Monju Begum, 40, a married mother of three, was allegedly attacked as she slept in her shanty in Mirzapur village, Jhalakathi, about 125 miles south of Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka.
Mrs Begum told police that her neighbor Mozammel Haq Mazi, forced his way into her home and began attacking her. During the alleged assault, Mrs Begum said she was able to cut off Mr Mazi’s penis.
“As he tried to rape her, the lady cut his penis off with a knife. She then wrapped up the penis in a piece of polythene and brought it to the Jhalakathi police station as evidence of the crime,” said Abul Khaer, the local police chief.
“It is quite an unusual incident. As far as I am aware, this is the first time that a woman has brought a severed penis to the police station as evidence.”
Mr Mazi, who denies the accusation, has been admitted to a nearby hospital. A surgeon said it had not been possible to reattach the organ…
What can he say? “It’s not mine.”
Personally, I blame the Obama administration.
#1 Well it would have been Bush’s fault if he was still president.
You know the old saw, “If it happens during the President’s administration he gets the credit or the blame.”
In any event this guy won’t be fornicating around as much as he used to.
In a culture where she would have been blamed for the rape, had it occurred, I have to applaud her guts!
He will need a Johnson and Johnson’s Special Band-Aid for Penis !!!
“it’s not mine”… LOL
#3, I agree. Self Defense is a natural right.
Now she needs to start calling him Stubby in town.
Looks like he got the short end of the stick.
More women should to this. If a rapist knew he might get it chopped off, they might think twice. I applaud her.
They could have given him a new organ:
How could the Hospital attempt attachment of the Penis if its kept at the Police Station? I don’t think that Muslim Science thing is working too good.
Meetings of the Home Owners Association are apt to be a little strained.
#8 or they may just kill her for the hell of it.
and no more Bobbit jokes
1. Muslim science is the basis for ALL western science, without them we wouldnt have a science, mathmatics or an alphabet.
2. India is a HINDU country.
Uneducated morons are what keeps this world in a state of fear, be they taliban extreemists or American idiots. Do yourself a favour – when you feel like mouthing off, stop, read about the subject first, then give an INFORMED opinion instead of just giving others a reason to laugh at your dumb ass.
India is not solely a Hindu country. Regardless. Your “factual” statement that all western science, medicine, and written language stem from Muslim fanaticism *ahem* science is also false. Your ignorance shines brighter when your facts aren’t straight.
Good Luck with that.
#14–revere==my goodness. I think you’ve been riding that horse for waaaaay too long, logic circuits have burned out.
Wondering where Muslim science has gone since it started out so well seems totally appropriate when discussing modern surgical techniques that don’t work out so well.
What does the religion of India got to do with the religion of Bangladesh? And that would be true whether or not Bangladesh was part of India OR NOT.
But, the journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step. Keep walking, learning how to place a good insult should also teach when to avoid trying.
#14 – Not only is India secular (i.e. NOT a Hindu country), this story is from Bangladesh (a Muslim country), not India!