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  1. lakelady says:

    Not seen since May 21 they left a note saying they were giving new meaning to the phrase “come hell or high water”

  2. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Hello, Dominoes?
    You still got that 30 minutes or less or it’s free guarantee?

  3. Water says:

    You should rise to the occasion…

  4. BubbaRay says:

    Bubba takes the U.S. CDC zombie blog quite seriously.

  5. B says:

    The Polder Model

  6. foobar says:

    One cranky old guy with a D9: 1
    Flood: 0

    No contest

  7. Great American says:

    “a 10x view of Dallas’ well-used brown eye”.

  8. Jlandi says:

    Man 1 Mother Nature 12,392,233,452,135,912,563

  9. A55H0L3 LAWYER says:


  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    If it keeps on raining
    The levi’s gonna break

    Led Zepplin

    “Oopps, honey, did you bury the out house?”

    “Nothing runs like a Deere, except a Cat D9.”

    Row row row your boat
    Underneath the stream
    Ha ha fooled you
    I’m a submarine

    As the ice caps melt, a common occurrence is farmers land being reclaimed by the sea.

    “Honey, where’s the plunger?”

  11. noneofyourbusiness says:

    …and the 3rd little piggie didn’t wait for the government to save his home, unlike the other little piggies who lost everything.

    So, kiddies, the moral of the story is to get off your fat ass and take care of things yourself.

  12. Just Looking says:

    Al Bundy clogs the toilet again.

  13. RSweeney says:

    So you thought that tractors were just for plowing?

  14. Nawibo says:

    #36 you beat me to it. Will have to use my second one.


  15. whosmatt says:

    Donuts save lives.


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