1. bobbo, the love guru says:

    Looping themselves has been done by artists since the very first days of recorded music. Nothing to see here and whats “wrong” with it is that the performance cannot be done live. and thats ok too.

    come to think of it, I wonder if having more than one violin in an orchestra doesn’t do the same thing pre recording era? Yes, I think so. A bit of a reverb/feedback effect that we like.

    Crappy song regardless of how well he sinks and slaps.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    Why do all these guys look so much alike?

  3. MikeL says:

    Reminds me of the oompa loompa’s in Willy Wonka.

  4. bobbo, the love guru says:

    Here’s another example–better beat. I’ve always been very happy I have no musical talent at all, saves so much time not burning hours up with a loop box and other mixing tools. I’m thinking Ravel’s Bolero but more recently Mike Oldenfield. Or just the opposite–Damn I wish I had some musical talent. I’d never see the sunshine if I could sing all the parts and play all the instruments==create one simple piece of music and retire rich. Man!

  5. admfubar says:

    it’s photoshoppe for audio…

  6. Gary In Gilroy says:

    That’s a beautiful rendition of “Death to the Infadel”

  7. Hyph3n says:

    And we got to #7 before a racist comment. I see the therapy here at Dvorak Uncensored is really paying off.

  8. PcMonster says:

    Sounds good but I can’t understand a word he’s saying (singing).

  9. Breetai says:

    The guys good and so was the guy doing sweet dreams. But no one can Top Bobby McFerrin


  10. deowll says:

    I wish him well. He has a lot of talent. Unfortunately I doubt if it will ever make him any money but at least he can have some fun doing it.

  11. Jeremy says:

    or you could just listen to Bon Iver. He is much better.

  12. caleb says:

    Talented? kinda, but a truly awful song. Have a listen to Bon Iver, it is beautiful.

  13. Rob says:

    Sounds good and the video is done well.


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