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$300 worth of haircuts in one photo |
Is Texas Gov. Rick Perry the Bilderberg group’s Republican candidate-in-waiting in the 2012 presidential race? The shadowy globalist group is scheduled to meet secretly behind locked doors over the weekend of June 9-12 in St. Moritz, Switzerland, and AFP will be on location to cover it.
It is not without precedent to tap state governors for broader vistas. Bill Clinton at one time was the obscure governor of Arkansas—a land with strong Rockefeller influence since the days of Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller. As governor, Clinton attended his first Bilderberg meeting in 1991 and was elected president about a year later.
Like Clinton, Perry has attended a Bilderberg meeting. In June 2007 Perry attended the Bilderberg confab in Istanbul, Turkey, making the mandatory promise of secrecy and to follow orders. At the time, Perry was chastised in the newly aroused independent press.
Speculation that Perry is the Bilderberg group’s ace card was prompted by the current political climate, which can largely be gleaned from the fact that Perry is a longtime, unwavering supporter of the NAFTA Superhighway and related infrastructure projects. These pave the way for the Bilderberg-supported North American Union (NAU) proposal that would merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico…
Ron Paul has called for a criminal investigation into Perry’s Bilderberg trip. “This information about him going over there and violating the Logan Act and getting involved . . . I’m just impressed that that’s in the ordinary media—I think that’s encouraging, too,” he said on a talk radio show, adding that Perry’s attendance was “a sign that he’s involved in the international conspiracy…”
The Bilderberg backed NAU that he supports would erase the boundaries between Mexico, the United States and Canada. The plan is to expand the “union” throughout the Western Hemisphere, resulting in an “American Union,” similar to the European Union that is draining Europe dry of its former prosperity, with Switzerland— the location of the 2011 Bilderberg meeting—faring better because it’s neither an EU nor a NATO member.
His support of the Trans Texas Corridor within the state’s boundaries has been unflinching, since that is Texas’s part of the greater NAFTA Superhighway network to connect the NAU nations physically.
Bilderberg, true to form, wants the U.S. recession to continue throughout 2012 and for oil prices to remain high and increase further. This could make Obama a one-term president. But at this point it appears Bilderberg’s “other horse” is headed for the stable, to be groomed as their ace in the hole.
Consider yourself warned.
I didn’t expect this many sheepherders to emerge after Trump’s predicted fiery fall.
Newt is already self combustion and in comes Rick Perry. Wow.
Thank Allah SOMEBODY is in charge of things..
I remember the days when anyone who even mentioned there were plans for a New World Order was totally dismissed as a conspiracy nutbag?
Guess not, eh?
Progressives don’t like this… But not because of speculative Bilderberg connection. Because of news like this:
“According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 214,000 net new jobs were created in the United States from August 2009 to August 2010. Texas created 119,000 jobs during the same period. If every state in the country had performed as well, we’d have created about 1.5 million jobs nationally during the past year”
More than 50% of new jobs in whole US are created in Texas under Perry leadership WHILE the whole country is in economic crisis and suffers joblessness. That statement alone wins him hearts, minds and Presidency vs. NoJobsObama.
Well, if the American Free Press says so, it MUST be true. All we need now is for Alex Jones to do some “investigative” journalism to confirm. Meantime, we can all peruse the ads to buy silver and gold and storable foods.
This makes Fox News look absolutely reputable.
BTW, The Logan Acts states: “directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof,”
So, unless the Bilderbergs are now a government, he didn’t violate the Logan Act.
#6. “or any officer or agent thereof”
I disagree.
So when are we going to investigate practically EVERYONE ELSE in Congress who is part of the “Soros Group”??
And were was the outcry here??
“It is not without precedent to tap state governors for broader vistas. Bill Clinton at one time was the obscure governor of Arkansas—a land with strong Rockefeller influence since the days of Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller. As governor, Clinton attended his first Bilderberg meeting in 1991 and was elected president about a year later. “
Rick Perry? The lead singer from Journey?!!
The problem with the North American Union conspiracy theory is that it assumes that Canada and Mexico want to go along with the idea, and the 2 countries are just waiting for the United States to agree.
But, for Mexico, the current situation allows them to export their unemployed to the United States and avoid dealing with their social problems.
For Canada, it means they don’t need to spend (as much) on national defense, and they can have socialized health-care but still have access to the U.S. health-care if an individual can pay.
BTW, if those guys paid $300 for their hair-cuts, they got ripped off.
Besides the expensive haircuts, there’s probably $1000 in the silk ties those Texas candidates are wearing. If the word gets out in Texas that these guys wear Armani suits instead of cowboy hats, those Texas Republicans will lose.
I’d say that any time an external group is pushing a particular candidate, it’s a good reason to vote against it. There’s obviously an agenda, and I doubt it has anything to do with what’s best for the country.
I’m sure the American people will eagerly vote for a presidential candidate from Texas.
dusanmal said “More than 50% of new jobs in whole US are created in Texas under Perry leadership WHILE the whole country is in economic crisis and suffers joblessness.”
Of course, Texas is also has a budget shortfall of $27 billion. Small details though. Republicans only care about deficits when Democrats are in office.
Let’s hope Alphie endorses Rick Perry and gives him the kiss of death like the prior six candidates.
I think it’s a setup by the devil to keep Sarah Ubetcha Palin.
With that haircut, Rick Perry looks like Shemp from the three stooges.
Just pulling back the curtain a little bit.
‘The Southern Poverty Law Center considers it (American Free Press) a hate group and reports that it “carries stories on Zionism, secret ‘New World Order’ conspiracies, American Jews and Israel.” The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has criticised AFP for linking of prominent figures in the Jewish community with the events of September 11, 2001, and in September 2006 attacked the paper for disseminating “antisemitic propaganda”.’
Antisemitic 911-truther hate-group?
No wonder Eideard and Dallas loves it so much!!
Why am I amazed Dallas and Eideard love this rag so much?? I mean, they must love it because Eideard found the article and Dallas backs him up.
When it comes to spewing Hate and Contempt, no one does it better than the Dynamic Duo!!
What are the policy differences between this Bilderberg group and the Republican Party? I don’t see any daylight. And I agree, it should be illegal to talk to either one of them.
makes this sound like a totally innocuous group==but if they don’t “do” anything, what do they do? Funny, I did feel the “tug” of a conspiracy theory==hating secrecy as we all do. Is Soros equally secretive? I thought he was a well known liberal that pushes all kinds of progressive/humanist policies?
So what DOES Bilderberg “push?” Captains of Industry are not bureaucrats, they don’t meet for the meetings sake unless blowjobs or money are distributed. I think its a sex ring as presented in “Eyes Wide Shut.”
BTW–when are the aerial photos of that Highway Corridor in Texas going to be posted. I keep hearing bits and pieces, but still no photos.
“The shadowy globalist group is scheduled to meet secretly behind locked doors over the weekend of June 9-12 in St. Moritz, Switzerland”
Umm, how shadowy and secretive can you be if everyone one knows where and when you meet and who most of the participants are?
That old, “they’re standing right behind me, aren’t they?”, look.
“His support of the Trans Texas Corridor within the state’s boundaries has been unflinching, since that is Texas’s part of the greater NAFTA Superhighway network to connect the NAU nations physically.”
A state governor supporting a huge infrastructure project that runs all across the state. With huge windfalls to land developers and construction companies, not to mention all the jobs associated with it. And AFP thinks this can only be indicative of support for NAU? Maybe Gov. Perry is like 95% of all other governors and sees this as a great way to spend money, ingratiate himself with the BIG MONEY contributors that benefit from these large scale projects.
Rather mundane than the conspiracy theory but 100 times more likely.
forget who said it but funny and insightful: Rick Perry wants Texas to secede from the USA because it is corrupt and evil, now he wants to be its President. Maybe so.
I would assume any “thinking” Republican would run this year only as a setup for 2016. To that end, the campaign should really set a road map for what “ought to be done” and when that roadmap is not followed by Obama, the argument is made for election in 2016, organization should be in place, name recognition created, corporate slush fund established, Bilderberg group on board, etc.
Yes, any thinking Republican.
Ha, ha.
Btw, this is a total hair failure. The Puke’s should visit a gay salon instead of a shoe store to rid the gray. Trump head nest also hurt his election but being a tool was the killing blow.
Alfie–that would be true “if you weren’t a PUKE” because the public is gaining awareness that the PUKES WANT TO KILL THE MIDDLE CLASS AND REMOVE THE SOCIAL SAFETY NET.
Here is how every Puke loses: Did you vote to kill MediCare. Stuffed and Done.
Those on the border line jump off the Puke train when they are shown BushtheRetardStandardBearer saying he didn’t care about OBL AND they learn he shut down the CIA team formed to find out where he was. Another Obama personal directive: Get OBL.
More people know the main reason Obama has failed to save America is the PUKES are in his way all the time about everything. More than DOUBLE the number of filibusters than any other congress in History.
Ohhhhhh–so close, and yet so far away. Must suck to be you.
Ha. ha.
Southern Poverty Law Center, yeah. Exterminate the SPLC and America continues. Exterminate everybody on a list prepared by the SPLC, America will die. Enemies inside the gates, SPLC has got to go.
These are the same traitors that sent our jobs overseas and opened the borders to the illegals. These extremists have brainwashed millions of everyday normals into thinking Social Security is something bad. I wii be happy to vote against them in 2012.
Among others I like Herman Cain.
Herman is the kind of guy who will work hard to balance the books and make sure the social safety net continues to exist.
The progressives claim to love the under people but the math says the money is going to run out and we will end up as a squalid third world nation with parents pimping their kids on street corners to rich progressives for the price of a can of beans.
Seniors can expect to end up eating dirt, sleeping on the ground, and forget medical care. Everything will be free but the waiting line will be a few years to get told take this pill and call me next year only you can’t afford a phone.
For better data on what to expect do a case study on Greece today.