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The progressives don’t care about the constitution other than to undermine it when it gets in their way and they don’t actually seem to care about rights. Some of the conservatives don’t either. They will do anything as long as you claim national security.
We will see what we see. I’m betting the police state wins this round. There are just to many good little slaves out there.
Finally someone (FreedomFighter631) who apparently understand the perils this country is facing.
I wish this could be a HBO or Comedy Central mini series! Maybe then, enough people would wake up and use their brains and see the “Truthiness” in the satirical provocativeness.
Victor Borge understands Comedy Central “Truthiness” when he noted::
There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Because, you see, humor is truth. ~Victor Borge, London Times, 3 January 1984
Washington D.C. has seen it all over the years.
These progressive would be anarchist will quit this crap when the cameras go away.
Yup, if we just stop obeying … the power of the self anointed all crumples like a house of cards.
Its not even terrorism, its passive resistance a la Gandi.
It requires no explicit action, no armed insurrection, nothing but a giggle which would grow to a chortle which would grow to a belly laugh, which would grow until not even the foulest tempered demon security guard could help but just crumble in tears.
And it will be over something as seemingly as insignificant and innocuous as dancing in the national monuments.
Push people and eventually, after a long time, they push back.
There are are far fewer people in the soit disant security apparatus than there will be in the mass of people who are going to be out in the 4th of July.
I intend to go to the Museum of the American Indian in Manhattan and, as crippled as I am, dance with my wife in my arms in joyful celebration.
There’s an old rule of thumb of the Internet that comparing something to Hitler and/or the Nazis was a sign that the argument the person was making was over-the-top or the result of hysteria. These days I’m not so sure that rule applies anymore when speaking about the actions of the US Government.
Tv news show just commented that the arrests took place after a new law went into place that the TJ Memorial was a place for quiet contemplation. Is that so bad? Kinda like a library? Another place of quiet contemplation. I don’t like even loud whispering in libraries. Must everywhere on earth be made available to the quiet contemplation deniers?
Assuming the dancing could go on right outside the Memorial–I think this all becomes a different, perhaps even closer question. Until I see park police arresting people for their bumper stickers.
If only those who protect our rights could be just a tad more subtle. Thats all it would take.
Theres Much more than meets
the eye about the Other Video
About ”No Dancing ”
Clue ; ” Code Pink ”
Ill find the Link …
#9–coop==Kincaid is quite the spin artist. The very definition of spin: “Kokesh wants the public to believe that he was arrested for “dancing” at the site when the video actually shows that he and his associates were engaged in disorderly conduct. Their activities succeeded in closing down access to the memorial while the arrests were in progress.”
Kokesh was arrested for dancing which was disorderly conduct in an area reserved for “reflective contemplation.” There is no disorderly conduct on the fact of being arrested. THAT conduct is the responsibility of the Police.
So….having had time to quietly contemplate all the issues, I agree they should have been arrested if they were first warned and given an appropriate explanation. Parks, especially the TJ Memorial are about LEARNING. No different than if the Washington Memorial was being used for rock climbing exercises: “Not here.”
In my own case, that would be like I would say the pledge and sing the Star Spangled Banner “IF” is was at a veterans funeral–but not at a ball game.
Context. All rights being respected and applied as their relevance appears. Time and place. Context.
Amazing how much public exposure this guy gets for creating a public disturbance and filming it with a shitty camera.
CSPAN spends millions airing the real crimes taking place (in high definition video) and nothing happens.
It’s time we record using a shitty Flip Video Camera, the RepubliPuke Party sell themselves to the highest bidder
And cue — ALPHIE
#9 Coop
Thanks for the link. Excellent article and, I can’t believe I’m saying this, even Bobbo is a pleasure to read this morning.
This is nothing but brilliant!!!
I have my opinions about Adam’s protest dancing but that is irrelevant.
This piece with Adolf is nothing but intelligent and outstanding.
Make it viral!
Bobo – the Troll – a pleasure to read??? Obamaforever remember….
#13. Lol
#16 Axl “Bobo – the Troll – a pleasure to read???”
Don’t worry you know it won’t last.
//Yea Verily
The junk version.
and yet I remain, like Alfie ((Acckkkk!)) a constant.
Here is a different slant on the TJ goings on:
The implication is that there was no “new law” but rather a court imposed restriction about memorials. A more liberal court evidently could have required dancing in celebration of our revered fathers?
FREEEEDOM is like that: other people doing what you would not do, what you don’t like. But was there a disturbance of the peace? Without a new law stating a “quiet contemplation” purpose of the TJ, I do not see a disturbance. Its not like rock climbing the Washington Memorial.
I hate idolatry and ceremony, enforced rectitude==give me the tumult of freedom==that too will make you think.
and ain’t that what is life’s highest achievement?
Loved the video. Not for the message but for showing just HOW MUCH public opinion has turned against Obama.
Can you imagine those things being said about him just a couple years ago??
Also, “yet I remain, like Alfie”
Yup. Just like.