And some people complain baseball is slow. IFC, August 15.

  1. bobbo, Mars and Venus brings us to this?......... says:

    I’m trying to think of the female equivalent, but as narcissistic a group as they are, we have them beat.

    Ha, ha.

    What DO they see in us? ((Don’t say wallet!))

  2. admfubar says:

    as exciting as watching grass grow, or compost rot.
    hhmmm, i’m off to the studio with some new ideas… see ya in the fall.

  3. tt says:

    Still problem to hear ep307 of No Agenda at Mevio, direct load via this link that works if you have problem. (static img over player)

  4. bbjester says:

    A riveting television event this will be for sure. What’s next, American Pedestrians? Or my personal fave, Extreme Ditch Diggers.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    Too gay.

  6. Brian says:

    well, the one positive thing I can see in this is that they’re truly running out of ideas for (non-barbaric) reality shows. if this continues, people will either stop watching TV or they’ll start writing more fiction TV shows (sci fi, hopefully) to fill the time. even the worst scifi show I’ve ever seen would be better than that dreck.

  7. Animby says:

    # 1 bobbo, “I’m trying to think of the female equivalent”

    From what little TV I see,I’d have to say it’s something like the Kardashian’s seeing how much they can inflate their chests.

    Do any of you men really like the idea of those high, hard, unnaturally round silicone balloons?

  8. BrainDeadButStillPokingTheClicker says:

    Wow! Reality TV moves one step closer to the show of my dreams, Competitive Decomposition!

  9. Mextli says:

    #7 “Do any of you men really like the idea of those high, hard, unnaturally round silicone balloons?”

    No, grotesque adolescent fantasy.

  10. Animby says:

    #8 – I spent one pre-med school summer working on a body farm in the Mojave Desert. Talk about competitive decomposition!

  11. Thomas says:

    And some people complain baseball is slow. IFC, August 15.

    Baseball is slow. It’s just not as slow as this. Even golf is faster than this.

  12. SR9 says:

    #7 I have photographed a breast enlargement operation. After watching the doctor ram a stick through her nipple and clean out the area to be inflated by pounding the stick all around like I would do cleaning the inside of a dirty gas can without removing the top, I pretty much lost all my fascination with woman’s breasts forever.

    My nomination for reality show: The biggest, stupidest, ugliest face tattoo….

  13. JimD says:

    Nah ! Too HAIRY FOR ME !Q2

  14. spsffan says:

    Obviously sponsored by Gilette in an attempt to sell razors and shaving cream to all those grossed out by this sickening (and boring) display.

  15. Jack Africa, sending it up the stick! says:

    If your dad doesn’t have a beard….

    You’ve got 2 moms!

  16. bobbo, the love guru and political activist says:

    #7–Animby==so you’re saying that men think these beards make them more attractive to women? I was thinking just the opposite, that such beard growing was complete self involvement unrelated to what women wanted. But, I’ve never understood what women see in men beyond financial support and an emotional whipping post.

    Do I like the idea of those high, hard, unnaturally round silicone balloons? /// Well, they aren’t all like that but taking the question as posed, as always, it depends. some are good, others not so much. some tits make clothing look very good and if the alternative is a concave chest, I’d have to give a general yes.

    Viva la difference, say those who don’t appreciate our shared values, hopes, and dreams.


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