Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we look closely at some weirdness.
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  1. ECA says:

    lets get this clear for everyone..
    CORPS and stocks..
    Always look up..NEVER DOWN or sideways…NOTHING stable..always UP.
    It doesnt matter how Positive you are…they make you seem LESS positive..

  2. deowll says:

    Pakistan is going to give a navel base to China.

    More action on the gold/silver is money state side.

    A lot of gold/silver buying is still going on.

    Obama gives Israel a knee to the groin.

    Wall Street types are buying up farm land much of it outside of the US.

    Major investors/Corporations are putting more money outside the US. Due to tax laws they don’t seem to want to bring any of it home.

    The list of groups getting wavers from Obamacare is staggering and most of them supported it.

    This has not started off as good growing season for many farmers in the US.

    I think we are setting some sort of record for weather related disasters. The pattern fits historically with a cooler than normal trend which is why a few people seem to have correctly predicted it.

    Libya looks to be slowly turning into a ground war using NATO forces.

    No progress on the deficient but why worry? Our credit is still good. Nobody is dumping our bonds and money…Okay they are but with both the Euro and the dollar becoming less attractive at the same time and people needing to keep their cash in some currency or precious metals…

    Then we had the bible thumper that said he knew when the end was when his Bible said no man knows the day or the hour….If you want to pretend to be a Christian at least read the book. Is that too much to ask? Okay why did I even bother to ask?

    May God bless and keep each and every one of you.

  3. Publius says:

    Dvorak, you’ve just been had by photoshoppers, and your reputation has been successfully misused to spread their work.

  4. Joe says:

    I had to shake my head when John and Andrew were talking about Israel and the border. Ignorance on display.


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