Like this is really any surprise. The entire article is a profile on Roger Ailes and the history of his propaganda farm, Fox News.

Traveling with the Chairman is like a scene straight out of 24. A friend recalls hitching a ride with Ailes after a power lunch: “We come out of the building and there’s an SUV filled with big guys, who jump out of the car when they see him. A cordon is formed around us. We’re ushered into the SUV, and we drive the few blocks to Fox’s offices, where another set of guys come out of the building to receive ‘the package.’ The package is taken in, and I’m taken on to my destination.”Ailes is certain that he’s a top target of Al Qaeda terrorists. “You know, they’re coming to get me,” he tells friends. “I’m fully prepared. I’ve taken care of it.” (Ailes, who was once arrested for carrying an illegal handgun in Central Park, now carries a licensed weapon.) Inside his blast-resistant office at Fox News headquarters, Ailes keeps a monitor on his desk that allows him to view any activity outside his closed door. Once, after observing a dark-skinned man in what Ailes perceived to be Muslim garb, he put Fox News on lockdown. “What the hell!” Ailes shouted. “This guy could be bombing me!” The suspected terrorist turned out to be a janitor. “Roger tore up the whole floor,” recalls a source close to Ailes. “He has a personal paranoia about people who are Muslim – which is consistent with the ideology of his network.”

  1. Bob says:

    Its ironic that a known democrat propaganda magazine (remember this is the magazine that has had every democrat candidate on its cover) is accusing a fox news of being biased while trying act as though its doing unbiased journalism.

  2. GregAllen says:

    The Muslim radical LOVE Fox News. It’s a fantastic recruiting tool for them.

    It gets broadcast into the Middle East and confirms all their rhetoric about America.

  3. sargasso_c says:

    Is insanity the result of success in business, or is it a prerequisite of success?

  4. Bob Hamilton says:

    This guy needs some psychotherapy and medication. Faux Snooze is pretty much recognized now as being the World Wrestling Federation of “News” outlets.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Having read the article I have come away with a thought.

    Nowhere in the article does it mention, not at any time, whether the threats to his life are real.

    I wonder if Ailes, being the head of a NEWS ORGANIZATION, had access to information that Dickinson, the author, did not?

  6. GregAllen says:

    >> Ah_Yea said, on May 31st, 2011 at 6:49 am
    >> Nowhere in the article does it mention, not at any time, whether the threats to his life are real.

    You think the janitor was actually part of a sleeper cell?

    If so, you are as nuts as he.

  7. GregAllen says:

    >>Bob said, on May 31st, 2011 at 6:26 am
    >> Its ironic that a known democrat propaganda magazine (remember this is the magazine that has had every democrat candidate on its cover) is accusing a fox news of being biased while trying act as though its doing unbiased journalism.

    Nonsense. Rolling Stone doesn’t claim to be “fair and balanced.” It’s Fox News which keeps repeating that absurd lie about itself.

    But let’s be clear — you can be fair without being balanced. I’d put Rolling Stone in that category — like most liberal media, actually.

    Can you find any lies or factual errors in the article?

  8. deowll says:

    #2 I admit Fox has by far the largest viewing audience and is most likely to get repeated.

    Even most progressives don’t trust the BS they all to often run across on the lame media. I think I’ve even heard Obama say that he watches Fox. Most likely just snippets but there is no way he isn’t going to keep up with what the network with the biggest viewership is saying. Bill O’ now gets invited to the White House.

    (I can’t fairly call it the main stream media because it doesn’t have the viewers to rate that name any more. No credibility other than the devote = no viewers other than hard core progressives.)

    Ailes may be paranoid but I promise you a lot of people are out to get him and many of them are spending millions of dollars to do it and that’s just the more wacko progressives.

    George Soros is spending millions by himself. He’s paying for an entire organization to work full time with the specific objective of putting Fox out of business and there may be others. Peter Fonda is on video more or less threatening to kill Obama or rather have his grand kids do it! As an ultra progressive he isn’t going to like Ailes either.

  9. Likes2LOL says:

    This helps explain why former NPR journalist Juan Williams didn’t need a job interview for a $2,000,000 position at Fox after he stated, “When I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

  10. NobodySpecial says:

    When I get on a plane I see that most of the passengers are identifying themselves first and foremost as idiots.
    Since the plane is only kept in the air by scientific knowledge, engineering skill and general cleverness – I really get worried.

  11. SR9 says:

    Propaganda? Try Hearst Newspapers. Or the New York Times.

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    deowll…you might wish to put the Fox viewership numbers in better perspective. CBS Nightly News has three times the peak viewership of Fox. Same with NBC and ABC. Combined, ten times more people watch broadcast news than Fox. Even SpongeBob Squarepants typically gets higher ratings than Fox News.

    But Fox does lead cable news, until something happens such as a tsunami…then CNN blows away Fox, too.

    Fox viewers never change the channel, and Fox News is only broadcasting a few hours of news per day, by their own admission…the rest, almost 18 hours per day, is opinion. But that also includes Fox counting their morning show as news, and anyone with a functioning brain can see through that charade, as well as that blonde bimbo chick, Megyn.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Bob, RS also published thorough profiles of all the GOP candidates in 2007/2008 too, or did you miss those?

  14. JimD says:


    Normal People need to refrain from voting for these NUT-CASES !!!

  15. GregAllen says:

    >> SR9 said, on May 31st, 2011 at 7:30 am
    >> Propaganda? Try Hearst Newspapers. Or the New York Times.

    Conservatives like to make this claim all the time but they never give specifics.

    Here is the cover of today’s NY Times. Tell me SPECIFICALLY how any of the articles are propaganda:

  16. Gazbo says:

    Doesn’t this strike anyone else as a wee bit grandiose? Is this man really so important that he can truly believe he’s being targeted by anyone other than a few granola cases (flakes and nuts)? He probably needs some basic security, but really – multiple tac squads? Laughable and a tad pathetic.

  17. Floyd says:

    When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, my wife and I happened to be visiting with my retired, conservative in-laws, who watched Fox News regularly. My father in law Jim (a WW2 vet), was conservative, but he made up his own mind on things.

    After watching Geraldo Rivera and several other Fox pundits during the storm, and hearing Geraldo say that the Superdome was safe for refugees when the dome was obviously falling apart, Jim stopped watching anything from Fox News because he couldn’t trust them any more. He switched to NBC and CBS for news.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow, GregAllen in #6. More stupid than usual, and that’s saying a lot!

    So what DOES a terrorist look like? Why not impart to us your vast wisdom? I’m sure your love interest Janet Napolitano would like to know.

    Then we can get rid of “See something, say something”. We can just round up all those that meet your description, and we’re done!

    Oh, just so we don’t arrest any innocents, BE SPECIFIC. Exactly, what does a terrorist look like? Why can’t someone who looks like a janitor (or even BE a janitor) be a terrorist?

    No, certainly not this guy!!

    (BTW, I’m not expecting you to answer, seeing as how – again – you have been exposed as the moron you are).

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    I must apologize, GregAllen. I know it’s not your fault you’re an idiot.

    Maybe you’ve been using your cell phone too much!

  20. Greg Allen says:


    Wow, I touched a nerve!

    But, ironically, in all your venom, you illustrate my point.

    I agree that there is no “look” to a terrorist. So why did Ailes get freaked out about the janitor? Because of the way he looked… vaguely Muslimly.

    That’s nuts to get freaked out by every brown guy!

  21. NobodySpecial says:

    #18 Exactly, what does a terrorist look like?

    Simple – they look NOT like us.
    They look Arabic, or Jewish, or Black, or Sikh, or Irish, or Basque or Native American.

    The tricky ones are the ones that look just like us – but with a pickup truck full of ANFO

  22. Uncle Patso says:

    The political history of the United States over the last century reads like a Heinlein novel. You couldn’t make this stuff up!

  23. Greg Allen says:

    >> NobodySpecial said, on May 31st, 2011 at 10:38 am
    >>> #18 Exactly, what does a terrorist look like?
    >> Simple – they look NOT like us.
    >> They look Arabic, or Jewish, or Black, or Sikh, or Irish, or Basque or Native American.

    But especially “Muslim” (whatever that looks like!)

    That’s what makes Ailes seem like a paranoid nut-job. He sees a Muslimy-looking janitor and suspects him as a terrorist.

  24. smartalix says:

    Anyone who thinks a terrorist would get on a plane dressed in anything that would draw attention to themselves is a blithering idiot. That’s like putting on a black bandanna with eye holes cut into it to rob a bank. What a bunch of racist choads.

  25. Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? says:

    #24 FTW
    I was wondering how long it would take to run the racist flag up the pole.

    Honorable mention to #20 for “That’s nuts to get freaked out by every brown guy!”

  26. SimnoSez says:

    #12, not only that but walk into any McDonald’s, Burger King, Walmart, K-Mart, etc and you will most likely see Fox News being the channel playing on TV.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    Mextili, yup, you got it!

    We can always count on GregAllen to provide the counterpoint to intelligence.

  28. tcc3 says:

    #26 Teadud

    If the majority were truly “center right” you wouldn’t have to qualify it. It would just be the center.

  29. msbpodcast says:

    To the conspiracy nuts out there, if someone wanted the self-important head of FOX news quite dead, he’d already be sleeping with the fishes.

    All it would take is a .50 bullet shot from a few hundred meters away and a couple of thou to contract the hit.

    Does he sit still for a few seconds in some place regularly, i.e. does he ever go for a shit at work? Does he have a preferred stall? (Most people do.)

    Then he’s vulnerable to remote detection, targeting and being hit. (Explosive .50 bullets will go through glass and a few sheets of drywall and tile like it wasn’t even there and then fuck you up worse an any medic can patch.)

    Paranoia over running an American news service indicates a need for medication. The fact that he’s still walking tells me he’s clinical and delusional.

    He’s got a severely inflated eqo and a Citizen Kane, William Randolph Hearst vision of his own role in history.

    The problem is that he can claim his continued breathing is due to his security servuce’s own success, and how can you prove a negative? …

  30. foobar says:

    To his whole strain of paranoid politics was born when Buchanan developed Nixon’s southern strategy back in the 60’s. Fear is a powerful weapon.


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