Can’t wait for him to design a six-shooter.

  1. cfk says:

    I can see it now: “Saw: Locked and Loaded.”

  2. GregAllen says:

    The Slingshot Channel!

    I have to admit, I did not see this trend coming.

  3. derspankster says:

    Can I get CCW permit for one of those?

  4. deowll says:

    When I was a kid some people I won’t name used to shoot cats with bb guns. This is taking things to an entirely new level. RARaw!By By Pussy cat!

  5. Likes2LOL says:

    Someone must have denied Joerg the chance to play with a slingshot as a kid, and now he’s making up for it in a big way…

  6. chuck says:

    What could possibly go wrong?

  7. AC_in_Mich says:

    I WANT ONE!!

    Err, #6, just don’t get your fingers in the way – or look down the barrel!

  8. rwest says:

    The German accent is the icing on the cake.

  9. Dick Cheney says:

    TXT me for some other ideas 🙂

  10. LibertyLover says:

    This is too dangerous of a weapon to put in the hands of civilians.

    We need to outlaw rubber bands and circular saw blades now!

  11. LibertyLover says:

    Better yet, we need to place them under the control of the ATFE — ATFERBCSB

  12. admfubar says:

    i bet he is a fan on the “Unreal” series of games.. Where is the “Shock Rifle” channel???
    look a few sections down for the “Ripper”

    Classification: Ballistic Blade Launcher
    Effective Range: Short-Medium distance
    Ammo on Pickup: 15
    Maximum Ammo: 75

  13. robublind says:

    1st I thought wow he still has all his fingers.

    2nd At least he is wearing eye protection. That will stop the saw blade from doing any damage.

    Then after watching the whole clip..Kind of lame. It can “kill a watermelon at 5ft” wow what technical prowess. How about I mount a sawblade to a 5ft stick and beat the crap out of the watermelon instead. I’m more likely to walk away with all my fingers.

    Someone has way too much time on their hands.

  14. wirelessg says:

    The DU headlines merge:

    Rose versus Jack, Bangladesh woman cuts off attacker’s penis with Circular Sawblade Slingshot, hands it over to police to aid in identification

  15. foobar says:

    His wife is thinking: “At least he’s out of the house doing something.”

  16. jdmurray says:

    Either Unreal or Quake (computer games) had a gun that shot circular saw blades that rebounded off walls. It had a electric mechanism to spin-up the blade and a lever to fling it out of the chamber. He needs to replace his peg and rubber bands with that sort of mechanism in his next prototype.

  17. tweetiebird42 says:

    The MythBusters will take off Buster’s head with this one. Can’t wait.

  18. Miguel says:

    De zing dat I am zinking right now iz dat zis vill probably go zrough a TSA checkpoint wid no problemz whatzoever. Wot do you zink?

    Alzo, ze perfect veapon vor de upcoming zivil worz in Portugal, Greece and Izeland!!!


  19. chris says:

    Can’t somebody give this guy a bigger budget, Europe has gotten so boring these past decades.

  20. Rich says:

    jdmurray beat me to it. He should modify it to put a spin on that blade.


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