(CNN) — Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same “carcinogenic hazard” category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.

Before its announcement Tuesday, WHO had assured consumers that no adverse health effects had been established. A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries, including the United States, made the decision after reviewing peer-reviewed studies on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize personal exposure as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”

What that means is that right now there haven’t been enough long-term studies conducted to make a clear conclusion if radiation from cell phones are safe, but there is enough data showing a possible connection that consumers should be alerted. “The biggest problem we have is that we know most environmental factors take several decades of exposure before we really see the consequences,” said Dr. Keith Black, chairman of neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. “What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain. So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones.”

The voices urging caution to consumers have gotten louder in recent years. Results from the largest international study on cell phones and cancer was released in 2010. It showed participants in the study who used a cell phones for 10 years or more had doubled the rate of brain glioma, a type of tumor. To date, there have been no long-term studies on the effects of cell phone usage among children.

Too late, I think that horse has already left the barn. The industry is too big…maybe too big to fail. Perhaps you can keep these out of the hands of the kiddies, at least temporarily. Of course, you will be most unpopular amongst the wee folk.

  1. GigG says:

    ” WHO had assured consumers that no adverse health effects had been established.”

    I would think that at this point if there were an issue that the population that have used cell phones for more than 20 years now would start showing a spike in brain cancers.

  2. goldbug says:

    This coming from the same organization that named swine flu a “level 5 pandemic!!!!”. I’ll reserve judgement until a more credible organization says something to the same effect.

  3. NobodySpecial says:

    “Phase 5 is characterized by human-to-human spread of the virus in at least two countries”

    What exactly is unbelievable about that?

  4. spsffan says:

    I ditched my cell phone 2 months ago. I wasn’t using it much, and it was mostly an annoyance that cost money.

    I’ve never felt better!

  5. chuck says:

    Ha! I use my cell phone on the left side of my head, so I’m not affected. Also, because I use my cell phone on the left side, I’m not affected in any way. And, by using my cell phone on my left side, chicken, chicken, chicken. Chicken. Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken chicken.

  6. NobodySpecial says:

    We have only had cell phones operating on these frequencies for 15 years so it’s difficult to do the tests.

    However a study of recent cellphone usage has shown it to cause obesity, stupidity, low math scores and a tendency to wear pants half way down your legs in a large population of teenagers.

  7. GregA says:

    People still talk on their cell phones??? Everybody I know uses txt predominantly on their phones now days…

  8. Greg Allen says:

    I am not prone to health paranoia but cell phones worry me.

    Pressing high frequency RF for hours against your brain seems risky.

    The one mitigating factor is that cell phones are very low-power.

  9. astokes says:

    I’m more worried about where I keep my phone when I’m not talking on it. How much radiation is my nuts getting by keeping it in my pocket?

  10. SimonSez says:

    Considering most of the time people are not talking on the cell phone they have it around their waist, either in their pocket or on a belt holster, maybe they should do tests to show any bad effects on reproductive organs and child birth.

  11. Dallas says:

    WHO is likely to be added to the “target list”. They ask too many questions.

  12. Skeptic says:

    Next… secondhand radiation.

  13. mustardtits says:

    Why do I think there is a vaccine right around the corner for this. They can call it Gaurdacell.

  14. Orion314 says:

    One nice thing about my IPhone3GS is you can put it on speaker-phone and use it like a star trek communicator , I always use it like that…
    sure beats a stupid earplug….end of radiation via cell phone problems. if this actually posts ;}

  15. deowll says:

    Young people text. Only old f*&^s talk on the phone.

    Two years ago I saw a girl talking on the phone and said, “You actually talk on the phone?” and she said, “Only to my mother.”

    There isn’t much doubt that something not good happens when you talk on a cell phone but I don’t do it much so not likely much harm done. For the people who walk around with one glued to the side of the head the exposure is going to be much worse.

  16. MikeN says:

    The precautionary principle says we should take no chances and limit and restrict cell phone usage to emergency usage. People who say that restricts freedom too much, then we can just put a tax on each call of $1. It would accomplish much the same, and reduce the potential damage to society.

  17. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:


    1. The Sun
    2. Radio
    3. Tv
    4. Power lines
    5. Microwave Ovens/Towers
    6. Cell Phones

    Each had their turn in the barrel with pretty much the same issues and resolution. In every instance, harm is possible but never shows up in the Population.

    Do we rule our lives by data, or headlines?

  18. dcphill says:

    40 years of working at radio and microwave transmitter stations with over 1megawatt of radiated energy of various wavelengths with my head unprotected has caused no measurable effect. I’ve even stood in front of radar and
    forward scatter antennas till I could feel the warmth and have had no ill effects. I think this cell phone thing has been studied to death and is a bunch of hooey. For most people the radiation has gone in one ear and out the other.

  19. dusanmal says:

    Cell-phone radiation effect is not equivalent of ionizing radiation of X-rays or Uranium. It is new and different indirect DNA damage from effects of near-field in microwave range. About a dozen chemical reaction chains are documented with exact type and level of microwave radiation involved that without a doubt, 100% damage DNA. Body can deal with some of it (same as with ionizing radiation) but unlike well known ionizing radiation effects where testing and quantifying is easier, it will take us at least a decade more to know how much is “high risk”.
    @18: Also, it is always a gamble. Not all Hiroshima inhabitants got cancer. Question is how high risk is acceptable to you (well, quite high as I can see).

  20. bobbo, the pragmatic Libertarian says:

    dusanmal–good points. And we agree that the resolution of the concerns is based on data rather than media hype? Hype should raise the concern, data should resolve it. Just as it always was.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    >> dcphill said, on May 31st, 2011 at 2:25 pm
    >> 40 years of working at radio and microwave transmitter stations with over 1megawatt of radiated energy of various wavelengths with my head unprotected has caused no measurable effect.

    Lucky for you! You beat the odds. You’re like those guys who smoke multiple packs of cigarettes everyday for 40 and never get lung cancer.

  22. McCullough says:

    #18. I worked in broadcasting where an engineer who practically lived on a remote mountaintop transmitter died from cancer at an early age. So maybe that’s just a case of “your experience may vary”.

  23. Greg Allen says:


    Your list isn’t just apples and oranges, it also includes bananas and t-bone steaks!

    Power lines, for instance, are 60Hz when cell phones are 800 _mega_hertz. It makes a HUGE difference in cancer risk.

    And I try to live by science not headlines. Despite the headlines, I don’t worry about power lines. Despite the cell company claims, I worry about their phones.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    >> # 10 SimonSez said, on May 31st, 2011 at 12:20 pm
    >> either in their pocket or on a belt holster, maybe they should do tests to show any bad effects on reproductive organs and child birth.

    I _never_ keep my cell phone in my pocket for that very reason.

    I suspect a belt is a safer bet but the best would be in a hand bag. But, I would surely lose my phone if I did that.

  25. So what says:

    Cell phone cause cancer, and rosie o’donnels fork is the reason she’s fat. It’s a bullshit story. from We Hurt Ourselves inc.

  26. msbpodcast says:

    Well, well, well…

    It turns out that the crazy lady who was scared that electricity was leaking out of the sockets was right after all.

    OMG!!! We’re all going to die!!!

    Hey, I’m nearly 60 years old.

    If it takes another 20 years to kill me, do I give a fuck?

    Crossing the street here in Noo Joyzee is a far riskier activity.

  27. McCullough says:

    #26. You live in New Jersey? RUN!!!!!!!

  28. GlowingApple says:

    I’m still not convinced. Amateur radio operators have been holding handie-talkies to their head for decades and most of the hams I know are crotchety men/women who live long, cancer-free lives. HTs usually put out a lot more power than any cell phone. Mind you the frequencies aren’t exactly the same, but unless the effect is very frequency specific (could be possible I suppose), I think the hams have shown it’s a non-issue.

  29. nicktherat says:

    why isnt the part you put next to your ear coated in lead? 😛

  30. Hairy German says:

    Was the study sponsored by a Bluetooth headset manufacture?


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