There have been cases of for-profit prisons pushing for legislation to criminalize more things to provide a steady flow of ‘clients,’ so this is a surprise? A three-strike law is like a windfall. Some things are better done by government.

The conviction that private prisons save money helped drive more than 30 states to turn to them for housing inmates. But Arizona shows that popular wisdom might be wrong: Data there suggest that privately operated prisons can cost more to operate than state-run prisons — even though they often steer clear of the sickest, costliest inmates.

The state’s experience has particular relevance now, as many politicians have promised to ease budget problems by trimming state agencies. Florida and Ohio are planning major shifts toward private prisons, and Arizona is expected to sign deals doubling its private-inmate population.

The measures would be a shot in the arm for an industry that has struggled, in some places, to fill prison beds as the number of inmates nationwide has leveled off. But hopes of big taxpayer benefits might end in disappointment, independent experts say.

“There’s a perception that the private sector is always going to do it more efficiently and less costly,” said Russ Van Vleet, a former co-director of the University of Utah Criminal Justice Center. “But there really isn’t much out there that says that’s correct.”

  1. CVFlyer says:

    The United States represent 4 percent of the population on the planet. The percentage of prisoners on the planet, we comprise 25 percent of the worlds population in prison. If prison population is a reflection of our population, are we truly such an evil society? I personally think its been our generation watching all those TV cop shows, going back to Dragnet,Miami Vice,Swat,Law & Order, and on and on. Our citizens grew up on these style shows and expect that law Enforcement will resolve societies ills. If that isn’t the case, then I just guess we must be an evil society, or at least worse then rest of the world according to our prison population levels.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Private businesses seldom do it cheaper or more efficiently. They only do it more profitably.

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I always marvel at the logic of public officials who sell or lease away government functions in the name of saving money.

  4. bobbo, DOGMA barks says:

    More DOGMA. I wonder how many in a row can be touted up:

    “Capitalism/for profit competition is the best approach for any problem.”

    Believed by millions and disproved every day of the year.

    Choose your DOGMA carefully.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    I guess you’re right, Alfred. You’ve shown me the light.

    The ultra-capitalistic mafia economy of Russia is a shining example we need to emulate to be truly free. And as for China, it only took killing a few hundred million people before it could institute it’s free-market capitalism (the reports that there are problems with it must be lies). Sounds good to me!

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    Since you seem to be forgetful in your dotage, Alfred, let you remind you what I’ve said in the past. I am an avowed capitalist, but one who wants government regulation to prevent the abuses like we have now with Wall Street, or meat inspection, etc. Yes, money in politics has corrupted things, but that doesn’t mean regulation isn’t needed that allows growth and innovation while stopping the excesses of greed at any cost.

    Also, I want much smaller government. Drastically cut the military. Drastically cut subsidies to… everyone. Close tax loopholes on the wealthy. In other words, treat everyone the same like the Constitution promised while providing services the majority want the government to provide. I know you don’t, but most do.

    See, we are very much alike, Alfred.

  7. bobbo, DOGMA barks says:

    #6–Unc Dave==excellent point. Yes, if you kill millions outright, the need for jails is greatly reduced.

    Does put a different light on things.

    for profit motives: inspiring enough to find Judges taking bribes to send juvies to for profit jail rather than back home to their parents.

    Yet, the Cult of the Free Market lives on.

  8. Pinkerton says:

    #1 – I have often wondered the same things. Why would an industrialized democracy lead the per capita imprisonment rate for the entire world? We are definitely more gung-ho, but also have better crime-solving capabilities. We also have politicians who do not want to be seen as easy on crime, and are increasingly lured with $$$ to make laws that benefit certain interests. It’s one of those things that makes me wonder if we need to hit the reset button on our government and start from scratch, but we’d probably get screwed worse in a new Constitution.

  9. MikeN says:

    Not worth a minimal cost savings to privatize prisons, or even a big cost savings.

    The article is vague in too many places to be believable. The article says the study is very rigorous, accounting for things like pension costs, the first thing that came to mind, but then it says prisoners can cost $1600 more per day. Do they or don’t they? Someone needs to look up the actual study. There is one other potential gain. It is very easy to dump a private prison, not so easy to reduce a government workforce.

  10. Vaquero says:

    A great idea would be for any country (Mexico) receiving US dollars to be required to house US prisoners. It would be cheaper for these third world countries to feed and clothe and care for these prisoners in the manner to which they are truly entitled.
    But of course, this could NEVER happen.
    Makes too much sense.

  11. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Gee, I guess I missed Unc Dave’s point: not that per capita cost of prisoner making should be as cheap as possible, whether for profit or moved to Mexico===BUT THAT THERE SHOULD BE FEWER PRISONERS!!!!!

    Maybe that will help.

  12. JimD says:

    Private Prisons only generate PROFITS FOR PROFITEERS !!! And DEAD INMATES !!! SHUT DOWN THESE OUTRAGES !!!

  13. Animby says:

    # 4 Alfie said, “It is elementary prisons can be run cheaply, Sheriff Joe Arpaio proved that:” … “Far more evidence private business always does better”

    Gee, Alf. Contradict yourself much? Also, be reminded that Arpaio is constantly in trouble for forcing inmates to live in marginal conditions. Tents in the desert? Come on.

    , is everywhere.

    # 14 Taxed Enough Already Dude said, on May 23rd, 2011 at 7:25 am

    In #10 Alfie makes a wondrous statement: “the common sense alternative to bureaucracy, law enforcement.”

    Dat’s funny. Law enforcement IS bureaucracy. Think, Alfie. I know it must hurt but it is so necessary.

    # 11 bobbo said, “if you kill millions outright, the need for jails is greatly reduced.” And unemployment is kept down. Fewer people looking for work and many more gravedigging jobs!

  14. foobar says:

    It’s a circle jerk. Use tax payer money to build and fund these companies, then they fund your election campaigns. Just ask Jan Brewer and Bill Richardson.

  15. rick says:

    Here in Oklahoma we have had prisoners escape by simply WALKING OUT. The guards were either not paying attention or as a cost-saving measure they didn’t have enough guards on duty.

    Two of the men that walked out of one Oklahoma for-profit prison later murdered an elderly couple and burned them in their mobile home.

    The moronic idea of course was pushed by Republican governor Keating. Then of course it was time to toss people in prisons for minor drug offenses so as to help the private prisons earn more tax dollar money.

  16. Named says:

    Holy Jebus. Are people STILL trying to “reason” with Alfie? Please look up the definition of Sisyphean…

  17. chris says:

    Uncle Dave- “Some things are better done by government.”


    The best test I can think of is the “bad bonus” test. Should someone be making a bonus for their efforts to maximize prison population?

    Healthcare: Should someone be making a bonus for denying claims at higher rates than the business average?

  18. MikeN says:

    >It’s a circle jerk. Use tax payer money to build and fund these companies, then they fund your election campaigns.

    Yea, that’s why they should shut down the government unions.


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