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I remember saying the pledge. About the first thing I can remember thinking how stupid school was wasting my time like that………and I still get very hostile reactions now as an Adult when I don’t stand for the Stars and Stripes, don’t bow my head in prayer, and don’t say the Pledge.
I have nothing against these things except for the “ceremony” and mass regimentation aspects about them.
Have almost come to scrapes a few times regardless of my size and attitude. So far “Isn’t it all about freedom?” has avoided the physical. Always a close call the bigger the crowd.
Amusing little cogs in the wheel.
Remember the Kant Generator? I bet I could do an Alfie Generator.
“The founders of this country would shoot you in the head for being such a self absorbed prick…”
The founders of your country were Chinese?
Actually, what I meant to say…
The founders of your country were Communist?
Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to insult Chinese people.
No, George Washington was not Chinese, or communist, but he was 6ft 20 and killed for fun… ate opponents brains and invented cocaine…
Same round robin… People are choosing to spit on the freedom that gives them the right to spit. If somebody says “Because of me I am going to give you the power to shoot lasers out of your eyes” I am not going to shoot that person that gives me that power.
# 3 bobbo, “I don’t stand for the Stars and Stripes, don’t bow my head in prayer, and don’t say the Pledge.”
Well, Boberto – I’m a wee bit surprised. I do agree that even in the early years of my formation, I found being required to recite a silly bit of doggerel every morning was noting more than a proforma utterance. Hell, I grew up in a small, rural Arizona school where half the kids were scions of immigrant Mexicans and had no idea what a republic was let alone allegiance.
But, to intentionally disrespect a nation by refusing to stand for the Anthem seems extreme. I don’t put my hand over my heart and sing the lyrics with heartfelt emotion. I suppose as a combat veteran I should feel a stronger affinity to the flag and country thing than I do. Sorry. Maybe because, as a vet, I was screwed over more than considered.
Now, my base of operations is in Thailand. Go to a movie here and you will be expected to stand and pay respect to the King. Foreigners are not expected to bow and scrape, just stand respectfully. You might not be happy here: Thailand has some of the strictest lese-majeste laws in the world. An American man was arrested here last week for insulting the king. He faces 15 years in prison! Be thankful your pal O’Bama didn’t include something like that in the recent Patriot Act legislation.
#11–Animby==I’m happy to see there is a little bit of starch in that uniform of yours. But as I said: “Isn’t it all about freedom?”
So, overseas, not in America==I would follow the local customs and laws. I would be foolish not to recognize the very LACK OF FREEDOM you relate.
but this is America. Who is really being more patriotic: those who conform while muttering under their breath, or those who demonstrate the very freedom being proclaimed?
Now, whenever I see anyone acting as such a lout, I wonder “Whats his problem–drunk, insane, on drugs, NOT PATRIOTIC?” Heh, heh. I love the hypocrisy, good practice in running for office.
As a footnote: I only do this when “no one knows me.” Along with my other antics, I’m sure this display of what freedom actually means would get me fired immediately upon its retelling. Thats part of freedom too.
Just Looking and Alfie, you’re a pair of cheese eating surrender monkies.
This video cracked me up. Thanks for posting it, John!
I also love how those that are offended by this video automatically assume you must be a “leftist” or “progressive” if you dislike the Pledge. Last I checked, the “left” is just as destructive to the Middle East as the “right” (if we must stick to the left/right paradigm)… thanks to G.W. Obama!
In the morning to ya.
How many here would like the United States Flag eliminated as well?
#16–SR==Personally, I don’t care about the flag==one way or the other. My issue is the definition of FREEEEEEEDOM: other people doing things you don’t like. If people want to worship, pay respect to, or shit on a flag, icon, or alter, withing the limits of other people’s property rights, I say: I don’t care, whatever floats your boat.
I leave other people alone, can only hope the same for myself. but conformity is a tribal thing, people love to show their outrage. Some of it is true, most of it is not.
People are silly. That gets expressed in practically everything we do beyond basic bodily functions.
Alfie, I was wrong. You’re a blouse wearing, cheese eating surrender monkey.
Alfie, it’s the Whitest Kids U’ Know. Um sketch comedy? Ring a bell? Nazi Beach Party, etc?
You really need a blow job more than any white kid in history.
3:50 am and it just hit me… lol. All of the left wing hippie liberal freaks are just taking a cue from the pres… You know, disrespecting the national anthem of a country, talking over it… but then when the get their card pulled (Or a harsh look from a queen) in real life, they bitch right up. (Liberal – “Hey puke you moron the Pledge isn’t the National anthem” Me – “Shut the F up”)
#22 What proof do you have that makes you think this was made on the taxpayers dime by hippie liberals? And btw, The US has lost its rule of law
years ago its not a free country.
..” And everything you say will be held against you in a court of Law..”
Jim, believe it or not, these guys actually believe this is some sort or liberal government plot or something instead of a lame cable TV show.
And you thought Nixon was paranoid. That’s what years of Roger Ailes will do to the weak minded.
Very cute.
Is this the GOP installed Supreme Court mandated pledge allegiance?
….. and I pledge allegiance to be a good consumer of goods and services and not complain so much about my future..
#13 – Oh, Bobbo. Say it isn’t so!
You would bow to pressure in a foreign country but not show respect to the symbols of your homeland?
Ooooh, the hypocrisy!
No, people are not choosing to spit on the flag. They are choosing to think about what they are doing instead of mindlessly doing whatever the right wing nutcases say they should. This could be the beginning of a voting populace that doesn’t vote for tax cuts for the rich when there is a deficit. It has nothing to do with their patriotism being bad, it has to do with their IQ.
I’m just amazed they say it in English!
Obviously they should chant Unh, Unh, Barack Hussein Obama, unh, unh, unh to celebrate their loyalty to The One.
Alfie as you continue to prove, your an idiot. Your narrow mind does not contain the ability to recognize either parody nor sarcasm. I really don’t care if you die free or otherwise provided you just would just die already.
>> Taxed Enough Already Dude said, on May 28th, 2011 at 4:49 pm
>> Goonion teachers must go…2012 begins the purge…
I suggest you read a little history about purges before you start calling for one. There’s a good chance, you’ll get purged too!
It isn’t just conservatives who don’t like the Pledge.
The Amish and Mennonites are hardly a bunch of flaming liberals!
Yet, they won’t pledge to a flag. It strikes them as idolatry.
What are the chances that the Taxed Enough dude has a tattoo on his chest which says, “In case of accident or illness, do not treat if I don’t have the cash.”
Or is he one of those full ‘o crap tea partiers who talk a good line about independence but really are a bunch of freeloaders when they get sick?
To a Brit, forcing your children to make this pledge of allegiance every morning may be the most peculiar thing about your entire country.
If the school my kids went to had tried to do any such thing, the only parents who would not have objected would have been the ones who do whatever their “betters” tell them. Note the quote marks – few people here believe anyone is better than them.
For the reality impaired, That was pretty obviously a spoof/satire. The real thing is a mixture of child abuse, brainwashing and unbelievable stupidity.
Convince your kids that you have a brilliant society by giving them evidence. If that proves impossible, maybe you don’t and need to do something. Where’s that “can do” attitude that I hear about?
>> Holdfast,
>> Where’s that “can do” attitude that I hear about?
The conservatives have pretty much killed that attitude off. They are convinced that no progress is possible.
Every time Americans tries to solve our problems or do something better, the conservatives lie, fear-monger and demagogue until the effort dies.