This will get worse before it gets better if the economy doesn’t get these kids some work to do. Let the fun begin.

found by Fredrik Nehr

  1. Steve says:

    Seeming to be the chimes of freedom flashing.

  2. McCullough says:

    This is deeply disturbing. Who could possibly defend this? I wonder if the NPS Superintendent will denounce this and call for re-education of all Park Service employees concerning citizen’s Constitutional Rights?

    I’m not holding my breath.

  3. B. Dog says:

    Do they think this is Soviet Russia, or what? I’m hoping my name doesn’t come up when they waterboard the terrorists.

  4. bobbo, Pukes are the Party Alfie supports......... says:

    I have to admit I would be tempted to start dancing on witnessing this. Probably would not, but I would be tempted. Being thrown to the marble can easily crack your skull—being arrested is nothing casual.

    And Animby==I would only be tempted “In American” because In America we are supposed to be FREEEEEEE. Note: “supposed to.”

    Yes, this is very disturbing and doesn’t appear to be much room for any “rest of the story.”

    People should be encouraged to dance in public, make love, think for themselves.

    I wonder which is worse?

  5. EnemyOfTheState says:

    This is why god created long guns.

  6. McCullough says:

    I really dislike the idea of flash mobs…but in this case.

  7. Angry says:

    Was that Cindy Shamehan and Code Pink? As odious as I think those lefties are, they have the right to freely assemble don’t they?

  8. white_Male says:

    USA = Soviet Union 2.0

    brought to you by the swarthy hook nosed aliens.

  9. Pmitchell says:

    hows that hope and change working out. your lefties cry about freedom until you get in charge then you take it away and say it is for our own good

  10. Tommy Jefferson says:

    I’m surprised some of these fine, upstanding “officers” haven’t yet met Uncle Nunzio. Perhaps someone who visited the memorial will be arranging an appointment soon. I understand just one visit works wonders for rectaloculosis.

  11. Now speeches and marches at national memorials are illegal. So I guess that Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream is now officially dead as he would be thrown to the ground and cuffed. Sorry Gitmo Nation.

  12. UncDon says:

    My guess is that the police in question probably aren’t allowed too high an IQ as a requirement of employment, so it wouldn’t surprise me they have no idea what the 1st amendment means.

    On the other hand, one shouldn’t resist arrest. It will destroy what you’re trying to say and … it might hurt.

  13. Skeptic says:

    Looks like you’ve imported some cheap ‘freedom’ from China.

    … and these citizens will never fly again.

  14. Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? says:

    Looks like a setup and a good way to get your head cracked.

  15. FixTheCauseNotTheSymptom says:

    Notwithstanding there was possibly something going on before the clip started (as often the case) – it was obviously passive and inoffensive by today’s standards.

    The behaviour of the police was fundamentally wrong. Separate the concerned parties, discuss the problem first, then ask them to move on if there is a clear violation of relevant by-laws or ordinances.

    Escalation like shown here can only make it worse for the lawmakers in the long run. They may have been trying to do ‘the right thing’ – but failed miserably at developing community participation.

  16. ± says:

    And of course we have the mostly usual partisan (D and R) defensive/offensive commentary. When this situation is a result of both parties; both ensconced, corrupt to the core, irretrievably debauched parties. And most habitues on this blog are going to help re-elect them like the rest of the retard voters. If you vote D or R YOU are the problem.

    If you vote a third party, you are innocent and trying make a positive change. This is simple basic logic.

    Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results — Albert Einstein

  17. JH says:

    #16…Yes it was a set-up, just the same way Rosa Parks taking a seat was a “Set-up”.

  18. Gotta cut loose, foot loose..

  19. bobbo, Pukes are the Party Alfie supports......... says:

    #18–P&M==Let’s parse:

    And of course we have the mostly usual partisan (D and R) defensive/offensive commentary. /// No, we don’t. Mostly we have non-partisan comment about the loss of liberty with a side shoot of possible injuries when falling.

    When this situation is a result of both parties; both ensconced, corrupt to the core, irretrievably debauched parties. /// So, you put “everything” that happens at the foot of “the parties.” Sounds like a tight tautology you would not have broken. I’d think it was more about the stupidity of any policing agency, the accretion of power, the weakness of those with any power over others. Putting everything down to D&R’s is something Einstein might complain about.

    And most habitues on this blog are going to help re-elect them like the rest of the retard voters. /// Them? Not if my excellent advice is followed and the PUKES are removed from office. Yes, most excellent advice.

    If you vote D or R YOU are the problem. /// Because voting a third party has worked when?

    If you vote a third party, you are innocent and trying make a positive change. This is simple basic logic. /// Every third party effort defeats the candidate more closely associated with the third party positions, but that candidates loses. Third party is a symbolic but ineffectual political position.

    Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results — Albert Einstein /// Yes, like decrying “the system” and advocating actions that have failed over and over.

    No, my friend. Voting PUKES out of office, then voting the dumbest/most corrupt of Dumbos out of office is the ONLY rational response, for reasons stated and extensions thereof.

    Yea, verily.

  20. Angry says:

    #7 That’s Medea Benjamin not Cindy Sheehan. I wondered where all of the anti-war protesters went after Obama was elected. Either they’re less active now or the media pays less attention to them now that their (thin-skinned) man is in office.

  21. Somebody says:

    I don’t understand.

    Bibi Netanyahu said it was a badge of honor that in our free societies you can have protests.

    ‘Cuz this is real democracy!

    You do, however, have to be prepared for a short hospital visit. I mention that for planning purposes for those of you who are rash enough to express an unauthorized opinion in the presence of a uniformed public servant.

    I don’t mean to be overly harsh with respect to the park police. Really, their expertise is more in the line of suicide investigations.

  22. Nolimit662 says:


  23. Nolimit662 says:

    Didn’t realize we were already Nazi Germany. EVERYONE needs to spread this video far and wide…..awaken your friends and neighbors to the truth. Won’t you all be happy when you have to pass tsa grope points to go to the mall, grocery store, school, or sporting event. Janet Napolatano has said she is thinking about just that.

  24. foobar says:

    It’s obvious the love and peace generation is now in charge.

  25. bobbo, Pukes are the Party Alfie supports......... says:

    #24–Somebody==you one note ponies crack me up. Read again, and again, and again until you can grok I said just the opposite.

    Think. It won’t hurt after you find a grove. Kneejerking as you to could lead to tendinitis.

  26. ROB WEST says:

    Soon cellphone video recording will next be a crime.

  27. msbpodcast says:

    In #27, foobar said: It’s obvious the love and peace generation is now in charge.

    Its the children of the love and peace generation who were wearing the uniforms.

    I wonder why the protesters didn’t just form a circle facing each other and kneel on the ground with their hands atop their heads.

    This was just gratuitous violence and either it made the evening news or it disappeared.

  28. nobody says:

    I think dancing with your girlfriend is totally in appropriated for the Jefferson memorial – he should have been raping his slave.

  29. Dallas says:

    Dancing like that should be stopped

  30. sargasso_c says:

    A fine restraining hold.


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