This will get worse before it gets better if the economy doesn’t get these kids some work to do. Let the fun begin.

found by Fredrik Nehr

  1. JH says:

    Can’t we come up with some sort of Twitter-Foot Loose-Flash Mob fusion here?

  2. Dallas says:

    In defense of the officers, if we let straight people dance like that in public, next thing they’ll demand is marriage and sex with children.

  3. George says:

    /thank God, there are still guys worse than us

    …a Greek guy…

  4. Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? says:

    I looked at it a couple of more times and still find it a bunch of crap.

    The only purpose they had, that I could see, was to provoke the park police for some reason.
    They came equipped with the mandatory “cool” shirts and a guy with a professional video camera.

    They seemed well versed in protest methods such as passive resistance to put-downs and linking arms.

    This was not this group’s first “protest”.

  5. Somebody says:

    # 28 bobbo, Pukes are the Party….

    “No, my friend. Voting PUKES out of office….”

    This is the note you never fail to hit.

    But by now, I suppose, there is no reason to believe you are responsible for what you write.

    I’ll just do like Mr. T and “pity the fool”.

  6. chris says:

    #18 “When this situation is a result of both parties; both ensconced, corrupt to the core, irretrievably debauched parties.”

    What do some asshole cops have to do with the larger political landscape?

    Also, what magic would prevent ANY new party from becoming equally complicit?

  7. DaveO says:

    This is an excellent tactic. We make sure Bin Laden will never rest in peace by keeping him laughing too hard.

  8. noname says:

    # 37 Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

    How much of a pussy do you have to be to be threatened by::

    “They came equipped with the mandatory “cool” shirts”

    “passive resistance to put-downs and linking arms”

    USA is becoming a pussy nation ruled by a Jack booted gestapo homeland groping security government!!

    Even the name “homeland security” reeks of Stalinisk and Jack booted gestapo thinking!!!

    This is not your granddaddy’s country anymore.

    Wall-street and Washington has given Stupid Americans a bowl of false prosperity in exchange for our birthrights!!! China now has our birthrights!!!

    These cops are the biggest pussies I’ve ever seen!!!!

  9. noname says:

    Between not standing up for American citizenry and their constitutional birthrights and bankrupting the country with bullshit foreign and domestic wars then establishing ever more costly, bureaucratic and overreachinggovernment agencies (homeland groping security) with Stalinisk and Jack booted gestapo thinking (homeland patriot act for a couple)!!!

    Our government and “too big to care or bothered by USA plight” wall street will beat the average American into third-world status in less then 20years!!!

    Thank you Obama for change we can believe in!

  10. bobbo, Pukes LIE about everything, only idiots buy it says:

    #38–Somebody==really? That lame??? I expected something from somebody or nothing, but not lame.

    Something about what I post(s) you disagree with ((besides this here homage to Yoda-esque Firefly tv dialogue)) and so you post to “disagree” with me but you fault and say something that is contradicted by any but the slightest of second looks.

    You took a second look, I assume you did. Just to hard for you to figure out, or too lazy to read more than twice?

    Ha, ha. I take it as a compliment you believe you got it wrong, but can’t figure out why. Really, a compliment.

    Its the Republican playbook to tell a lie and keep repeating it no matter what the questions, the comeback, the response may be. Its called: sticking to the talking points. You can see Ryan doing it right now with his dismantling of MediCare while spinning it as “saving it.” I would actually support his program if it came with tax increases and honesty but that is not the Republican Way.

    What these LYING two faced criminal assholes do with their talking points, I do with the truth. Gotta be fair and balanced. You?

    Step up – talk up – prove me wrong.

    Only makes me stronger.

  11. tcc3 says:

    #37 Mextli:


  12. bobbo, Pukes LIE about everything, only idiots buy it says:

    tcc3==”and” only works with someone who doesn’t think provocation alone is sufficient to exercise police control over others.

    I linked to something yesterday that said these dance events at the TJ Monument was some kind of Flash Mob anniversary event–not well attended if true–and some suggestion of trying to make the event grow.

    There is a strong element of goose stepping by the Park Service here. I’m sad to see my government be so incompetent in such easy to manage things. A few people dancing: play on. A whole flash mob show up clogging the memorial: good news, its being visited. Follow the protocol and form a conga line letting each person/couple have their alloted 3 minutes inside the building. Easy Peasy.

    Sadly, I think our government/most governments are too stupid to be smart. Why is that? I gave my answer above and somebody thinks I’m wrong but offers no analysis himself–just like our government.

    Heh, heh.

  13. Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? says:

    #44 tcc3 said, “And”

    And I actually think the cops showed restraint in this instance from what I can see on the video.

  14. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #46–Nextlie==why did the cops arrest anyone at all? Why even say “move along” when there was plenty of room for everyone to do whatever they wanted to?

    Why the goose stepping?

  15. Lou Minatti says:

    What’s with the complaints? This is Barack Obama’s America. Where our Nobel Peace Prize-winning president can attack countries without provocation and kill thousands of people. Go Blue Team! Go Democratic Party!

  16. nunyac says:

    WMTEAHIU (acronym for what Pogo said)
    If Pogo was a Fed. then his observation was most certainly correct.

  17. nicktherat says:

    id do the robot, and while being tackled scream “FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM”

  18. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    Alfie–you are a dipshit. They weren’t protesting anything. They were celebrating being alive and happy in a free country until uniformed goons took them down.

    Silly to hate all the time as you do. You might at least aim better.


  19. Somebody says:

    #43 bobbo,

    OK, I totally get that you’re 100% focused on the fact that the Republicans are politicians.

    I just can’t wait until your tiny little circle of awareness finally impinges on the Democrats.

    If ever.

  20. Somebody says:

    OK, guys!

    Great discussion of who is to blame!

    A little weak on what you are going to do about it.

  21. Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? says:

    #47 “Why even say “move along” when there was plenty of room for everyone to do whatever they wanted to?”

    Why not have a pick-nick, orgy, or livestock fair?

    To everything there is a season,
    A time for every purpose under heaven:

    A time to weep, And a time to laugh;
    A time to mourn, And a time to dance;

  22. allhonkydorey says:

    White people dancing? That really IS a crime.
    No joke. Have you ever seen them.

  23. nightstar says:

    #53 If it’s to be a caning for irrationality you just joined the cue.

    I don’t know whats worse police brutality or apologists.

  24. tcc3 says:

    #56 Mextli

    Picnickers would have harmed traffic flow, justifiable to ask them not to do it.

    An Orgy would also harm traffic flow, as well as violate indecency laws, justifiable to stop.

    Livestock fair would also harm traffic flow restricting legitimate access to the monument.

    Tell me how they were hurting anything or violating any laws.

    Your mindless support of indefensible thuggery is as appalling as the event itself.

    I suppose law enforcement “shows restraint” every time they fail to crack a skull for their amusement? “I didn’t kill anyone today, I’m the best cop ever.”

  25. tcc3 says:

    #53 Teadud

    Yes, you’ve made it abundantly clear time and again that despite your claims of advocating “freedom” you really only mean it for people who agree with you.

  26. Somebody says:

    Well, maybe someone will do something.

  27. bobbo, the pragmatic Libertarian says:

    Somebody–always fun to see that video. We need Community/Police review Panels for oversight of those who over see us.

    You read the thread that totally answers the question as to why PUKES are worse than DUMBO’S. Totally dishonest of you to pretend the facts aren’t in.

    From post #44 down>

    You could have proven me wrong there on point yet to hid. Why the FUD?

  28. I believe the Park Police just wanted to hump those guys.

  29. TheMAXX says:

    Seems to me that the police are the ones causing a problem here. How about some citizen’s arrests of the officers who are disturbing the peace? If I saw some people dancing I might feel like dancing too. Am I then part of some protest no one knew was going on? They didn’t even play loud music, just dancing silently. Why make a big deal out of it and risk expensive lawsuits against your department? These are some of the dumbest officers on the planet for sure.

  30. noname says:

    # 56 Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?


    So so ignorant!!
    Q1.) Who sets the time to for every purpose under heaven? Park Police?
    Q2.) Who sets the time to weep? Park Police?
    Q3.) Who sets the time to mourn? Park Police?

    Q4.) # 56 Mextli which country did you grow up in?????
    Q5.) # 56 Mextli did you grow up in a national park, nursed by the Park Police?


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