Like this is really any surprise. The entire article is a profile on Roger Ailes and the history of his propaganda farm, Fox News.

Traveling with the Chairman is like a scene straight out of 24. A friend recalls hitching a ride with Ailes after a power lunch: “We come out of the building and there’s an SUV filled with big guys, who jump out of the car when they see him. A cordon is formed around us. We’re ushered into the SUV, and we drive the few blocks to Fox’s offices, where another set of guys come out of the building to receive ‘the package.’ The package is taken in, and I’m taken on to my destination.”Ailes is certain that he’s a top target of Al Qaeda terrorists. “You know, they’re coming to get me,” he tells friends. “I’m fully prepared. I’ve taken care of it.” (Ailes, who was once arrested for carrying an illegal handgun in Central Park, now carries a licensed weapon.) Inside his blast-resistant office at Fox News headquarters, Ailes keeps a monitor on his desk that allows him to view any activity outside his closed door. Once, after observing a dark-skinned man in what Ailes perceived to be Muslim garb, he put Fox News on lockdown. “What the hell!” Ailes shouted. “This guy could be bombing me!” The suspected terrorist turned out to be a janitor. “Roger tore up the whole floor,” recalls a source close to Ailes. “He has a personal paranoia about people who are Muslim – which is consistent with the ideology of his network.”

  1. MikeN says:

    This is the result of people who wanted to take him out and were foiled by his security.
    What is it with the liberal media liking to reveal the security detail of conservatives? The New York Times points out the location of security cameras at Rumsfeld’s house.

  2. Improbus says:

    All it would take is a progressive with a sniper rifle … damn, those commies are against the 2nd Amendment. Foiled again!

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic Libertarian says:

    Amusing the tag along easily lead sheep all flock to defend Faux Spews. It is clearly more than biased: it is aimed with a purpose.

    Just another way this PUKE supporting organelle is part of something evil–something intentionally wanting to KILL AMERICA.

    And the ratio’s/evidence is about right: 10x more people Don’t watch Faux Spews and Faux spins themselves as the News Leader.

    See how that works?

    Wake Up–Pay Attention–VOTE YOUR OWN SELF INTEREST, not those of the Super Rich as advocated by the Super Rich.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    >> Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? said, on May 31st, 2011 at 12:04 pm
    >> Honorable mention to #20 for “That’s nuts to get freaked out by every brown guy!”

    Did you read the article? Here is the relevant sections:

    “Once, after observing a dark-skinned man in what Ailes perceived to be Muslim garb, he put Fox News on lockdown. “What the hell!” Ailes shouted. “This guy could be bombing me!”

    Seems like racism to me. Paranoid, nutcase racism.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    >> Ah_Yea said, on May 31st, 2011 at 12:31 pm
    >> Mextili, yup, you got it!
    >> We can always count on GregAllen to provide the counterpoint to intelligence.

    You countered with NOTHING but insults. No facts. No logic.

    Seriously. Re-read your responses to me. There is nothing substantial. Nada.

    Projection a little?

  6. Somebody says:

    #36 bobbo, the living will to bondage said:

    “Amusing the tag along easily lead sheep all flock to defend Faux Spews. It is clearly more than biased: it is aimed with a purpose.”

    Fair enough.

    But you clearly did not observe that on your own power.

    Because if you had, you would be able to notice that same truism regarding every other coast-to-coast news outlet, emphatically including PBS.

    So, in your case, even stating a flat fact is mere partisan parroting.

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic Libertarian says:

    Somebody==words have meaning, and a context. You can’t just put words you like into any context you wish.

    What coast to coast news (sic!) network has ONE or more candidates for political office?

    What coast to coast new (sic!) network has ALL the candidates for political office?

    Yea, having them all means exactly the same as having none.

    Ha, ha.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:


    Merely claiming that everyone else is just like you does not make it true. And generally, they aren’t.

    FOX is a right wing nut outlet that can’t even report straight news without a biased slant. No other main news outlet comes even close to the bias demonstrated by FOX. While it is easy to make the claim. again the right is inventing their own facts.

  9. MikeN says:

    Fox News hired a number of Democratic politicians, including Ferraro and Dan Rostenkowski and Lanny Davis. Meanwhile the rest of the networks hire liberal politicians and their staff including Chris Matthews, Cokie Roberts, Paul Begala, James Carville, George Stephanopoulos, etc while firing Bill Kristol from the ABC weekly roundtable. I don’t think they would be so eager to hire Karl Rove at ABC the way they hired Stephanopopulos or CNN hired Carville. They even shut down Rush Limbaugh from being hired for Monday Night Football.

  10. chris says:

    I know a guy who is a cameraman for fox news, among other outlets. He said that Glenn Beck walks around inside the fox studios with four bodyguards at all times. Can these nutters actually believe the stuff they spin?

    Looks like maybe they do.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42, Lyin’ Mike,

    Your posts demonstrates your lack of knowledge between news and opinion. Those Democrats you listed at FOX Spews were hired to give a quick comment to be laughed at and rebutted by the conservatives.

    Chris Matthews, Cokie Roberts, Paul Begala, James Carville, George Stephanopoulos were all journalists first and foremost. Karl Rove never was and still shows why he couldn’t ever be.

    Limbaugh was canned by ESPN because he claimed Donovan McNabb had been hired because of his color and the team’s wins were because of the defense. He was roundly criticized by people on the right and the left. The only people who didn’t criticize his comment were the local members of the KKK and other Republicans.

  12. MikeN says:

    Mr ConFusion, only a blind partisan would consider Paul Begala a journalist or Georgie boy before he was hired by ABC. How many Republicans are these networks hiring?

    And I said Monday Night Football, not Sunday commentary. ABC higherups overruled the sports guys who wanted to hire him.
    As for Donovan McNabb even CBS Sportsline had written such commentary about him before Rush. And the commentators on the show at the time didn’t think it was a racist comment, they argued the point he was making.

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic Libertarian says:

    Mike–isn’t it still a matter of degree with Fox fouling the line by multiples over anyone else? Not EX-politicians but those actively still wanting to run for higher office. Not the same thing at all.

  14. Uncle Dave says:


    Actually, Carville was never a journalist. He’s always been a political consultant. Neither was Begala. At most, he’s now a political commentator. Stephanopoulos has no journalism training other than on the job as Prez press secretary, although he’s become a good TV journalist, or was on This Week.

  15. MikeN says:

    #46, bobbo, I see your point, but it’s too hard to define. Kasich ran for president in 2000, and I think didn’t even get to New Hampshire. He runs for higher office 10 years later. Huckabee ended up not running probably because he didn’t want to lose the TV gig, but if he didn’t have the gig, he probably has no chance in a second round of campaigning. I’m not sure what Palin does for Fox, but her and Romney are the ones who are legitimate contenders that can be expected to run again as of 2008.

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic Libertarian says:

    Mike–its not hard at all==just LOOK! and drop the bias/refusal to think truthfully. That glimmer that moves you to an ineffectual quibble could yet regain your sanity.

    Give it a try? You can always go back to stupid whenever you wish.

    Yea, verily.

  17. Glenn E. says:

    Naturally the Jews, who started this whole mess by taking “their land” back from what was once part of Muslim Jordan, fear being targets of reprisals. That includes all the US Senators and Congressmen who side with the American Israeli League, to give US financial and military support to their cause. And if the Israeli minister’s direct visit and appeal to the US Congress, doing an end run around Obama, is any indication of his attitude. Israel will never back down, back off, compromise, or settle, for anything less than ALL of the land they can recover. with the help of every free world government, that they can corrupt and influence into helping them. Too bad the Nepalese couldn’t get that kind of defense of their lands, from Red China.

    So it would surprise me if Ailes were either Jewish himself. Or sides heavily with their view of the world. Thus he perceives himself a target. And he’s probably right. So what? He’s made his choice. Now he’s got to pay the price for it. I just hope nobody else has to die to defend his rich ass.

    Big money and religiously driven politics, always result in wars. Those with the money, use it to convince the rest of us to die for their distorted beliefs and profits. Just as in the US Civil War. A war started by wealth people, who were convinced that God made them so superior to other people, that they could buy and sell them as slave laborers. And then convinced other non-slave inferiors, to go to war for them to protect their “God given rights” to own property.

    Well I for one, am sick of being lied to by the media kings, as to what I must be will to die for, to defend, when its got little to do with my life in the first place. I couldn’t care less about Israel. But I’m sure that Sarah Palin is willing to start WW3, to defend their existence. Just as long as she, personally, doesn’t have to sacrifice s damn thing. Well that shrill banshee can go screw herself. I hope she becomes a target too. It’s her choice.


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