOOK America===just look………

  14. faustus says:

    reagan brewed up this witches brew; deregulation, cutting taxes, increasing public spending.. voodoo economics… the bushes and the clintonites too drank from it… and now obama who is even worse in bed with the bankers… the republic is doomed… long live the republic and for which it stands… we are living in its end times..

  15. hifdek says:

    i can already see that the new recession is coming my work is geting slower when it should be the beginning of the busy season nobody is spending i dont ear about buying those big lcd tv’s or car nothing

  16. chuck says:

    I thought it was hilarious that the video begins with a commercial for Goldman Sachs, selling their mutual funds – and somehow trying to link themselves with a poor hard-working teacher.

    Goldman Sachs investment strategy for their mutual funds consists of taking management fees until the money runs out, then getting a government bail-out.

  17. What? says:

    Palin the “pain in” is an example of the promotion of style over substance.

    This has been taken to the “Nth” degree in the industry, and company, I work for. You see it everywhere. Style trumps substance much of the time.

    Why? Because substance is hard, really really hard!! So the easy way is to be stylish.

    There are a few substantive people, and they do all the work. Everything else is fluff.

    Palin is all fluff, as others here have so well pointed out.

    This post is all fluff!

  18. foobar says:

    What? nails the landing.

  19. Grandpa says:

    I fail to see how ending three wars, cutting the military budget, taxing the wealthy, and removing illegals will be bad for the economy.

  20. bobbo, with typing skills not up to that of a linguist says:

    Hey Alfie–I got it the first time. If you weren’t so self involved, you would recall I’ve posted several times that “I never get sick” which is almost totally true. ONe of god’s blessings to the heathens.

    On the Dr Death thread, you should also infer that I don’t plan on wasting away in any hospital bed at my end of life. No. Think I’ll volunteer to clean up Nuclear Power Sites. Least I can do to make up for all the tv I watch–whether I’m awake or not. Care to join me?

  21. using my head instead of my ass... says:

    #19, dead on, the rich ALWAYS are looking for ways of stealing your money, been beat with that stick so many times! Anyone that believes that bullshit TEAD is spouting deserves to eat dog food, it has always been my wealthiest clients that tried to shove their fat dicks in my ass, the only difference nows is they don’t use K-Y, that would cost them their precious money. What a perfect read about how the stock market being a playground for the TARP funds, no help for the working man, and TEAD, it seem to me that we Americans were better off DURING times we had regulation, RR just fucked us good with dereg, covert wars, etc. And Palin, what a money grubbing bitch, her and Bachmann haven’t got a flea’s fart worth of intelligence combined!

  22. bobbo, with typing skills not up to that of a linguist says:

    #29–head instead of ass==nicely refreshing to find an express vote of agreement. But there are more than the brain festering TEAdud here who equate taxing the Super Rich (ie–not even themselves) with some kind of slavery (ie–what they don’t recognize they vote for every two years when voting the PUKE ticket). Yep, just that blinded by LIES and DOGMA. Sad that. Some are ever liberal on other social issues but they have an undifferentiated view of the political process.

    Silly hoomans.

  23. foobar says:

    Um Alfie, you do know that Paul Revere wasn’t British, right?

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Alphie,

    Its easy to cut government, just love country instead of self.

    Spoken like any true America hater. WE ARE the government. WE THE PEOPLE. All Americans, not the uber rich.

    You ignore that WE THE PEOPLE don’t want businesses to have free reign. We don’t want their garbage dumped into the air or streams. We don’t want toxic chemicals in our drinking water. We don’t want lead in our children’s toys. We don’t want people on our roads drunk. We don’t want employees dieing or being injured because safety measures aren’t in some billionaire’s interest.

    In short, WE THE PEOPLE want regulations.

  25. foobar says:

    #34 All us Canadians want to let our American friends know that we are not trying to systematically destroy your country. Although we do want our hockey teams back.

    And as a sign of open disclosure, we want you to know that Alfie has been seen in public.

  26. Thomas says:

    The only problem with ending the wars is that in the grander scheme of the deficit, they are a drop in the bucket. The wars (not including Libya) represent about 70 B. The deficit is 1400 B and growing. I’m all for bringing our troops home as soon as possible, but if people think that it will solve our deficit woes, they are mistaken.

    # 31 foobar said,
    Um Alfie, you do know that Paul Revere wasn’t British, right?

    Far be it from me to defend Alfie, but this is technically not true. It depends on the date of evaluation. He was clearly born a British subject because he was born prior to the founding of the US in a British colony. He was 43 when the US was recognized by another country as an independent nation. Even from the date of the Declaration of Independence, he spent slightly more of his life as British subject than as an American (it’s actually almost exactly 1/2 and 1/2).

  27. foobar says:

    Thomas, quite correct. I acknowledge the Buddha within.

  28. Glenn E. says:

    Why don’t the congressional Republicans prove they can REALLY cut spending, by taking a cut to their lavish, inflation compensated, salaries? The buck cutting should start with those who determine they’re own pay levels. And then proceeded with the elimination of “Earmarks”. But you know, neither of those are gonna happen. The Republicans in congress only want cut, whatever spending the Democrats put their names to. Whatever the Republican spend, is God Damn golden! As in Sacred Cow.

  29. Haywire says:

    He’s absolutely right. Recession is getting worse. The second round of layoffs is happening – the government employees are getting sacked now. The so-called deficit spook by the Repubs is doing it. And they will blame Obama.

    But, then again, they have no choice if they want even a slight chance to win the country back in 2012 because their presidential slate is an absolute joke.

    So. I predict they will fail and they will be responsible for bringing the deep recession upon us in 2012. Of course I could be wrong because (I’m hoping) the American public really isn’t as stupid as the Republicans think they are. They think most people are Tea Party idiots.

  30. Bobbo, I'm a boring douche, Nice to meetcha! says:

    I has a declarashunz on dis!


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