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“Its room 714, I’ll be the one dressed as the maid. Michelle can hold the camcorder”
Not a caption:
I just wonder if O’Bama really COULD order a hit. I’m sure the CIA would think twice. Seals, maybe, but that’s a lot of levels of clearance. I mean now that his butt buddy is running Chicago, is there anyone really THAT loyal to him?
“Hold up there speed. The customer always pays before they play.”
Well, I’m sure Obama could order a hit. After all, the Clintons had Vince Foster snuffed. And there was that “unfortunate accident” with Ronald Brown’s plane.
Except now it’s legal…And you can thank the idiots who voted for the Patriot act…..
OOH LA LA! A shaven wookiee in a dress; I must touch. Easy, it’s not wise to upset a wookie.
There’s some kind of joke in there about “the other white meat” but I’m too tired to come up with it right now…
What happens in Pittsburgh, stays…hmm, yep, stays pretty much in Pittsburgh.
Back off Francois, she has already reached the summit thank you very much.
That is an interesting pose there, like Obama keeping Khan away from Michele. It would be fun to see the video as to what was going on.
Like a crazy mass murderer–Khan’s actions were incredibly self destructive and just about psychotic. At 3000 a night, I’m actually wondering if Maid Rape is not one of the provided services in IMF circles and Khan just forgot to pay up front?
but I hear the maids family is being offered a ton of money back home. Watch for that civil lawsuit to be filed so that money can be legally paid to shut the maid up.
How great men fall, tripping over their….egos. So silly, it makes me doubt his capabilities at the IMF or as the leader of France for that matter.
Silly. He rose to the top, but brought all his baggage along. What is Obama’s ego trap? Not a whisper of money or sex improprieties. Just a failure to bring that change we all expected. Of the two, I think Obama is far worse.
“Quiet, she’s sensitive ’bout those boobs”
#10. Well Done good sir. You have tried and convicted the man on a blog.
Liberals….so quick to judge.
Tee hee.
#12–McCullough–yes, instant Karma is the function of a blog. Here we render opinions, not jail sentences. Very different things. Each according to their nature.
Were you talking about Khan or Obama?
He’s angling to deposit some DNA on her dress.
Khan obviously, there is no question of George W. O’bama’s guilt.
The difference between European right wingers and American Right Wingers? European right wingers like pussy.
“I am honoured to introduce you to my wife.”
No, you can’t!
“Don’t look her directly in the eye, she takes that as a challenge”
Hey !!! No Grab-Assing with my Squeeze !!! I’ll have Seal Team 6 take your head off !!!
Player please. My bottom bitch ain’t part of this joint.
Down, boy !
“Try that again and I’ll have you framed for sexual assault.”
O’bama be pimp’n, no dough, no ho!
#25 PimpDaddy, out of curiosity, which political party can I join to be among many more people like you?
Once again, we see that the First Lady does not own a single sleeve.
Just hold on there cowboy, I’ll show you a real penis.
#26 Well, Democrats dude, my man O’bamas in office now we cans get our piece of the pie.
I don’t want to fuck any of you
nice cock desquised as a hand