
  1. fordprefect says:

    This is my favourite video of Obama visiting my home town. I must have watched it 30 times now.

    The car was defeated by the little metal thing in the ground that keeps the gates level when they are closed. If they hadn’t insisted on going right through the centre of the gate the car would probably have got out. The Irish BMW in front smacked its exhaust off the same thing.

    I’m surprised the Caddy compressed its suspension so much too on such a minor slope too.

  2. KMFIX says:

    Bush’s fault.

  3. MrOil says:

    This has to be the No.1 Epic fail of them all
    even if it happend to all of us this is just to Hight profile !!! Love it

  4. ROB WEST says:

    The President was in the limo behind the one the got stuck.

  5. Mini Leprocon says:

    “Ahh Shit..Dead in the water” May de loouk of de Irish be on ye today laddie..

  6. Smug Toyota Driver says:

    He should have bought a Camry.

  7. denacron says:

    O’bama was said to be making off with some pink hearts, orange stars, yellow moons, green clovers, blue diamonds and purple horse shoes.

  8. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    Black Irish.

  9. Definitely Maybe says:

    # 4 ROB WEST ‘The President was in the limo behind the one the got stuck.’

    Which one was the corpulous Michelle in?

  10. MikeN says:

    They were probably looking the wrong way while entering the road.

  11. McCullough says:

    A competent driver should have seen that coming a mile away. Aren’t these guys supposed to be trained in terrorist evasion tactics…hmmmm?

  12. McCullough says:

    “Michelle, get out and push…I’ll drive.”

  13. Vaquero says:

    When a US aircraft carrier got grounded on a sandbar in the San Francisco Bay years ago, the captain of the ship lost his command…
    Just sayin’.

  14. chuck says:

    He didn’t have an exit strategy.

  15. NobodySpecial says:

    Better in Belfast 10years ago.
    In the other Ireland (the one with all the not-at-all-in-any-way terrorists) they needed some speed bumps to deal with stolen cars.

    Who do you get to build the speed bumps when you have all these army standing around?

    What do you get if you ask the army engineers to build an obstacle across the road to stop vehicles?

    Exactly – the city woke up to a bunch of major roads that you could only drive down if you had a land rover (or a tank) !

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    So glad Obama is making good in Ireland.

    So when is he going to make good in Joplin, Memphis, Mississippi, or Louisiana??

    I sure remember the day when a President would cancel a foreign trip for problems at home.

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Ah-yea…that’s the narrative on Fox today.

  18. bobbo, Republicans are all Lying Scum Suckers says:

    Ah Yea–no cringe of hypocrisy or pettiness? None at all? No chest thumping about States Rights?

    Partisan Non Think on full display. What does your brain look like when thinking about Obama?

    Silly Human.

  19. Buzz Mega says:

    Caddy. Bullet proof. No such thing as extending load-level suspension. Lesson learned.

    Note to Secret Service: Bullet proof doesn’t help if vehicle not driveway-proof. Contact Citroen. Ask about suspension.

  20. spsffan says:

    #19. The last thing Joplin Missouri needs is the POTUS entourage showing up draining precious police and other emergency response personnel’s time.

    There’s nothing he can’t do from over there or delegate to Biden that would make a difference.

    It reminds me of Fiddler on the Roof when one of the townspeople asks the Rabbi if there is a proper blessing for the Tsar. The rabbi replies, “A blessing for the Tsar, of course. May God bless and keep the Tsar, far away from us!”

    My sincerest sympathy to those affected by the tornadoes and floods. They don’t need the additional disruption of a presidential visit just yet. You will note that the only public statement Obama made yesterday WAS about the tornadoes back home.

    Bush of course, wouldn’t be doing anything as important as a state visit to our closest ally. He would be reading story books!

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #23…more likely he would be clearing brush in Crawford.

    But if Obama was in Joplin, the narrative would be that he’s already campaigning. Etc.

  22. MikeN says:

    Not the most humiliating thing to happen to him this week. That would be the lecturing he suffered at the hand of Netanyahu, and then having to go grovel at AIPAC. I’m sure Paul Ryan was smiling.

  23. jbenson2 says:

    Meeschelle’s diet program is not working out so well.

  24. Osama Bin Laden says:

    Missed opportunity for a well aimed RPG…

    Anyway, how did they get the car out in the end?

  25. Nelson says:

    HA HA!

  26. subatomic_rage says:

    What I love about this is it’s the US Embassy. Anyone up for taking over as the new US Ambassador to Ireland?

  27. Yankinwaoz says:

    #22… bingo! I was thinking the same thing. They need to talk to Citron about redoing that suspension system.

  28. msbpodcast says:

    At some point you can’t reinforce those Cadillac limos anymore and expect them move at all; they don’t have enough ground clearance.

    The V.I.P. in front should have been in a stretch Hummer. (What the hell? He could have rented one from a wedding consultant, painted it black, done the trip, and had it re-painted white and given it back.)

  29. jescott418 says:

    Darn things are so heavy with all that bullet proof glass. But it’s Funny!

  30. sargasso_c says:

    An instant Youtube sensation.


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