Executive Producers: James Irvine, Gavin Warren, Baron Steven Pelsmaekers, Simen Field-Olson
Associate Executive Producer: Janice Kang
Art By: Thijs Brouwers

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  1. Publius says:

    Defensive wars excepted, War is Hate.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Ain’t she tweet.
    Ain’t she tweet.
    And I shall ask you very confidentially.
    Ain’t she tweet.

  3. Floyd says:

    “It’s the end of the world as we know it,
    And I feel Fiiiiiiine”

    Thank you Michael Stipe and REM.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    John Cassevetes was a card, wasn’t he?

    And I KNOW people in Brooklyn like that.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Wait…. there’s a “World” now? When did that happen? Actually I remember there was a so-called “world”, back when I was in grade school. And then that idea or term seem to be retired, in favor of a “planet” or “rock” in space. Remember the supposedly “popular” Tv Sitcom, “3rd Rock from the Sun”? I say supposedly popular, because I never liked it. And I suspect its favorable rating were a fabrication, just to keep in on the air. But nobody’s rerunning it anymore, are they?

    Calling the World, “the World”, seemed to relegated only to the use of Doomsdayers, movie trailers (as in “In a world…”), and Encyclopedia publishers. Beyond that, it became replaced by the “Planeteers” use of Planet. As in “Planet Hollywood”, “Planet this” and “Planet that”. Purposely shrinking the significance of everything in our World, to only the physical dimensions of its size. As a means of promoting the notion of taxpayer funded space travel. “You’re living on a pea in space. Time to move on!” “The Meteors are coming! Let’s pop on over to Mars.” That kind of propaganda.

    Well we still only live on one planet. And very likely the huge majority of us always will. While a tiny, insignificant fraction of the human population might visit another planet in the distant future. Temporarily. The rest of us don’t really need to keep referring to our world as “Planet Earth”. As if there’s another we’ve got to live on. And they haven’t changed the “WWF” to the PWF yet. Or the World Book Encyclopedia, to the Planet Book… If they ever did, I’d probably refuse to have anything to do with them. As I do “Planet Hollywood”.

    Can’t wait for the “End of the Planet Hollywoods”. And other equally lame “Planet (insert-name)” for-profit entities. Those predicted demises I could really get behind.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Ya know technically, Cassevetes could be eleven days off. I don’t know what he based his date on, besides adding 7000 years it some starting date he worked out, as the beginning of Earth. But the US calendar LOST eleven days, back in the 1790s, when they adjusted it to coincide with the corrected Roman calendar. Which lost ten days back in the 1580s. So… if Cassevetes had missed that little detail. The end of the world doesn’t really happen until June 1st. Ha, ha! All is not lost yet. I mean, all may not yet not be lost, yet. Whatever!

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Oops. Sorry I meant Harold Camping. Not Cassevetes. Where did that name come from? Did he predict doomsday too? One day old Harold will be right. His world will come to an end. He’ll be dead! And since apparently he’s all he cares about. The rest of us can just go to h*ll, regardless.

  8. TThor says:

    Hmmmm…. the volcano eruption on Iceland. Doesn’t count?

  9. Glenn E. says:

    A question on “Are You Smarter Than A FiFth Grade”, concerning volcanoes, resulted in the answer being “ICELAND”. And that was aired a day or so before May 21th. I didn’t know Iceland even had any volcanoes. Let alone that any 5th graders knew it. And by the way, the one on the show, didn’t know the right answer either. But the contestant guessed “Iceland” because, she said she recently heard something in the news. Again, this was before May 21st. So it’s not like this eruption was a surprise event. And what was the Japanese earthquake? A latecomer, not to be counted?

  10. Glenn E. says:

    BTW, nothing to do with the end of the world. But I hope DU says something about Warner Bros. pictures being sued for a copyright violation of Mike Tyson’s facial tattoo. Fitting that an MPAA member would suffer what they make others suffer, for assuming they can use some artist’s work without the their permission, just because said artist didn’t object the first time they did this. Now Warner is getting a taste of how copyright laws can apply against them. I hope they suffer.

  11. jdmurray says:


  12. Kerberos says:

    Anyone else feel abit peeved AC cut off JCD from looking more into the rapture scam. Felt there was alot to look at there. THey guy just scammed alot of people out of alot of money using something that is close to alot of people hearts. Interesting to see JCD’s take on it. Also AC stop overmodulating, your voice isnt that deep and my earbuds keep vibrating out. 😉


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