Fire crews and police could only watch after a man waded into San Francisco Bay, stood up to his neck and waited. They wanted to do something, but a policy strictly forbade them from trying to save the 50-year-old, officials said.

This was done to send the taxpayers a message. Most of the “public servants” in San Francisco make well over $100,000 and do not like cuts to their programs. It’s just that simple. This story will be much discussed over the next few days.

  1. daladams says:

    If I lived in Alemeda, I would want to die too.

  2. rwest says:

    Hmm, so I guess this means as long as you are in the water, but in the shallows so the Coast Guard can’t get to you, then you can do whatever you want in the bay.

    Look out for the small boats now with floating meth labs, kiddie porn, gambling and rape. It’s a free for all in the bay! Sure the Cops can watch, but they can’t come out and get you.

  3. ramuno says:

    Growing up in the Northeast, the water would only hit 60 degrees by late summer. We always swam until Mom said that our lips were blue. This is numbing, but not a danger.

    Besides, a passerby went in and got him, but apparently too late.

  4. McCullough says:

    As I said, a Coast Guard small boat like a zodiac or Boston Whaler could have easily gotten to him, even a 42 0r 44 foot MLB draws only 3.5 ft.

    Aren’t there any small boat SAR stations nearby? This should have been a routine rescue.

  5. MikeN says:

    Well this is one person in apparently a city not their own. Big deal. Obamacare and the IPAB review panel will ration care and limit treatments to kill many more if their lives are worth not costeffective.

  6. sargasso_c says:

    The mentally ill are unaccountable for their actions and resultant suicide attempts are not the rational self infliction alluded to in these posts.

  7. Holdfast says:

    The first rule of any assistance – rescue, medical or whatever, is that you do not become a victim as well.

    To save emergency service workers from ambulance chasing claims of negligence, they are specifically instructed to not do things that may endanger themselves. Otherwise, if someone failed to take ridiculous personal risks to save someone, you would have some scumbags trying to prosecute someone for merely using common sense.

  8. The0ne says:

    And that people is why you should not give a rats ass, less offer a helping hand to save a life, to anyone, ANYONE. As I’ve said it time and time again, if I see a car accident with someone dying I’ll probably stop, laugh and go about my way. hahaha Saving lives is for idiots, who in their right mind would ever do that silly thing! This is 21st century people, get with the program.

    For this particular case, I’ll probably shout to the man to move deeper into the water because he’s holding up traffic and people’s precious time at the sidewalk.

    Saving lives, being a hero, doing the “right” thing…what a laugh.

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic Libertarian says:

    sargasso–interesting comment. Do you think that people who kill themselves for political ideas are by definition mentally ill?

    And yea or nay–what difference does it make? Why put one live human being at risk to save another one “for what ever reason?”

    The mentally ill—-why bother? Its not like there is a shortage of meat puppets on the planet.

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic Libertarian says:

    Theone– posted here almost without notice for a few months but the tsunami has sent you over the edge. Anything we can do to help?

  11. So what says:

    Wow for the most part reasoned coherent responses. What is happening to this blog.

  12. Buzz Mega says:

    “Interim Alameda Fire Chief Mike D’Orazi said that due to 2009 budget cuts his crews did not have the training or cold-water gear to go into the water.”

  13. mharry860 says:

    So did the witness who pulled his body from the water have the proper training and equipment?

  14. Yankinwaoz says:

    WTF? This has nothing to do with San Francisco. This is Alameda, opposite side of the bay. This is the same as blaming the NYC police for a guy drowning in New Jersey.

  15. Steve says:

    Shame on the cops for standing by and not trying to rescue the guy to “make a point” about lack of training. I’m sure they’re able to improvise outside their guidelines when their own interest is involved. Depressed people often act in a way they hope will get the necessary action in response to their cry for help. Many people have been brought back from the edge and managed to turn their lives around.

  16. Publius says:



    or it will happen again

  17. wtfdouchebag says:

    So when is Dvorak the douchebag going to fix his glaring error and apologize to the SF fire department and police? Alameda is across the frickin bay! Oh I forgot. He is not about facts….he is about being a hit whore. F*ck your site. I’ll let my self out. Thanks.

  18. McCullough says:

    Bobbo – really, quit trolling.

    But again, maybe you are that self-centered….Are you sure you’re not a PUKE?

  19. deowll says:

    It would appear that a great many posters are only concerned about looking out for themselves.

  20. B. Simpson says:

    Anyone who thinks that government workers are concerned about your welfare in any way shape or manner should not be surprised at this in any way
    Its all about their so much an hour , benefits and pensions
    and teaching you who is boss
    The poor guy who committed suicide probably did so as a result indirectly or directly or all their costs to society
    What a bunch of cold harded bas tard s Obama is little better

  21. bobbo, the pragmatic Libertarian says:

    #48–McCullough==thinking for ones self, as opposed to what a majority of others may think, or even what the law may imply, may be thought of as “self centered” as you may but that is all directly contrary to “thinking” (sic!) as a PUKE. Now there we need a distinction. PUKEs, actual Pukes, the ones who do personally benefit by lining their own nests certainly are thinking for themselves. Greedy, self interested, and willing to lie but thinking for and about themselves: about 2-5% of the population depending on definition. Then there is the PUKE by voting where people who are INJURED by voting away their benefits do it because they buy into the LIES told by PUKES.

    Example: have the purchasing power of your dollar decreased so that PUKES can have a lower tax on their capital gains or escape having any estate tax at all. Its like starving peasants voting to add on another wing to the Landed Aristocrats Castle.

    Yes, just like that. I do think for and about myself. I invite everyone else to do the same. Thats not puking into a bag, thats opening up one end so the weak minded can find a way to fight themselves out to the fresh air of FREEEEEEEEDOM.

  22. So what says:

    #50 Wow, generalize much? I’m sure you would have hopped right in, you know, being such a big damn hero.

  23. Bye bye says:

    Here’s a gun. Go kill yourself.

  24. Holdfast says:

    #49 get a grip!

    If they are safely able to do something, they will do it.Even first aiders are taught to keep themselves safe – then get on with it.

    How many police officers do you think should die every year? Should they die in futile attempts to rescue people from situations like this, or would you rather they endangered themselves unnecessarily when fighting crime?

    Instead of that, “Let’s remember, be careful out there…”

  25. J Rapoza says:

    Where are our heros?

  26. So what says:

    #55 I prefer a live person to a dead hero.

  27. toureasy says:

    Everybody dies.

  28. Barry&Michelles Suasage Gravy Enema Adventure says:

    Maybe he was a member of VHEMT leading by example as well as taking it to the next level.

  29. Nelson says:

    I commend them for respecting his wishes. I hope that when I decide to go, I wont have to fight off a bunch of do-gooders.

  30. Mr Fog says:

    “Doris? Did you oversalt the Soylent Green, today?”


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